not it really isnt cheaper.... My buddy owns a grocery store that cuts thier own meat..They will put HAMBURGER on sale for .99 a lb ,, and I dont care what the label says on the low grade hamberger,, they throw fat off other parts of the cow and run it though the mixer to add weight!!!!!!!

I have also worked at a nother butcher and its comon practice to add weight to the cheap burger,,,,,,,,, Get the ground sirlion and yer lookin at least amount of fat and best pound for pound of good beef,, but even then 95% lean is what it says,,, may not meen whatyer gettin.... the best ground beef you wont be able to se many little white fat globs in it and it wont even grease up yer hands when you handle it.... I get my beef from the local 4 h kids and I do my own cuts at my buddies store,,, so when I pan fry up a lb of burger I get maybee 1 spoon full of grease out of it.......... It is way cheaper this way I averaged 1.76 a lb for my beef ,,, burger- steaks - roasts.......... Then there is the taste factor,, that cheap stuff tastes horrible now matter how much its boiled.....