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Thread: Boiling Hamburger - Loss of protien?

  1. #1

    Boiling Hamburger - Loss of protien?

    Someone told me if you boil hamburger, it looses some of its protien, I was just wondering if anyone knows if there is any truth to that.

    I am going to be starting a cutting diet, which is going to involve some hamburger and I would like to boil it to get rid of the fat content, so will that also get rid of some of the protien?

  2. #2
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    No not really

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by RendellUnit View Post
    Someone told me if you boil hamburger, it looses some of its protien, I was just wondering if anyone knows if there is any truth to that.

    I am going to be starting a cutting diet, which is going to involve some hamburger and I would like to boil it to get rid of the fat content, so will that also get rid of some of the protien?
    Sorry but boiling raw meat and eating it that way just sounds nasty almost as nasty as boiled hotdogs.

    Realistically you can just buy some 95 or 98% lean beef and cook it on the george forman and it will def get rid of the fat and have no possibility of losing protein and probably taste 100 times better.......

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK View Post
    Sorry but boiling raw meat and eating it that way just sounds nasty almost as nasty as boiled hotdogs.

    Realistically you can just buy some 95 or 98% lean beef and cook it on the george forman and it will def get rid of the fat and have no possibility of losing protein and probably taste 100 times better.......
    Well a freind of mine is a body builder, he boils the hamburger for 30 mins, strains it and adds new water, boils it again for 20 mins and then strains it and then frys it for 5 minutes and it tastes great, I cant really tell the difference to be honnest.

    Its just the Medium ground beef is on sale for half price, so I was gonna jump on a pile of that for my diet.

    Thanks for the suggestion tho

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK View Post
    Sorry but boiling raw meat and eating it that way just sounds nasty almost as nasty as boiled hotdogs.

    Realistically you can just buy some 95 or 98% lean beef and cook it on the george forman and it will def get rid of the fat and have no possibility of losing protein and probably taste 100 times better.......
    Foreman is the man, but you can also use a regular grill. If you aren't worried about the bs cancer threat of it. 98% lean is good stuff anyway. Buffalo burger is another great way to go... Less fat then chicken breast and as good as beef.

  6. #6
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    Boiling hamburger does not affect the protein amount at all, no.

    Unless you lose chunks/pieces of it in the water, it will remain the same. Only thing you may lose is some fat, but w/96% lean gb, there is no reason to boil it and then boil it again before frying as it's quite dry already when cooked even to med-rare. The gb I buy has 25 grams pro and 4.5 fat per 4 oz serving. That is minimal fat wise, but in my personal layout/approach I need fat in my meals as those w/gb are fat/protein meals only, no carbs in those offerings so the fat counts towards my necessary fat allotment in those said offerings.

    (Boiling red meat sounds disgusting as h*ll, I agree, and w/lean gb being purchased there is no logical reason to do that/waste time/waste water/etc.)


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheylayna1978 View Post
    Boiling hamburger does not affect the protein amount at all, no.

    Unless you lose chunks/pieces of it in the water, it will remain the same. Only thing you may lose is some fat, but w/96% lean gb, there is no reason to boil it and then boil it again before frying as it's quite dry already when cooked even to med-rare. The gb I buy has 25 grams pro and 4.5 fat per 4 oz serving. That is minimal fat wise, but in my personal layout/approach I need fat in my meals as those w/gb are fat/protein meals only, no carbs in those offerings so the fat counts towards my necessary fat allotment in those said offerings.

    (Boiling red meat sounds disgusting as h*ll, I agree, and w/lean gb being purchased there is no logical reason to do that/waste time/waste water/etc.)

    you guys are forgetting the one MAJOR benefit and that is the incredible savings you get when you buy 70% lean beef over 97% lean beef, you save close to half the amount of money. and when your cutting all your food pretty much sucks, so any type of beef taste deliciouse. I tried this a few times while cutting and the beef tasted superier to my chicken and egg whites.

    It doesn't taste that bad, throw some spice on it and your good to go, although i only boiled mine for like 14 minutes not that long!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by chitownhoker View Post
    you guys are forgetting the one MAJOR benefit and that is the incredible savings you get when you buy 70% lean beef over 97% lean beef, you save close to half the amount of money. and when your cutting all your food pretty much sucks, so any type of beef taste deliciouse. I tried this a few times while cutting and the beef tasted superier to my chicken and egg whites.

