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My diet this last 6months has been high prot, med carbs, and low fats. It has been close to this for the last few years tho, just less carbs over the last 6months, and better sources of carbs aswell. Usually take in around 3000-4000 cal a day, depending on the day. Usuall daily eating routine includes: (just an example) I jsut started 500mg/wk test E, and am looking to gain about 10-15 pounds lean.
8-10% bf
Lifted for 4-5 years hard
1st breakfast 7am - oats/eggs/coffeewe need exact macros for all foods/daily
2nd breakfast 10am - almonds/prot shakethis is meal 2, and you need to eat protein here wiht a fibrous carb if youd liek .. again post exact macros
Lunch 12-2 (depending on lift time) - ground turkey and eggs in whole grain tortillia, with salsa, broccoli on the side, sometimes brown rice
ground turkey has alot of fat, id stay away from turkey hear becuz its natural antibotic for sleep, sub with grilled chicken no need for eggs, broccoli is good and brown rice is good. just post EXACT MACROS
Post workout - Peanut butter/prot shake/some sorta meat(just a few spoonfuls of peanut butter)PWO sohould be withint 20-30 min of workout. it should incllude 2 scoops fast absorbing (whey) and 40-60g semi simple carb liek plain bagel, not PB you dont need fats here
Mid afternoon 4pmish - snack on some nuts or cottage cheese, glass of milk
eliminate milk, you need a better protein source especially if your not even having cottage cheese, id stick with the cheese, turkey breast here, and some almonds
Dinner 7ish - Chicken fajitas with onions and bell peppers, little canola oil used to cook, in whole grain tortillas some sorta greens
i would eliminate this as completely, you do not need complex carbs here, youd be alot better off swapping this meal with the previous.
Before bed - almonds (plain non salted) and/or some sort of lean meat, round steak ect.london broil will do the job here
I take fish oil, and vit E every morning aswell.
Lots of water during the day, and several cups of coffee.
This is just an example. Actually what I ate today (besides the later part of the list), just wanted to give you an idea.