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Thread: JamyjamJr and Eatrainrest: Please review revised macros

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    In the Dream World

    JamyjamJr and Eatrainrest: Please review revised macros

    Thank you everyone for the information, so let me try this once more having watched the videos and reviewing some other posts:

    Here are my stats:
    33 Years Old
    6 feet tall (72 inches)
    265 Pounds
    30% body fat

    My BMR:
    370 + (21.6 x 86= 1857.6) = 2227.6
    (Thank you Jamyjam for correcting my previous calculations)

    Activity Number: I work a desk job but lift 5 days a week and do cardio 3 days a week, so I am assuming I am moderately active?: If you are moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55: So I believe with Jamy’s new math it would be: 3452?

    I am concerned about my BF%, because the only reason I “believe” my BF% is 30%, is because at my gym the trainer there had me hold this hand held reader, and I had to punch in my age, height, weight, etc… and when you hit the button you have to hold the handles and it gives you your percent. I am concerned, because if this is not TRULY accurate, then I may go into overeating as my BF% could be 40 or 50 for all I know. Does anyone have any information regarding this? I ask because one of the posts from eatrainrest made reference to TWO ways of calculating your calories (one took into account the activity number) and I want to be sure that I am choosing the correct method.

    Here are my revised macros:

    Breakfast Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Oatmeal (plain) 150 3 27 5
    NOW Whey Protein 120 2 3 23
    Propel 20 0 4 0
    Meal 1 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    8 Egg Whites 128 0 0 32
    2 Whole Eggs 142 10 0 12

    Meal 2 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Salmon 272 12 0 41
    Veggies 30 0 5 1

    Meal 3 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    8 Egg Whites 128 0 0 32
    2 Whole Eggs 142 10 0 12
    Meal 4 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Tuna (2 tins) 200 4 2 44
    Mayo-Lite (2tbsp) 80 9 0 0
    Meal 5 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Muscle Milk 240 11 12 22
    Bagel (white) (whole) 260 2 51 9


    Meal 6 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Protein w/ glutamine 240 4 6 46
    Dextrose (4 grams) 15 0 4 0

    Meal 7 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    No Fat Cottage Cheese (2 cups) 160 0 10 30
    Chicken (1 breast) 150 5 0 27

    Meal 8 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    London Broil (4ounces) 224 4 0 40
    Flaxseed Oil 10 1 0 0

    Totals: 2711 77 124 376

    I still do not think I am at the correct calories, but I am not sure if I should go up or down since I am unsure of the proper method for determining my BF%. Any advice is welcome and I appreciate everything you guys do for me, and this community. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Lifta View Post
    Thank you everyone for the information, so let me try this once more having watched the videos and reviewing some other posts:

    Here are my stats:
    33 Years Old
    6 feet tall (72 inches)
    265 Pounds
    30% body fat

    My BMR:
    370 + (21.6 x 86= 1857.6) = 2227.6
    this means that on off days you will be eating 2227.6 calories
    (Thank you Jamyjam for correcting my previous calculations)

    Activity Number: I work a desk job but lift 5 days a week and do cardio 3 days a week, so I am assuming I am moderately active?: If you are moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55: So I believe with Jamy’s new math it would be: 3452?

    how did you calculate your body fat? also do you know how many calories you burn during cardio? if these are both accurate i can guesstimate for you how many you burn during a workout given info such as time between sets, how long, what do you do, how many sets. and the 2nd method is much more accurate

    I am concerned about my BF%, because the only reason I “believe” my BF% is 30%, is because at my gym the trainer there had me hold this hand held reader, and I had to punch in my age, height, weight, etc… and when you hit the button you have to hold the handles and it gives you your percent. I am concerned, because if this is not TRULY accurate, then I may go into overeating as my BF% could be 40 or 50 for all I know. Does anyone have any information regarding this? I ask because one of the posts from eatrainrest made reference to TWO ways of calculating your calories (one took into account the activity number) and I want to be sure that I am choosing the correct method. im also a trainer and ic an tell you that the electronic scales are a ball park range, not fool proof accuracy by any means.. i would take the body fat reading again and if it measures consistenetlt(given you measure same time of day, etc), then i personally would stick with it. and just find out for me how many cals you expel during a cardio and ill guess yor workout once you post it, therefore i would rather you use the 2nd method.

