I have had quite a few peeps ask me over the past few days about different kinds of protein ... Not here on the board , but I figured it was a pretty good topic as some peeps dont really understand the basics of the different types of protein ... [ short version]
From my Q & A blog .. A question asked to me about protein ....
What kind of protein shakes ( if any) are you using ?? There are different types of protein , as well as different quality... I suppose I should discuss the different types of protein .
This kind of protein has 20 - 80 % purity, the rest consist of fat and lactose.... So it could be 20 % protein, and 80 % lactose and fat.. You have to really take care to read the labels .. Concentrate is one of the lowest quality proteins ..
This one is actually cheaper and has lower quality than concentrate...
Isolate has a purity of 90 % ( plus), so it can have 10 % ( or less ) of fat and lactose..
Keep in mind that to " hydrolyze " something means breaking it into smaller particles... So it can be 1/10th of 1% and still be called hydrolyzed by law.. High quality proteins label says 100 % whey protein hydrolyzates..
By law all the ingredients must be listed from the highest amount present to low lowest amount present...
A Lot of protein products only allow a max of 30 % of it to be absorbed by the duodenum ( proximal bowel).. This is were all the protein is absorbed by the body... The rest of it goes on to the large intestine and when there it rots [and produces gas].. So you might be using a low quality protein and your body cant break it down so it cant absorb it..
link to blog post