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Thread: Caloric intake

  1. #1

    Caloric intake

    I weighed in about 175. I don't compete but I want to gain at slow but steady rate.

    Someone mentioned taking in 2400 calories..with two days of carbo load.

    How many carbs do I need a day to grow...i.e iso-caloric diet..200 protein, 200 carbs?

    Is this enough calories?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Based on the 175

    175 x 1.5 = 263.5 G Protein

    = 1054 Kcal from Protein

    175 x 2.5 = 437.5 G Carbs

    = 1750Kcal from carbs

    Total from Protein/carbs 2800kcal

    Fat shold range from 10-20% say 15% = 420Kcal from Fat which = 46g from fat approx, this should be fat which naturally occurs in your protein sources, and EFA's (omega 3 and 6)

    Therefore total Kcal 3220.

    Adjust Carb levels to achieve the goal you set.

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