    Here are my revised macros:

    Breakfast Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Oatmeal (plain) 150 3 27 5
    you want to stick to steel cut, or naturally rolled oats, not the quick or packaged oats loaded with sugar...
    NOW Whey Protein 120 2 3 23
    this is the time to have 8-10 egg whites, no shake
    Propel 20 0 4 0
    Meal 1 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    8 Egg Whites 128 0 0 32
    2 Whole Eggs 142 10 0 12

    Meal 2 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Salmon 272 12 0 41
    Veggies 30 0 5 1
    this is good, but i would throw in a startchy complex carb liek brown rice if this is before the gym, or sweet potatoe

    Meal 3 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    8 Egg Whites 128 0 0 32
    2 Whole Eggs 142 10 0 12
    given you will have egg whties for breakfeast, elminate them here. youll want to have some thing liek GRILLED CHICKEN OR LEAN BEEF/STEAK london broil, etc, also with a carb IF BEFORE THE GYM, if not add in some fibrous carb liek leafy greens
    Meal 4 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Tuna (2 tins) 200 4 2 44
    Mayo-Lite (2tbsp) 80 9 0 0
    elimiante the mayo and just eat the tuna straight up
    Meal 5 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Muscle Milk 240 11 12 22
    Bagel (white) (whole) 260 2 51 9
    no whtie bagels pre workout PWO only. this is the time for you to have a carb up meal 1.5 hours prior to the gym. soething like brown rice with lean protein will do here.


    Meal 6 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Protein w/ glutamine 240 4 6 46
    Dextrose (4 grams) 15 0 4 0
    im assuming this is your PWO nutrition... if it is have it be whey protein and you need liek 40-60g carbs so try a plain white bagel instead of the dextrose

    Meal 7 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    No Fat Cottage Cheese (2 cups) 160 0 10 30
    Chicken (1 breast) 150 5 0 27
    this is good, i like the slow digesting protein, add fibrous carb if you want

    Meal 8 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    London Broil (4ounces) 224 4 0 40
    Flaxseed Oil 10 1 0 0
    there you go, id go higher with the london broil, also youll need more fat from EFA'S, thats why i liek to use 1 tbsp flax oil with my casein shake at ngiht it has liek 14g fat.

    Totals: 2711 77 124 376

    I still do not think I am at the correct calories, but I am not sure if I should go up or down since I am unsure of the proper method for determining my BF%. Any advice is welcome and I appreciate everything you guys do for me, and this community. Thank you.
    overall the changes i made for you look good. alot better than where we started...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    since i was reading your diet in sequential order, you go to the gym after meal 5. i would have carbs for breakfast, meal 3 and meal 4. fibrous carbs for meal 2. this way your carbed up for the gym then no carbs after except PWO. also what is your metabolism? can you gain/lose easily or you put on weight fast eating relatively low amounts of food? if this is teh case you are endomorphic and shoud only spare around 150-200g carbs

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    the only advice i disagree with eat is that your having him eat a lean beef in the middle of the day... everything else looks fine

    keep the lean beef for bedtime

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    the only advice i disagree with eat is that your having him eat a lean beef in the middle of the day... everything else looks fine

    keep the lean beef for bedtime
    i agree to that, just giving him some other meat options.. fish, chicken anthing really works there but liek you said save slower absorbing for alter

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    In the Dream World
    Hey guys, thanks for all the support as I continue to tweak this diet.

