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Thread: Keto Question

  1. #1

    Keto Question

    I have been following Palumbo's keto plan to a T.....It is working extraordinarily well as I have lost 8lb in 7 days (mostly water I assume). My question is this: Would there be a detrimental effect of me marginally lowering the amount of calories I am consuming?

    What do the keto gurus think of the following?

    MEAL #1
    3 whole eggs, 5 whites

    MEAL #2
    SHAKE: 50g Isopure, 1 Tbsp Natty PB

    MEAL #3
    2 Cans Tuna W/ 2 Tbsp Smart Balance 0mega plus mayo (4g carb)

    MEAL #4 - snack
    1/4 Cup Almonds

    MEAL #5
    8oz Salmon, Beef Steak, Venison Steak or Cix Breast with a green salad (greens and mushroom olive oil & vin)

    MEAL #6
    SHAKE: 50g Isopure, 1 Tbsp Natty PB

    I also take 2 fish oil pills and a quality multivitamin daily

    If my calculations are correct this adds up to 2300 to 2700 cals per day with about 20g carbs depending on the meat at the "dinner" whole food meal...

    Any reason I would have an issue running this?

    Thanks in advance for the feedback

  2. #2
    you need to post your stats

  3. #3
    30yo 5'10" 230lb 19%bf

    Weight loss has come to a halt, it just seems that there is not a big enough caloric deficit to lose significant weight on this plan.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    are you doing any cardio

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by 2fat4me View Post
    30yo 5'10" 230lb 19%bf

    Weight loss has come to a halt, it just seems that there is not a big enough caloric deficit to lose significant weight on this plan.
    That is just a basic version of the diet that is given out by Dave for free. You can tweak it to your individual needs based off of your lean body mass. Also there is a very simple way to make this diet based on your own stats.

    lean bodyweight x 1.5 = grams of protein per day.
    multiply that number by 4 and thats the amount of calories a day you want from proteins. And you want that same number for fat calories as well. Divide that number by 9 and thats the amount of grams of fat you want per day.

    Pretty simple

    Of course, thats a basic way to do it. You could get more advanced by factoring in your daily activity level and maintenance needs, etc.

    Also, anabolics, supplements, stimulants, type of training and cardio can come into play as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    give me an outline of your cardio.

    and for your meals...try this..

    MEAL #1
    4 whole o3 eggs. 30g whey .
    3x fish oil

    MEAL #2
    8oz tuna or chicken breast., handfull of almonds.
    2x Calcium pills.

    MEAL #3
    50g whey , 1 tablespoon of natty pb

    MEAL #4
    8oz beef or salmon. i cup or greens. (broccoli,beans or asparagus) 1 tablespoon of macadamia nut oil.
    1x multivitamin & minerals

    MEAL #5
    8oz chicken or tuna, handfull of walnuts.
    3x fish oil

    MEAL #6
    50g whey , 1 tablespoon natty pb.

    and remember after 2 weeks of the diet start having your cheat meal. once per week. preferably your last meal of the day. and on a sunday.

    hope this helps.

    i used this while preparing for a show and lost 50lbs over 16 weeks. i was natty at the time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    as far as cardio goes i just do 30-45 minutes staying in my target heart range

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Increase cardio to 45-60 min per day (except on leg training day) and your fat intake could be a little on the low side for just getting started. Don't expect things to happen so quickly. It takes time!

    Also, you should have started out with carb cycling to get the most of that plan before hitting ketosis!!!

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