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  1. #1
    Rockstar1990's Avatar
    Rockstar1990 is offline Junior Member
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    Arrow critique my cutting diet please

    630 am cardio

    730 am breakfast
    1 scoop 100% whey (24g protien)
    1 whole egg 5 egg whites (28g protien)
    1/2 cup oats (27g carbs)
    1/2 skim milk (4g protien, 6g carbs)

    10 am
    Pro complex (60g protien)
    1 or 2tbsp flax oil

    11am Lift weights

    1 15pm
    2:1:1 recovery (35g protien, 70 carbs)

    4 pm
    8oz of meat (40g protien)
    1/2 cup oats (27g carbs)
    1/2 skim milk (4g protien, 6g carbs)

    8oz of meat (40g protien)
    1tbsp olive oil

    Casien shake (50g protien)
    (all natural peanut butter 1 or 2 tbsp)

    I am 200lbs 6foot tall about 18%bf and am 19 years old

    any suggestions?
    I have the two shakes in a row because i am at college for convience
    how much fat should i eat?
    What type of cardio and how long?

    Thanks much everyone

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    What is your goal? Also, please add the totals for the day.

  3. #3
    Rockstar1990's Avatar
    Rockstar1990 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    What is your goal? Also, please add the totals for the day.
    My goal is to loose fat while maintaining my muslces...thats obvious

    but idk the total because i havent started my cutting yet. I will in three weeks so i am trying to get advice now so when its time ill be on track

    on average its about

    300g protien = 1200 cal
    140g carbs= 560 cal
    60g fat= 540 cal

    total = 2300 cal

  4. #4
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    I would add about 300 calories to your day. Your carbs are low you need them before you lift.

  5. #5
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    Your dpending too much on supps rather than food.

  6. #6
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rockstar1990 View Post
    630 am cardio

    730 am breakfast
    1 scoop 100% whey (24g protien)
    1 whole egg 5 egg whites (28g protien)
    1/2 cup oats (27g carbs)
    1/2 skim milk (4g protien, 6g carbs) Sub with water

    10 am
    Pro complex (60g protien)
    1 or 2tbsp flax oil make this 6 oz chicken breast, 2 cups veggies, 1 tbs olive oil

    11am Lift weights

    1 15pm
    2:1:1 recovery (35g protien, 70 carbs) Too much carbs, make it 40 grams

    4 pm
    8oz of meat (40g protien) Sub with chicken or fish
    1/2 cup oats (27g carbs)
    1/2 skim milk (4g protien, 6g carbs) Sub with water, Add 2 cups veggies

    8oz of meat (40g protien) Sub with chicken or fish or egg whites
    1tbsp olive oil add 1 cup veggies

    Casien shake (50g protien)
    (all natural peanut butter 1 or 2 tbsp)

    I am 200lbs 6foot tall about 18%bf and am 19 years old

    any suggestions?
    I have the two shakes in a row because i am at college for convience
    how much fat should i eat?
    What type of cardio and how long?

    Thanks much everyone
    In bold.

  7. #7
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I agree with Fallen, I would add in some carbs, maybe 50 grams now and another 50 in a couple weeks. I am not sure what Smoke means when he wants you to subsitute chicken or fish to replace meat? I do agree with Smoke on adding in Veggies but if you follow all his recommendations you I think you are going to be down around 2000 calories which I think is too low.

    As far as cardio I would be at 40 minutes a day 7 days a week first thing in the morning. You should start seeing results soon.

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