    A few answers to some of your questions:

    how did you calculate your body fat? –I calculated my body fat by using the handheld body fat analyzer at my gym. I used it three times on different days (at the same time of day each time) and each time it said 30% body fat.

    do you know how many calories you burn during cardio? –My cardio varies, but yesterday I did 20 mins on the elliptical with a heart rate of 130. I burned 206 calories in those 20 minutes so I would average between 200-300 calories burned in cardio 3x a week.

    also what is your metabolism? can you gain/lose easily or you put on weight fast eating relatively low amounts of food? –I would classify myself an endomorph because I am so heavy, but I am not sure really. I used to be in shape when I was young and in the military so I don’t know if I am a true endomorph or just a fat and lazy mesomorph. I am betting more on the endomorph side.

    i can guesstimate for you how many you burn during a workout given info such as time between sets, how long, what do you do, how many sets –I was actually hoping to get an established work out routine down, and I was hoping you guys would suggest a particular routine. I feel like I stumble through my work out trying to figure stuff out. I usually break about 2 minutes between sets. As it stands now, I do the following:

    Incline Barbell Bench:
    2 warm up sets of 12x135 lbs
    8x185 lbs
    8x225 lbs
    8x225 lbs

    Flat Barbell Bench:
    8x245 lbs
    8x275 lbs
    8x275 lbs

    Decline Barbell Bench:
    8x225 lbs
    8x245 lbs
    8x275 lbs

    Incline Dumbbell Flyes:
    10x60 lbs
    8x70 lbs
    8x80 lbs

    20-30 minutes of cardio following work out


    2 warm up sets of 12x135

    Bentover Barbell Rows:

    Lat Pull Down (cable):
    10x80 lbs
    10x90 lbs
    8x100 lbs

    Wide Grip Pull Ups:
    3 sets to failure

    20-30 minutes of cardio following work out

    Squat: I do squats below parallel if that makes any difference.
    2 warm up sets of 10x135
    10x225 lbs
    10x225 lbs
    8x245 lbs
    8x275 lbs
    4x315 lbs

    Dumbbell Lunges:
    10x40 lbs
    8x50 lbs
    6x60 lbs

    Leg Extensions:
    10x3/4 stack

    Leg Curls:
    10x3/4 stack

    Sitting Calf Raises: Machine where you sit on the machine and load plates onto a bar that rests on your knees.
    20x90 lbs (2 plates)
    20x115 (2.5 plates)
    15x135 (3 plates)
    8x180 (4 plates)

    Barbell Military Press:
    2 warm up sets of 95 lbs
    10x135 lbs
    10x175 lbs
    8x225 lbs
    6x225 lbs
    4x245 lbs

    Front Shoulder Raises: With EZ Curl bar
    10x80 lbs
    10x100 lbs
    8x135 lbs

    Side Shoulder Raises: With dumbbells
    10x25 lbs
    10x30 lbs
    8x40 lbs

    Dumbbell Shrugs:
    10x90 lbs
    10x100 lbs
    10x110 lbs

    20-30 minutes of cardio following work out

    Barbell Curls:
    2 warm up sets of 65 lbs
    10x95 lbs
    10x105 lbs
    6x115 lbs
    4x135 lbs

    Preacher Curls: EZ Curl Bar
    10x75 lbs
    10x95 lbs
    6x115 lbs

    Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls:
    10x40 lbs
    8x50 lbs
    6x60 lbs

    Dumbbell Concentration Curls: (This is done with elbow flat against the reverse or ‘flat’ side of the preacher curl stand)
    10x30 lbs
    8x35 lbs
    6x40 lbs

    EZ Bar Skullcrushers:
    2 warm up sets of 75 lbs
    10x90 lbs
    10x110 lbs
    8x115 lbs
    8x125 lbs

    Close Grip Barbell Flat Bench:
    8x225 lbs
    6x245 lbs

    Rope Push Downs:

    3 sets until failure

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    In the Dream World
    Thank God. I had spoken with’s own “PerfectBeast” about dieting a few months back and he had sent me a starting template. I had copied it over onto a hard drive and deleted the email, and unfortunately, that hard drive crashed. I meddled with it today and got it to work for about an hour and I pulled the diet template off of it. I have made some slight revisions to the template so that it would fit my work out schedule, but essentially, the Pre-Workout meal, the PWO and PPWO meals are all PB’s. I will post my meal plan, and PB’s original meal plan so we can review them both in entirety. Since PB just got his comp back up, I will contact him to clarify a few items. He has some oils like Flaxseed, Coconut, Hemp, listed and I am not sure if he means for me to cook the chicken in them or to drink the oils plain. (I must sound like a total moron for having to clarify this point).

