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Thread: Insulin Spike Breakfast Discussion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Insulin Spike Breakfast Discussion

    Is this something that while dieting (bulking & cutting) you want to do in the morning at breakfast?

    I have read many articles that state simple sugars causing an insulin spike at breakfast would be beneficial to get the nutrients into your body as fast as you can in the morning after the night's fast.

    EatTrainRest stated "You want to limit insulin spike as much as possible especially during a cut....all simple sugars"

    From the many knowledgeable people on here i would like some other user's opinions on this.

    (My breakfast includes oats with honey - Jamyjamjr stated the honey should be omitted on another user's diet with oats & honey at breakfast)

    Hope some useful information come up.

  2. #2
    if you are cutting i see no need to have honey or other high glycemic foods in the a.m.

    if you are bulking then i see no need not to put them in there.

  3. #3
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by makod View Post
    Is this something that while dieting (bulking & cutting) you want to do in the morning at breakfast?

    I have read many articles that state simple sugars causing an insulin spike at breakfast would be beneficial to get the nutrients into your body as fast as you can in the morning after the night's fast.

    EatTrainRest stated "You want to limit insulin spike as much as possible especially during a cut....all simple sugars"

    From the many knowledgeable people on here i would like some other user's opinions on this.

    (My breakfast includes oats with honey - Jamyjamjr stated the honey should be omitted on another user's diet with oats & honey at breakfast)

    Hope some useful information come up.
    post some of the studies if you don't mind

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ronnie Rowlands Slingshot Fat Loss Diet

    "(especially Hi GI carbs will cause an insulin response to the utmost)!"

    "insulin is a storage hormone"

    Wouldn't this be beneficial at breakfast to snap the body out of a catabolic state?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by makod View Post
    Ronnie Rowlands Slingshot Fat Loss Diet

    "(especially Hi GI carbs will cause an insulin response to the utmost)!"

    "insulin is a storage hormone"

    Wouldn't this be beneficial at breakfast to snap the body out of a catabolic state?
    it can be used there, but you have to remember that insulin is not a selective storage hormone, if you eat fat right before an insulin injection, you will store fat, if you eat protein before, you will store protein(over simplified but you get the point)

    so it CAN be used in the morning, but i still think that the insulin spike from High GI carbs is overrated

  6. #6
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    OK so the guy's breakfast was

    40 grams of carbs from oat meal with one spoon of honey, 4-5 eggs usually only whites, cottage chesse, hand full of almonds, coffee

    Would he be better off getting rid of the honey and get EFA's from the almonds or use the honey for the insulin spike and get rid of EFA's at breakfast?

  7. #7
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    the ONLY time i could see insulin spike being beneficial is post workout when it will bring glucose tot he muscle restoring muscle glycogen.. and even this is debatable

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by makod View Post
    Ronnie Rowlands Slingshot Fat Loss Diet

    "(especially Hi GI carbs will cause an insulin response to the utmost)!"

    "insulin is a storage hormone"

    Wouldn't this be beneficial at breakfast to snap the body out of a catabolic state?
    storage hormone POST WORKOUT

  9. #9
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by makod View Post
    OK so the guy's breakfast was

    40 grams of carbs from oat meal with one spoon of honey, 4-5 eggs usually only whites, cottage chesse, hand full of almonds, coffee

    Would he be better off getting rid of the honey and get EFA's from the almonds or use the honey for the insulin spike and get rid of EFA's at breakfast?
    he's cutting, in which case i don't see the need for the insulin spike from the honey(though it would depend on how big his spoon is)

  10. #10
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    I figured I might chime in..Ive run 15IU with breakfast everyday and an additional 50IU post workout. mostly when I run slin i do post workout no breakfast shot. we know the body is catabolic upon rising in the morning and insulin levels are very low bc no food. so my reasoning was to shoot in AM to help block cortisol and help load cells with nutrients.

    this is not something I would recommend when cutting, and the benefits of insulin are small and often hard to judge, so while I can feel benefits (fullness and better recovery) with post workout shots nothing special was noticed during the AM/breakfast method. but science does stand behind that method in terms of promoting anabolism during this catabolic time.

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    im not opposed to it during a bulk ...HOWEVER non exogenous insulin spikes are suspect imo as far as optimal inj slin ..i like am and pwo when bulking....

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    I figured I might chime in..Ive run 15IU with breakfast everyday and an additional 50IU post workout. mostly when I run slin i do post workout no breakfast shot. we know the body is catabolic upon rising in the morning and insulin levels are very low bc no food. so my reasoning was to shoot in AM to help block cortisol and help load cells with nutrients.

    this is not something I would recommend when cutting, and the benefits of insulin are small and often hard to judge, so while I can feel benefits (fullness and better recovery) with post workout shots nothing special was noticed during the AM/breakfast method. but science does stand behind that method in terms of promoting anabolism during this catabolic time.
    agreed^^^, though you get much greater benefits with exogenous insulin than we would get with endogenous production

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    im not opposed to it during a bulk ...HOWEVER non exogenous insulin spikes are suspect imo as far as optimal inj slin ..i like am and pwo when bulking....

  13. #13
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    I dont think there is any need to use dextrose/waxy etc in the morning or even honey to spike insulin. I actually know some pro's do it. But even at that, it doesnt mean it works or has any real hypertrophic benefit.

    I don't even do it PWO. I have used slin in the past. The benefits for that are still a toss up for me. Maybe I gained a bit maybe I didnt, the difference would be minimal.

    If you arent on slin, concentrate on real food for breakfast. And if you do use slin I think real benefits would show more if you are using it in conjuction with GH.

    GH pre and slin pwo.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    Great information above.

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