    It doesn't taste that bad, throw some spice on it and your good to go, although i only boiled mine for like 14 minutes not that long!
    Ya its cheaper per POUND...because when you buy a 70% you are getting much more fat. You are paying for meat not fat so you should be paying the same amount for the actual MEAT you get.

    Ok so the hamburger only cost you $10 instead of $15, but now you need to cook 12oz instead of 8oz because much more of it is fat content.

  9. #9
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    ^^^ i was going to post the same thing...agreed the math....not such a bargain.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ^^^ i was going to post the same thing...agreed the math....not such a bargain.
    Yup, looks like you and me passed grade 3 math lol.

    On the topic of beef...people should look into buying ground sirloin, its as lean as the steaks but they grind it up. Nice and tasty and low fat.

  11. #11
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    Believe me, I'm well versed in the purchase of fitness food, and your "beef reasoning" (as already brought to the fore-front of discussion above via 2 people) in regards to price and percentage of fat, is grossly incorrect. In addition, I'd much rather spend the few cents extra even IF IT WERE TO COST MORE WHICH IT DOES NOT as was explained above, on the extra lean ground beef rather than boiling some grossly inferior fat-ridden mound of sub-par beef over and over again in a futile attempt to "make" the extra lean beef I can buy initially.

    You must realize the proposed method you offered is not sound in reasoning or practice. You simply "BOIL AWAY" your money down the drain which is the FAT you PAID MONEY FOR. FAT = MONEY PAID = DOWN THE DRAIN = MONEY LOST.

    I avoid the loss of money down the drain because I don't have to boil my beef (UGGGH!!!) which only serves to wash away the FAT I PAID FOR when I bought the sub-par beef. I get a FAR BETTER PRODUCT taste and quality wise with spending a bit more up-front and obtaining top quality ground beef, and it's cheaper than try to "make" top grade beef by using ridiculous methods to try and magically "make" something that can be bought up-front. You spend more $$ on the end product anyhow in "reducing" your fat-laden beef, not to mention saving TIME, water, and gas/electric in having to "boil" a non-boil meant product TWICE before then having to use the gas/electric again to finally cook the product (fry-pan) as initially intended.

    Bottom line is that it's not cheaper to buy sub-par beef and use a chemistry class approach to magically make top quality goods. It's more expensive in the end actually, and tastes like monkey f*ck in comparison.

    When it comes to ground beef, get the good stuff. Cut corners on other items/products, not a staple that cannot be "imitated", as when one is dieting, the last thing one wants is something sub-par and disgusting.


    Quote Originally Posted by chitownhoker View Post
    you guys are forgetting the one MAJOR benefit and that is the incredible savings you get when you buy 70% lean beef over 97% lean beef, you save close to half the amount of money. and when your cutting all your food pretty much sucks, so any type of beef taste deliciouse. I tried this a few times while cutting and the beef tasted superier to my chicken and egg whites.

    It doesn't taste that bad, throw some spice on it and your good to go, although i only boiled mine for like 14 minutes not that long!

  12. #12
    I may just be an idiot or slow, but when u say fat down the drain = money down the drain doesnt make sence to me because I do not want the fat content as im trying to cut and the fat content included in my diet is going to come from fish sources and oils and also the reason why I posted this thread was because the hamburger is on special for $1.39 a pound, which is over half off, so if boiling the hamburger would indeed get all the fat out of it and not loose the protien, to me that sounds like the best way to go money wise, when u pay say $10 for a tiny pack of extra lean hamburger or pay $10 for 2 huge packs of hamburger, If memory serves me correctly, lean hamburger has 1g more of protien in every half cup compared to regular ground beef.

  13. #13
    ohh and also you say I would loose money because of the use with water and electric, but I live in an apt and all that is incld in the rent lol

    So with all that being said above, what are the cons of my method when boiling med ground beef?

    Its cheaper so much cheaper

    Still get the same amount of protien

    After you boil the fat content out, its just as good as the extra lean ground beef fat wise.

    I have already ate boiled hamburger and it doesnt taste that bad at all, add a few spices and its good to go.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    Ya its cheaper per POUND...because when you buy a 70% you are getting much more fat. You are paying for meat not fat so you should be paying the same amount for the actual MEAT you get.

    Ok so the hamburger only cost you $10 instead of $15, but now you need to cook 12oz instead of 8oz because much more of it is fat content.
    just looked at my local grocer today.

