I have been following Palumbo's keto plan to a T.....It is working extraordinarily well as I have lost 8lb in 7 days (mostly water I assume). My question is this: Would there be a detrimental effect of me marginally lowering the amount of calories I am consuming?
What do the keto gurus think of the following?
3 whole eggs, 5 whites
SHAKE: 50g Isopure, 1 Tbsp Natty PB
2 Cans Tuna W/ 2 Tbsp Smart Balance 0mega plus mayo (4g carb)
MEAL #4 - snack
1/4 Cup Almonds
8oz Salmon, Beef Steak, Venison Steak or Cix Breast with a green salad (greens and mushroom olive oil & vin)
SHAKE: 50g Isopure, 1 Tbsp Natty PB
I also take 2 fish oil pills and a quality multivitamin daily
If my calculations are correct this adds up to 2300 to 2700 cals per day with about 20g carbs depending on the meat at the "dinner" whole food meal...
Any reason I would have an issue running this?
Thanks in advance for the feedback