    Perfectbeast’s Suggested Diet Plan:
    Meal 1 - 5 egg whites (cal 80, pro18), Oats 80g (cal295 carb51 pro12 fat5), 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5). sprinkle cinnamon. TOTALS - Cal 485, carbs 53 pro 50, Fat 6.5


    PWO - 2 scoop whey (cal224, carb5, pro46, fat3), WMS 80g (cal280 carb68) TOTALS – Cal519, carbs73, pro58 fat 3

    PPWO - Tuna 1/2 tin (cal 72,carb0 pro15 ), Oats 80g (cal295 carb51 pro12 fat4) 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) TOTALS – cal480 carbs53 pro50 fat5.5

    meal 4 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) Coconut Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14

    Meal 5 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) Flax Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14

    Meal 6 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) hemp Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14

    Before Bed – Lean Mince 200g (cal328 pro51 fat12) TOTALS cal328 pro51 fat12

    DAILY TOTAL Cal 2928Carbs 179 Protein 360 fat 68.5

    Each chicken meal served with a handful of fibrous green veg bringing carbs to approx 200g per day in total.

    You will need to swap some meals around depending on the time of day you work out. The first meal should always be eaten as the pre workout meal about 1-2 hours before gym. The PWO and PPWO meals should always be consumed after workout (shake first then solid meal 1 hour later) simply juggle them around with the chicken meals if you need to.
    Start by doing 15 mins of cardio daily before breakfast on an empty stomach. after 2 weeks increase to 25. wait another 2 weeks and drop the carbs in the ppwo meal by 20g. after that let me know how your doing and we can plan more from there.

    And my revised diet based on our conversations and PB’s previous input:

    Meal 1 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    8 Egg Whites 128 0 0 32
    2 Whole Eggs 142 10 0 12
    Meal 2 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Chicken (1 breast) 150 5 0 27
    Veggies 30 0 5 1
    Meal 3 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Salmon 272 12 0 41
    Veggies 30 0 5 1
    Pre-Workout Meal Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Oatmeal (plain)(80g) 300 6 54 10
    Whey Protein (1 scoop) 120 2 3 23
    5 Egg Whites 80 0 0 20


    PWO Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Whey Protein (2 Scoops) 240 4 6 46
    Waxy Maize (2 scoops) 288 0 72 0

    PPWO Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Tuna (1/2 tin) 50 1 0.5 11
    Oatmeal (plain)(80g) 300 6 54 10
    Whey Protein (1 scoop) 120 2 3 23

    Meal 7 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    No Fat Cottage Cheese (1 1/2 cups) 240 0 15 45
    Chicken (1 breast) 150 5 0 27

    Meal 8 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    London Broil (6 ounces) 336 6 0 60

    Totals: 2976 59 217.5 389

    I look forward to your thoughts fellas, and if you can, give me your input on these questions/obstacles:

    1.) My job is 1 hour away, so I must wake up at 5:45 am to be on the road by 6:15 to be at work by 7:15 am. I have a 10 minute break at 9:30 am, a half hour lunch break at 11:45 and a final 10 minutes break at 2:00 pm. I get off of work between 4-4:30. I envision eating my first meal before leaving the house, or while I am driving to work. I envision eating my pre-workout meal at work prior to my drive home. This essentially puts me in a position where I must either put one of my meals later in the day after the gym, or find a way to eat 2 of the three meals scheduled during working hours within 10 minutes. Since shakes are not going to cut it, any suggestions on foods I could eat quickly and still meet the requirements for those two meals? I get home around 5:30 and go to the gym by 6, and I get out around 8-8:30, and get home at 9. This gives me precious little time to eat those remaining meals and still get 8 hours of sleep. Am I just screwed either way I go?
    2.) When you work out, and then go do cardio, are you supposed to have your PWO shake before you do the cardio or do you eat it once you return home? Do you guys drink your PWO shakes at the gym or drive home first?
    3.) Once my diet is in check, should I consider doing Clen to help speed up the process?
    4.) In the videos, Milos says to eat a Carb first thing in the morning. Should I add oatmeal to my breakfast? Or is it ok to wait until my pre-workout meal for the first, real intro of carbs? (Fibrous veggie carbs aside)
    5.) PB says to do cardio in the morning but it isn’t possible for me, I am lucky if I get 6 to 7 hours of sleep. Getting up even earlier would be impossible. Is doing cardio in the PM still acceptable?
    6.) I am sure I will come up with more later. Thanks everyone and I apologize for the length of my posts, I just want to be accurate and understand everything I can.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Lifta View Post
    Thank God. I had spoken with’s own “PerfectBeast” about dieting a few months back and he had sent me a starting template. I had copied it over onto a hard drive and deleted the email, and unfortunately, that hard drive crashed. I meddled with it today and got it to work for about an hour and I pulled the diet template off of it. I have made some slight revisions to the template so that it would fit my work out schedule, but essentially, the Pre-Workout meal, the PWO and PPWO meals are all PB’s. I will post my meal plan, and PB’s original meal plan so we can review them both in entirety. Since PB just got his comp back up, I will contact him to clarify a few items. He has some oils like Flaxseed, Coconut, Hemp, listed and I am not sure if he means for me to cook the chicken in them or to drink the oils plain. (I must sound like a total moron for having to clarify this point).

    Perfectbeast’s Suggested Diet Plan:
    Meal 1 - 5 egg whites (cal 80, pro18), Oats 80g (cal295 carb51 pro12 fat5), 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5). sprinkle cinnamon. TOTALS - Cal 485, carbs 53 pro 50, Fat 6.5


    PWO - 2 scoop whey (cal224, carb5, pro46, fat3), WMS 80g (cal280 carb68) TOTALS – Cal519, carbs73, pro58 fat 3

    PPWO - Tuna 1/2 tin (cal 72,carb0 pro15 ), Oats 80g (cal295 carb51 pro12 fat4) 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) TOTALS – cal480 carbs53 pro50 fat5.5

    meal 4 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) Coconut Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14

    Meal 5 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) Flax Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14

    Meal 6 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) hemp Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14

    Before Bed – Lean Mince 200g (cal328 pro51 fat12) TOTALS cal328 pro51 fat12

    DAILY TOTAL Cal 2928Carbs 179 Protein 360 fat 68.5

    Each chicken meal served with a handful of fibrous green veg bringing carbs to approx 200g per day in total.

    You will need to swap some meals around depending on the time of day you work out. The first meal should always be eaten as the pre workout meal about 1-2 hours before gym. The PWO and PPWO meals should always be consumed after workout (shake first then solid meal 1 hour later) simply juggle them around with the chicken meals if you need to.
    Start by doing 15 mins of cardio daily before breakfast on an empty stomach. after 2 weeks increase to 25. wait another 2 weeks and drop the carbs in the ppwo meal by 20g. after that let me know how your doing and we can plan more from there.

    And my revised diet based on our conversations and PB’s previous input:

    Meal 1 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    8 Egg Whites 128 0 0 32
    2 Whole Eggs 142 10 0 12
    Meal 2 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Chicken (1 breast) 150 5 0 27
    Veggies 30 0 5 1
    Meal 3 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Salmon 272 12 0 41
    Veggies 30 0 5 1
    Pre-Workout Meal Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Oatmeal (plain)(80g) 300 6 54 10
    Whey Protein (1 scoop) 120 2 3 23
    5 Egg Whites 80 0 0 20


    PWO Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Whey Protein (2 Scoops) 240 4 6 46
    Waxy Maize (2 scoops) 288 0 72 0

    PPWO Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Tuna (1/2 tin) 50 1 0.5 11
    Oatmeal (plain)(80g) 300 6 54 10
    Whey Protein (1 scoop) 120 2 3 23

    Meal 7 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    No Fat Cottage Cheese (1 1/2 cups) 240 0 15 45
    Chicken (1 breast) 150 5 0 27

    Meal 8 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    London Broil (6 ounces) 336 6 0 60

