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Thread: starting a cycle, how should my diet change

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    starting a cycle, how should my diet change

    ok jamy and phate, i'm starting test cycp. tren, and winnie .
    i need to know what should increase ?
    cal. carbs protein ?
    i'm at around 2200-2300 cal a day
    somewhere in the area of 120-140 carbs 200-300 gm of protein and 20-30 gm of fat.
    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    im not jammy or phate but what is your BMR? hehe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle of a Cornfield
    It's hard to know without seeing what you eat. You could be getting all your fat from a Big Mac, ect. lay out your diet plan first and we'll critique it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    also, do you have accurate body fat measurments.. this will make all the difference in regards to BMR calcs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    my bmr is around 1977 according to jamy who help me with it. i burn around 2700-3000 cal a day.

    my diet
    meal 1 5:30
    oat meal
    2 pieces of toast
    5-6 whole eggs

    meal 2 9:30
    a piece of steak or fish

    meal 3 12:00
    cottage cheese
    sweet potato

    meal 4 3:30
    turkey sandwich
    yogurt(no fat)

    meal 5 6:30
    fish, steak or chicken
    sweet potato
    steemed veggies

    workout --7-9
    pwo shake and some fruit

    10:00-- sleep

    now sometimes there may be a protein bar in between some of those meals.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by dodgeboy View Post
    my bmr is around 1977 according to jamy who help me with it. i burn around 2700-3000 cal a day.

    my diet
    meal 1 5:30
    oat meal
    2 pieces of toast
    5-6 whole eggs

    meal 2 9:30
    a piece of steak or fish

    meal 3 12:00
    cottage cheese
    sweet potato

    meal 4 3:30
    turkey sandwich
    yogurt(no fat)

    meal 5 6:30
    fish, steak or chicken
    sweet potato
    steemed veggies

    workout --7-9
    pwo shake and some fruit

    10:00-- sleep

    now sometimes there may be a protein bar in between some of those meals.
    you still didnt supply macros for all the foods and daily caloric intake... wait you burn around 3k cal a day??! doing what

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    i'm a carpenter--framer.
    non stop all day
    they are in my 1st post

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    yes, but we will need them for every meal, 200-300g protein is verrrry broad

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    you burn more cals then you eat each day??

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Proper food selection is useless if you are eating the wrong amounts.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    What are your goals for the cycle? Sounds like you are are doing a pretty extreem cut. I don't know your specifics, but 500 kcal below maintainance is a lot. If I were to eat like that I would loose a lot of muscle. I also wouldn't be able to swing a hammer all day. I would be exhausted.

    Why the fruit in your last meal? Sugar at night is generally frowned apon. The only time sugar is really good is pre-work out. If you eat fruit right before bed, that sugar will be stored as fat. Before bed meal is usually straight protein.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfalco View Post
    What are your goals for the cycle? Sounds like you are are doing a pretty extreem cut. I don't know your specifics, but 500 kcal below maintainance is a lot. If I were to eat like that I would loose a lot of muscle. I also wouldn't be able to swing a hammer all day. I would be exhausted.

    Why the fruit in your last meal? Sugar at night is generally frowned apon. The only time sugar is really good is pre-work out. If you eat fruit right before bed, that sugar will be stored as fat. Before bed meal is usually straight protein.
    500cal below mainteneance is 1lbs per week, your not eating at your true maintenance level

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    500cal below mainteneance is 1lbs per week, your not eating at your true maintenance level

    It is common to cut by eating at maintainance and increasing cardio. I guess the increase in cardio actually increases your maintainance and essentially you are eating below maintainance if you do this, so I see what you are saying. Of course, by definition you won't loose weight if you are eating at maintainance, but most people don't think of it this way.

    I don't know anything about the OP's current stats and goals, which is why I asked. I said for me, if I calculated my maintainance cals and then ate 500 less a day, I would be very tired and weak. I also need to eat about 700 cals above my calculated maintainance to gain a pound a week. If I eat at my maintainance, my weight stays very steady, so I think I have it right.

    Sure we all know that the body needs about 3500 kcal to gain 1 pound. I'm not sure this translates directly to weight loss. Even if it does, how much of that pound do you want to be muscle. Personally I want it to be as close to zero as possible and for me, if I ate this little, I would loose more muscle than fat. The goal of cutting is fat loss not weight loss. We're all diffenent. I understand how diet affect my own body pretty well, but I can't say that what works for me or doesn't work for me will be the same for someone else.
    Last edited by jfalco; 04-28-2009 at 09:25 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    i was eating that 500 under to lose weight and to try to burn off some fat i had. doing about 30-35 min of cardio a day.
    i have no problem with energy at the end of the day. i mean i'm tired from working all day, but i eat dinner and go to the gym and have a great work out.
    i think the split im going to try to do on the diet is 40-40 -20. i'm gonna just throw some numbers out... let say my mant. was 3000 cal. should i try to be above that by 500 or so? or should it be more for muscle developement?
    i want to try to lean out even more but at the same time add some size and strenght. i know thats hard to do, kinda gotta give up one for the other. but i have no problem sticking to my diet.
    as for the apple or pear i eat after the work out, i was told to eat a simple carb after work out. i dont have any problem dropping it, just doing what i was told

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. T-MOS
    hey guys...

    to the op...

    u need macros bro.. pro/fat/cal/carb....

    i also need u to add time times u work and the times u workout.....

    u can use for macros... once u have that, you'll be tweaked..

    btw your food choices dont look too bad, but i need all the info to tweak for u...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    ok thanks jamy. i'll have to get that later tonight. so please check back

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. T-MOS
    u know i will bud...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    You're right about the post work out. It is fine. I just looked quick and saw that it was your last meal of the day.

    40-40-20 is a pretty standard split and should give you good results. If you're trying to bulk, the yes go 500 above. If you keep it nice and clean like you are now you should see nice lean gains. I wouldn't worry about cutting during your cycle. All the muscle you gain will make it easier to cut later. Wait to cut until after your pct.

    any advice you got from the vets in the diet section trumps anything I say. I learned a lot of what I know from those guys and I'm mostly repeating what they told me as I understand it. Until recently I was more of a runner than a bber. I know a bit about sports nutrition, but bb nutrition is unique and I'm still learning.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. T-MOS
    ^^ seems like sound advice to me bro...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jfalco View Post
    It is common to cut by eating at maintainance and increasing cardio. I guess the increase in cardio actually increases your maintainance and essentially you are eating below maintainance if you do this, so I see what you are saying. Of course, by definition you won't loose weight if you are eating at maintainance, but most people don't think of it this way.

    I don't know anything about the OP's current stats and goals, which is why I asked. I said for me, if I calculated my maintainance cals and then ate 500 less a day, I would be very tired and weak. I also need to eat about 700 cals above my calculated maintainance to gain a pound a week. If I eat at my maintainance, my weight stays very steady, so I think I have it right.

    Sure we all know that the body needs about 3500 kcal to gain 1 pound. I'm not sure this translates directly to weight loss. Even if it does, how much of that pound do you want to be muscle. Personally I want it to be as close to zero as possible and for me, if I ate this little, I would loose more muscle than fat. The goal of cutting is fat loss not weight loss. We're all diffenent. I understand how diet affect my own body pretty well, but I can't say that what works for me or doesn't work for me will be the same for someone else.
    nobody will be able to tell you exactly how much your body needs but yourself.. at least you learned this!

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