    70% lean beef 2.18 per pound = 3.11 cents per 1% of pure beef
    97% lean beef 3.79 per pound = 3.91 cents per 1% of pure beef

    do the math, its cheaper

  15. #15
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    not it really isnt cheaper.... My buddy owns a grocery store that cuts thier own meat..They will put HAMBURGER on sale for .99 a lb ,, and I dont care what the label says on the low grade hamberger,, they throw fat off other parts of the cow and run it though the mixer to add weight!!!!!!! I have also worked at a nother butcher and its comon practice to add weight to the cheap burger,,,,,,,,, Get the ground sirlion and yer lookin at least amount of fat and best pound for pound of good beef,, but even then 95% lean is what it says,,, may not meen whatyer gettin.... the best ground beef you wont be able to se many little white fat globs in it and it wont even grease up yer hands when you handle it.... I get my beef from the local 4 h kids and I do my own cuts at my buddies store,,, so when I pan fry up a lb of burger I get maybee 1 spoon full of grease out of it.......... It is way cheaper this way I averaged 1.76 a lb for my beef ,,, burger- steaks - roasts.......... Then there is the taste factor,, that cheap stuff tastes horrible now matter how much its boiled.....

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biff77 View Post
    not it really isnt cheaper.... My buddy owns a grocery store that cuts thier own meat..They will put HAMBURGER on sale for .99 a lb ,, and I dont care what the label says on the low grade hamberger,, they throw fat off other parts of the cow and run it though the mixer to add weight!!!!!!! I have also worked at a nother butcher and its comon practice to add weight to the cheap burger,,,,,,,,, Get the ground sirlion and yer lookin at least amount of fat and best pound for pound of good beef,, but even then 95% lean is what it says,,, may not meen whatyer gettin.... the best ground beef you wont be able to se many little white fat globs in it and it wont even grease up yer hands when you handle it.... I get my beef from the local 4 h kids and I do my own cuts at my buddies store,,, so when I pan fry up a lb of burger I get maybee 1 spoon full of grease out of it.......... It is way cheaper this way I averaged 1.76 a lb for my beef ,,, burger- steaks - roasts.......... Then there is the taste factor,, that cheap stuff tastes horrible now matter how much its boiled.....

    so your saying that if it says 70% lean its actually 60% and if it says 97% lean its actually 90% or something like that? don't think so bro....maybe at a butcher shop, but not a grocer

  17. #17
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    Oh well, we tried C_Bino but it doesn't register w/them!

    I guess the best course of action is to purchase what you want and do your science experiment to arrive @ your food to be eaten, hahah. I'll purchase the good stuff and avoid having to do a "cold water extraction" for some stupid (__!__) ground beef.


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheylayna1978 View Post
    Oh well, we tried C_Bino but it doesn't register w/them!

    I guess the best course of action is to purchase what you want and do your science experiment to arrive @ your food to be eaten, hahah. I'll purchase the good stuff and avoid having to do a "cold water extraction" for some stupid (__!__) ground beef.

    to each there own, its a cheaper way to eat ground beef, and if your any good at cooking some good spices make it taste fine......from the way it sounds you haven't even tried it, so why don't you stop knocking it untill you do.

  19. #19
    just eat it raw.. cooking = mess to clean up. HAR HAR

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by chitownhoker View Post
    so your saying that if it says 70% lean its actually 60% and if it says 97% lean its actually 90% or something like that? don't think so bro....maybe at a butcher shop, but not a grocer

    haa ya ,,, go to kroger and buy beef from a cow that was raised in hondouras.... Ill take my chances with the beef from the 4- h kids and the food I seen them feed it !!

  21. #21
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    I have been just throwing the lean stuff(93%) in a frying pan, adding broc and non fat/sugar pasta sauce and some ww pasta.

    Damn it's so good. My question is, how bad is it to cook in a fry pan?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by xnotoriousx View Post
    I have been just throwing the lean stuff(93%) in a frying pan, adding broc and non fat/sugar pasta sauce and some ww pasta.

    Damn it's so good. My question is, how bad is it to cook in a fry pan?
    i would say all the fat that is cooked out of the beef is then absorbed by the broc and sauce. It depends on your goals and macros. bulking, 93% lean, is pretty lean beef, if your cutting you might not want the fat. remember red meat has saturated fats in it, so if you can eat as little of the red meat fat as you can, but still eat the red meat the better off you are.

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