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Thread: Army Soldier Needs Help on AS

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Army Soldier Needs Help on AS

    Hi everybody. This is my first time posting here. I wanted to get advice to see what would best help me in my situation.

    I am 5' 8" about 165 lbs, male, 22 years old, and in decent shape. I eat about 5 healthy meals a day - I'll admit though, I drink friday and saturday, but unless I can avoid it, I eat healthy (lots of vegetables, low sugar, lean meats, and only supplement with fish oil, calcium, and 15g/week creatine because I heard it helps with bone density).

    My only problem is I have trouble recuperating from all the infantry training we do. The bones in my feet and legs constantly feel like they have stress fractures (I've had them before and they suck) and my body in general never receives enough rest between workouts to really build strength, endurance, speed, etc. I normally wouldn't have a problem with recovering from workouts but my platoon's PT (physical training) consists primarily of running at least 5 miles every day. I'm starting to get into CrossFit and that looks to me like the best way to build overall athletic fitness, but with the regular PT schedule we have I can only work in a couple workouts a week before I start feeling exhausted.

    So I was wondering what would be a good AS cycle to go on to help me recover from my workouts to get stronger and prevent any bone, or muscle damage? I'm not looking to get huge though - in my case, getting bigger would mean I'd have to carry around even more extra weight when we train.

    I've heard, and I'm pretty certain, that Army Special Forces, and Delta Force are on AS. I've seen a couple Delta Force guys and they were jacked like Arnold, haha! Whatever they're on, I would like to know about. If someone from our militaries elite forces could post on this subject I would really like to hear from them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    here bro, this will get you started.


    then post up your proposed diet after watching vids, bmr calcs and macros for all foods, meals, and daily caloric intake and we will be glad to help

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    and yes drinking should be elminated all in all.. unless its moderately which is liek 1-2 beers or so on the weeekends.. if you can even afford that

  4. #4
    These guys are really safe here so I'm not going to suggest anything, just tell you what I've done. If you just want to heal pain as far as the stress take "Osteo Bi-Flex" w/ Glucosamine, 2 a day I cant even feel my joints or bones!

    As far as gear and it being your first time, Only stick with Pharmacy Human Grade Testosterone Enanthate, and thats it, don't do anything else with it until you educate yourself. I say this because I know there is alot of D-Bol and Deca around the Army. That won't be fun when your Pt-ing. As far as SF, they've got individual programs, it's not like they're all on something.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Lintfur View Post
    Hi everybody. This is my first time posting here. I wanted to get advice to see what would best help me in my situation.

    I am 5' 8" about 165 lbs, male, 22 years old, and in decent shape. I eat about 5 healthy meals a day - I'll admit though, I drink friday and saturday, but unless I can avoid it, I eat healthy (lots of vegetables, low sugar, lean meats, and only supplement with fish oil, calcium, and 15g/week creatine because I heard it helps with bone density).

    My only problem is I have trouble recuperating from all the infantry training we do. The bones in my feet and legs constantly feel like they have stress fractures (I've had them before and they suck) and my body in general never receives enough rest between workouts to really build strength, endurance, speed, etc. I normally wouldn't have a problem with recovering from workouts but my platoon's PT (physical training) consists primarily of running at least 5 miles every day. I'm starting to get into CrossFit and that looks to me like the best way to build overall athletic fitness, but with the regular PT schedule we have I can only work in a couple workouts a week before I start feeling exhausted.

    So I was wondering what would be a good AS cycle to go on to help me recover from my workouts to get stronger and prevent any bone, or muscle damage? I'm not looking to get huge though - in my case, getting bigger would mean I'd have to carry around even more extra weight when we train.

    I've heard, and I'm pretty certain, that Army Special Forces, and Delta Force are on AS. I've seen a couple Delta Force guys and they were jacked like Arnold, haha! Whatever they're on, I would like to know about. If someone from our militaries elite forces could post on this subject I would really like to hear from them.

    Gear is very common among the SF community - Atleast as far as I've seen. I know a few GB's and 1SF guys and go by what they tell me. As far as what compounds to use, I would stay away from Winstrol and Stanazolol as they dry out your joints. With all the training you guys do that's the last thing you want.

    Problem you're gonna have here is age. You're 22 which means you still have natural growth in you. Getting into AAS usage now could potentially screw you up down the line. Personally I would rather see you wait another few years before trying a cycle but you're gonna do what you're gonna do.

    If you have stress problems in your bones from running you should see someone about it. I would add a calcium supplement personally. Lay off the booze also. I know at 22 around the barracks it's rampant but that doesn't mean you can't carry around a water bottle and not worry about the beer.

    Just my two cents. Be reading the anabolics forum - The knowledge on this site is simple unparalleled when it comes to AAS use. Soak it up and make an informed decision for yourself.
    Last edited by StevePJC; 05-18-2009 at 01:25 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Lintfur View Post
    Hi everybody. This is my first time posting here. I wanted to get advice to see what would best help me in my situation.

    I am 5' 8" about 165 lbs, male, 22 years old, and in decent shape. I eat about 5 healthy meals a day - I'll admit though, I drink friday and saturday, but unless I can avoid it, I eat healthy (lots of vegetables, low sugar, lean meats, and only supplement with fish oil, calcium, and 15g/week creatine because I heard it helps with bone density).

    My only problem is I have trouble recuperating from all the infantry training we do. The bones in my feet and legs constantly feel like they have stress fractures (I've had them before and they suck) and my body in general never receives enough rest between workouts to really build strength, endurance, speed, etc. I normally wouldn't have a problem with recovering from workouts but my platoon's PT (physical training) consists primarily of running at least 5 miles every day. I'm starting to get into CrossFit and that looks to me like the best way to build overall athletic fitness, but with the regular PT schedule we have I can only work in a couple workouts a week before I start feeling exhausted.

    So I was wondering what would be a good AS cycle to go on to help me recover from my workouts to get stronger and prevent any bone, or muscle damage? I'm not looking to get huge though - in my case, getting bigger would mean I'd have to carry around even more extra weight when we train.

    I've heard, and I'm pretty certain, that Army Special Forces, and Delta Force are on AS. I've seen a couple Delta Force guys and they were jacked like Arnold, haha! Whatever they're on, I would like to know about. If someone from our militaries elite forces could post on this subject I would really like to hear from them.
    HMMM... never seen any Delta or SF "jacked like Arnold", but any way the pain in your feet and legs will eventually go away. I f you are still thinking about stress fractures then I will guess you are fairly new to the Army. Your body and your "bones" willget used to the physical demands.IMO where you are now in your career is not the time to start thinking about what you can "take" to helpthe pain or gain an advantage over the inevitable. Your body WILL hurt and it WILL heal and it WILL get stronger. Just keep eating clean (lots of protein and carbs for your needs), and getting as much sleep as you can. Where you stationed?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DDDNTZ View Post
    HMMM... never seen any Delta or SF "jacked like Arnold",
    i agree. i know some sf guys (not rangers lol) and i have never realy heard or seen any of them being jacked like arnold. good cuts, strong, the best stamina, but no body builders.
    never the less, thanks for what you do.

    i'm sure the macros could be cleaned up and added to in your diet. post a detailed example.

    i would wait some before doing any juice. when you decide to do it look at test e and deca. this will do good for some injury pains.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North Carolina
    I've seen a couple SF guys that were some no neck types - Not as bulky as a pro BB but could probably hold their own.

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