    Totals: 2976 59 217.5 389

    I look forward to your thoughts fellas, and if you can, give me your input on these questions/obstacles:

    1.) My job is 1 hour away, so I must wake up at 5:45 am to be on the road by 6:15 to be at work by 7:15 am. I have a 10 minute break at 9:30 am, a half hour lunch break at 11:45 and a final 10 minutes break at 2:00 pm. I get off of work between 4-4:30. I envision eating my first meal before leaving the house, or while I am driving to work. I envision eating my pre-workout meal at work prior to my drive home. This essentially puts me in a position where I must either put one of my meals later in the day after the gym, or find a way to eat 2 of the three meals scheduled during working hours within 10 minutes. Since shakes are not going to cut it, any suggestions on foods I could eat quickly and still meet the requirements for those two meals? I get home around 5:30 and go to the gym by 6, and I get out around 8-8:30, and get home at 9. This gives me precious little time to eat those remaining meals and still get 8 hours of sleep. Am I just screwed either way I go?precook food for the week and pack accordingly for the day. 10 minutes is more than enough time to scarf down a meal.
    2.) When you work out, and then go do cardio, are you supposed to have your PWO shake before you do the cardio or do you eat it once you return home? Do you guys drink your PWO shakes at the gym or drive home first?take after cardio
    3.) Once my diet is in check, should I consider doing Clen to help speed up the process? personally im not very educated on clen but i would say just stick with diet and cardio for now.
    4.) In the videos, Milos says to eat a Carb first thing in the morning. Should I add oatmeal to my breakfast? Or is it ok to wait until my pre-workout meal for the first, real intro of carbs? (Fibrous veggie carbs aside)yes oatmeal would be perfect. get some slow digesting carbs before according to macros.
    5.) PB says to do cardio in the morning but it isn’t possible for me, I am lucky if I get 6 to 7 hours of sleep. Getting up even earlier would be impossible. Is doing cardio in the PM still acceptable? do more days of pwo cardio. if you really want to do pm cardio do it 3hours after you last ate.
    6.) I am sure I will come up with more later. Thanks everyone and I apologize for the length of my posts, I just want to be accurate and understand everything I can.
    best of luck and keep working hard. your in good hands with these two.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Lifta View Post
    Thank God. I had spoken with’s own “PerfectBeast” about dieting a few months back and he had sent me a starting template. I had copied it over onto a hard drive and deleted the email, and unfortunately, that hard drive crashed. I meddled with it today and got it to work for about an hour and I pulled the diet template off of it. I have made some slight revisions to the template so that it would fit my work out schedule, but essentially, the Pre-Workout meal, the PWO and PPWO meals are all PB’s. I will post my meal plan, and PB’s original meal plan so we can review them both in entirety. Since PB just got his comp back up, I will contact him to clarify a few items. He has some oils like Flaxseed, Coconut, Hemp, listed and I am not sure if he means for me to cook the chicken in them or to drink the oils plain. (I must sound like a total moron for having to clarify this point).

    Perfectbeast’s Suggested Diet Plan:
    Meal 1 - 5 egg whites (cal 80, pro18), Oats 80g (cal295 carb51 pro12 fat5), 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5). sprinkle cinnamon. TOTALS - Cal 485, carbs 53 pro 50, Fat 6.5
    elimiante the whey here and eat 8-10 egg whites, oats are good do not sprinkle cinnamon, suck it up =)

    WORKOUTwaiot 1.5 hours after food to workout

    PWO - 2 scoop whey (cal224, carb5, pro46, fat3), WMS 80g (cal280 carb68) TOTALS – Cal519, carbs73, pro58 fat 3
    this is good good good

    PPWO - Tuna 1/2 tin (cal 72,carb0 pro15 ), Oats 80g (cal295 carb51 pro12 fat4) 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) TOTALS – cal480 carbs53 pro50 fat5.5
    no need for whey replace with food chicken etc

    meal 4 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) Coconut Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14
    this is good, throw in fibrous carb if youd like, use olive oil to cook chicken

    Meal 5 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) Flax Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14
    replace with another source of protein food

    Meal 6 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) hemp Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14
    seems liek your getting alot of oil my friend, fats at 20%

    Before Bed – Lean Mince 200g (cal328 pro51 fat12) TOTALS cal328 pro51 fat12

    DAILY TOTAL Cal 2928Carbs 179 Protein 360 fat 68.5

    Each chicken meal served with a handful of fibrous green veg bringing carbs to approx 200g per day in total.

