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  1. #1
    timguyperson is offline Junior Member
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    Red meat, good or bad?

    Sometimes I eat 1kg of red meat in a day.

    I've heard things about how eating red meat is bad for you if you eat too much.

    Just wanted your opinions.

    Also I tried doing a search as I thought it would be a topic that has been covered a million times, but I found nothing.


  2. #2
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    docs say there's a correlation between red meat and colon cancer....

    i'd say only eat red meat right before bed...

  3. #3
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    our caveman ancestors ate red meat

  4. #4
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Isn't red meat also directly linked to boosting testosterone levels ?

  5. #5
    (1*)'s Avatar
    (1*) is offline Member
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    good source of red a leaner red meat once to twice a week.

  6. #6
    Flagg's Avatar
    Flagg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Red meat is also supposed to be bad for the heart, as im being constantly reminded by my fellow peers studying medicine. However every day something seems to sneak into the news that is supposed to be bad for us. Also I find it funny that people will inject steroids into their bodies and then worry about what they eat. That's not a dig at steroid use by any means but im just trying to put your original question into perspective.

  7. #7
    timguyperson is offline Junior Member
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    lol well I asked this question after my housemate had a go at me about eating so much red meat. But the thing is, he smokes. You'd think you'd be worried about the truck heading for you, and stop spending so much time trying to warn your friend to avoid the little kid on the bicycle.

    I'm not really convinced by the reports on red meat I've seen on the news. They've done studies, but the studies have so many confounding variables. Like it talks about people who eat red meat dying earlier, but it is likely that these people that eat heaps of red meat get their source of red meat from shitty take away. I can't really see a whole heap of Americans frying up a rump steak at lunch with a side of veggies. Think it is more likely that they get their red meat from a 1/4 pounder.

    Also if you eat red meat, you need to balance it out with veggies. I've heard that high protein diets need high amounts of veggies to balance out the acid/alkaline levels in the body. Perhaps eating red meat would be perfectly fine if it was balanced out with veggies.

    Also red meat is very fatty, so perhaps the resultant early death is due to the red meat eaters being fatter and less healthy than the people who don't eat much red meat. And if they'd just exercised then that fat would not be a problem.

    I don't know. I'm going to look into it some more. I really don't want to give up my steaks lol.

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