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I need help adjusting my diet. My major problem is work. I work 2 jobs 8am-10pm M-F so its hard to eat right. Below is my current diet. Any help would be appreciated. I am looking to get cut and lean muscle mass. Height 5'7" weight 185. Will be gettign my BF tested this week. Also any ideas on supplements I should take.
you still need to do what i asked in the first post, but ill critique it as is anyway
5:45-7am GYM (weights)
you go to the gym on empty stomach? in a carb depleted catbolic state? catastrophic results
Protein Shake
2 scoops whey with 40-60g semi simple carb
3 Eggs, 2 pieces of toast
this should be at 8-3 30 and include a complex carb with a low GI like brown rice, with grilled chicken example
Protein Bar
chuck this out and use EFA's with some FOOD protein
2 tuna fish sandwiches w light mayo
what bread? chuck out the mayo. eat the tuna straight up baby, also add in fibrous carb
1:30-2pm cardio pm lunch breakl
Protein Shake
no, you need real food, and other macros like EFA's
6PM -
8 oz chicken, 2 cups brown rice, salad
this wouldve been perfect for that 1.5 hours after your inital PWO nutrition
4 egg whites
no sub hejre with flax oil/london broil