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Thread: anyone have good diet tips?!

  1. #1

    Talking anyone have good diet tips?!

    hi, i am 20 yrs old, 5'8'' 160 lbs. i am constantly looking for new diets and eating habits...i have tried them all. i need something simple and easy to work with between school and work. i was taking trim spa but now i am thinking about going back to xenadrine, but i know it doesnt work by itself--i need to change my diet around. all my weight goes to my lower body(peared shape)...any info would help!

    i am lookin to eat around 4-5 small meals a day.

  2. #2
    chinups Guest
    I robbed this from someone off the board. But you can't say I don't research...

    Diet Guidelines:

    Avoid All starches, You don't need them if your goal is to get down to 4-7 fucking Percent BodyFat.

    1. Eat Tons of Green Veggies (Fiber)

    2. Eat Lots of Healthy Fats ex. Steak, Flax Oil, E.v. OliveOil, Salmon, Fish Oils, etc. (Energy)

    3. Eat TONS of Protein (Preserve Muscles)

    4. DRINK 1 1/2 gallons of H20 a day AT LEAST.

    Avoid ALL fruit drinks, Juices, rice, breads.

    Eat carbos ONLY after a grueling Glycogen depleting workout.

    You will have Tons of energy from the Healthy Fats,
    Good digestion from the Fiber,
    and great Muscle Hardness and Protection from the Protein.

    Healthy Fats = Energy
    Protein = Muscle Hardness, Muscle Protection
    Fiber = Digestion, and various other health Benefits.

    Healthy Fats, Lots of Fiber, And TONS of Protein. That's the key.

    Not only will you DROP bodyfat while maintaing Muscle, but you will ALSO have an abundance of energy and your skin (complexion) will be looking great as well.

    Example of a Day...

    1. 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
    2. 8 - 10oz London Broil Steak (Extra Lean)/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
    3. Grilled Salmon/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
    4. 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
    5. 2 Cans of Tuna/ Chopped Onions/Celery/ 1 tablespoon of Safflower Mayonaise.
    6. (Post Workout) MRP or 2 servings of Whey/10oz Orange Juice.
    7. 8-10oz Extra Lean Steak/ 2 cups Veggies.

    Breaks Down to about :
    Protein 1.5 - 2 grams per lb of Bodyweight
    Fat .5 - .75grams per lb of Bodyweight
    Carbs (only post workout) 30-50 grams
    Fiber in the form of Green Veggies - As much as Possible.


    Do NOT take ANY FAT BURNERS...why? They will Surpress your appetite TOO much, You need to eat every 2 hours. If you take a fat burner you won't be up to it.

    1 Multivitamin
    Extra Zinc 30 - 50mgs
    Fish Oil Caps
    Flax Oil Liquid
    200mcg Selenium
    800mgs Folic Acid
    800iu Vitamin E
    2grams Vitamin C

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