I'm going to "Bulk than Cut "
this is a common phrase you hear from people in body building
now, so i understand this correctly what they mean is
I.E for a 150lb person looking to gain 15lb up to 165lb
they are going to switch their diet to a 3500 calorie diet
with a split 40% 40% 20% in most cases
of course they will gain more fat as they intake these 3500 cals
once this person reaches their goal at 165lb they switch back to a calorie
intake that will sustain their weight, for I.E 2000-2300 calorie diet so they stay at 165lb, but however they lose the fat by training with more cardio.
---so when they reach their goal they trim the fat, not the pounds they bulked up 3500 calories to gain..
does this sound correct?