i went to GNC today to buy 100% Whey protein
cause its what im used to
then i noticed they had Soy Protein that was cheaper
i was just wondering anybody know the differences between the two
are they significant , basically the same?
i went to GNC today to buy 100% Whey protein
cause its what im used to
then i noticed they had Soy Protein that was cheaper
i was just wondering anybody know the differences between the two
are they significant , basically the same?
not at all the same.
whey is much better which is why it costs more (higher demand).
here's a link to a basic introduction to protein. not the best, but the best that I could find in 30 seconds.
i'm just messin with ya bro, but the difference in the two is very profound, so it's not something i can write out, there are whole articles and books on the subject
the main difference we are talking about is this,
whey has a complete amino acid profile, while soy doesn't(unless aminos are added in)
whey is digested faster by several hours
lol, you beat me on that reply by about 2 seconds!
I agree with Phate and I was writing way too much.
The amino acid chain in whey is one of the best suited for use in the human body.
Last edited by -Ender-; 05-05-2009 at 03:04 PM.
whey for PWO
Dont forget there are several types of whey. Concentrate, Isolate and Ion Exchange to name a few. Whey Protein Concentrate is really not much better than powdered milk, hence the cheap cost. Just cause it says "100% Whey" does not mean its a good product.
soy protien =![]()
Whey digests very rapidly and thus the amino acids enter the blood stream faster than other protein sources. This fast acting protein is beneficial in the post work-out "anabolic window" (0-45 minutes after training)because the muscle tissue is most receptive to insulin and nutrients in the blood. This is also the reason carbohydrates are recommended post workout; to replenish glycogen stores and boost insulin release as well.
Straight out of Wiki
isopure is good
I think soy protein is mainly marketed toward vegans.
...wow... I didn't know that the veggie people do not eat dairy..good lord. next they won't be driving cars either.
But I guess whey does come indirectly from animals. Using rennit, bact. cultures, and milk....do vegans breastfeed their kids? or do they consider it cannibalism?
I thought that this forum would be don't ask don't tell...
the difference is that concentrate is only required to contain around 80-85% protein, and the rest can be filler(maltodextrin, dextrose, whatever) while isolate has to be at least 98% i believe(or pretty close to that number)000
what do you mean?
^^I think he was referenencing the joke I made in post 19.
yep. ... ...
ok so 100% whey protein = garbage and the reason is ------
because it consist of mainly concentrated whatever
what we want for a PWO is isolate protein
and this can be found wheree for cheap or reaosnable price ?
thanks alot good sir, i greatly appreciate it
is this what i should be getting
( hey Protein Isolate (CFM) Cross-Flow Microfiltration)
Last edited by Godson; 05-06-2009 at 04:24 PM.
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