    You will need to swap some meals around depending on the time of day you work out. The first meal should always be eaten as the pre workout meal about 1-2 hours before gym. The PWO and PPWO meals should always be consumed after workout (shake first then solid meal 1 hour later) simply juggle them around with the chicken meals if you need to.
    Start by doing 15 mins of cardio daily before breakfast on an empty stomach. after 2 weeks increase to 25. wait another 2 weeks and drop the carbs in the ppwo meal by 20g. after that let me know how your doing and we can plan more from there.

    And my revised diet based on our conversations and PB’s previous input:

    Meal 1 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    8 Egg Whites 128 0 0 32
    2 Whole Eggs 142 10 0 12
    wehre are the carb?
    Meal 2 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Chicken (1 breast) 150 5 0 27
    Veggies 30 0 5 1
    Meal 3 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Salmon 272 12 0 41
    Veggies 30 0 5 1

    Pre-Workout Meal Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Oatmeal (plain)(80g) 300 6 54 10
    Whey Protein (1 scoop) 120 2 3 23
    5 Egg Whites 80 0 0 20
    elminate whey and eat 10 egg whites


    PWO Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Whey Protein (2 Scoops) 240 4 6 46
    Waxy Maize (2 scoops) 288 0 72 0

    PPWO Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    Tuna (1/2 tin) 50 1 0.5 11
    Oatmeal (plain)(80g) 300 6 54 10
    Whey Protein (1 scoop) 120 2 3 23

    no whey here, eat food
    Meal 7 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    No Fat Cottage Cheese (1 1/2 cups) 240 0 15 45
    Chicken (1 breast) 150 5 0 27
    this is good, the sugar contenet in 1.5 cups of cottage cheese may not bee good

    Meal 8 Calories Fat Carbs Protein
    London Broil (6 ounces) 336 6 0 60

    good, use flax oil here

    Totals: 2976 59 217.5 389

    I look forward to your thoughts fellas, and if you can, give me your input on these questions/obstacles:

    1.) My job is 1 hour away, so I must wake up at 5:45 am to be on the road by 6:15 to be at work by 7:15 am. I have a 10 minute break at 9:30 am, a half hour lunch break at 11:45 and a final 10 minutes break at 2:00 pm. I get off of work between 4-4:30. I envision eating my first meal before leaving the house, or while I am driving to work. I envision eating my pre-workout meal at work prior to my drive home. This essentially puts me in a position where I must either put one of my meals later in the day after the gym, or find a way to eat 2 of the three meals scheduled during working hours within 10 minutes. Since shakes are not going to cut it, any suggestions on foods I could eat quickly and still meet the requirements for those two meals? I get home around 5:30 and go to the gym by 6, and I get out around 8-8:30, and get home at 9. This gives me precious little time to eat those remaining meals and still get 8 hours of sleep. Am I just screwed either way I go?
    2.) When you work out, and then go do cardio, are you supposed to have your PWO shake before you do the cardio or do you eat it once you return home? Do you guys drink your PWO shakes at the gym or drive home first?
    3.) Once my diet is in check, should I consider doing Clen to help speed up the process?
    4.) In the videos, Milos says to eat a Carb first thing in the morning. Should I add oatmeal to my breakfast? Or is it ok to wait until my pre-workout meal for the first, real intro of carbs? (Fibrous veggie carbs aside)
    5.) PB says to do cardio in the morning but it isn’t possible for me, I am lucky if I get 6 to 7 hours of sleep. Getting up even earlier would be impossible. Is doing cardio in the PM still acceptable?
    6.) I am sure I will come up with more later. Thanks everyone and I apologize for the length of my posts, I just want to be accurate and understand everything I can.

    jammy/phate any thoughts?

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