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  1. #1
    nirvana2009 is offline New Member
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    critique my diet

    Hi Guys,
    I am new here so thought of putting up my diet here for review.Thanks to all the gurus here for their advise.
    working out-3 yr natural (have not run any cycles yet but thinking of one.I have another post on this forum for that)
    bf-13%(been bulking natural for 6 months).last cut reached 10%
    Eventual goal-reach 220lb at 9/10% bf.

    Diet:Vegetarian-consume some dairy but no seafood or feta/cottage cheese

    Meal1-Breakfast-8:00am -1 cup of oats in half a cup of skim milk+2 wheet bread with 2 tsp skippys peanut butter+1 banana+3 heaping scoops of muscletech weight gainer shake.

    Meal2-10:30am -12 raw almonds

    Meal 3-Lunch-12:30pm -subway or togos sandwhich on wheat bread(No sauces/mayo/must/cheese).The sandwch has only vegetables+2 scoops of avacado+1 large vegetable soup(no cheese in it)

    Meal 4-3:30pm - 2 scoops of optimum whey protein(organic)

    Meal5-Preworkout-6pm -2 bananas+2 scoops of muscletech weightgainer shake.

    Meal6-Dinner9:30pm - 1.5 cups basmati white rice(medium GI)+1/2 cup fat free yogurt+plus vegetable(sweet potato etc)+2 wheat pita bread

    Meal7-Before bed-3 scoops of optimum whey protein.

    Total cal-~3200

    No cheat meals until i crave something.

    This is pretty much what my diet looks like with some minor changes to maintain variety.

    I understand that i could cut out a lot of shakes but being vegetarian it is hard to make up calories on vegetables alone since my goal is to atleast reach 20o lbs natually with minimum fat gain as possible.To all the gurus here ,pls feel free to suggest improvements that has worked for you.

    Thanks again for all the advise and help.
    Last edited by nirvana2009; 06-03-2009 at 08:05 PM.

  2. #2
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
    juicy_brucy is offline Ripped, not bulky
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    Meal one... Get some all natural peanut butter...
    skippy peanut butter has some unwanted ingredients...
    Selected U.S. Peanuts (Minimum 90%), Sugar, Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils, Salt, Palm Oil

    Meals 2 and 6 just need a just a little more protein.... No cottage cheese? That is a vegetarians best friend! I can't say that Feta is anything that special to begin with... I haven't heard many people say anything relevant about it other than it tastes good, but if there is something I am unaware of, please feel free to fill me in!

    Have you checked out Goji berries or Salba yet? Great food for you my friend...

  3. #3
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    here bro this is what we could use to start

    those 2 links are the basis of what you need right now,we still need macros (pro, carbs,fat) of all foods, meals, day along with calories. and BMR. ** WATCH ALL DVD VIDEOS FIRST! BMR CALCULATIONS

    i would not have the best input here as i am not a vegetarian and my protein sources come from beef, egg whties, chicken, turkey, (foods)

  4. #4
    nirvana2009 is offline New Member
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    thanks guys for the advice and the videos were very information.feta cheese is a good source of protein and fat.1 cup of feta has 21.3g protein and 31.9 gm fat.I will try you suggestion juicy_bruicy.

    On the macros

    Meal1-Breakfast-8:00am -1 cup of oats in half a cup of skim milk+2 wheet bread with 2 tsp skippys peanut butter+1 banana+3 heaping scoops of muscletech weight gainer shake.
    calories-1013.7 (carbs-185.3 gm/741.2cal protein-40 gm/160 cal fat-12.5 gm/112.5 cal)

    Meal2-10:30am -12 raw almonds
    Calories-174 (carbs-6 gm/24cal protein-6 gm/24 cal fat-14 gm/126cal)

    Meal 3-Lunch-12:30pm -subway or togos sandwhich on wheat bread(No sauces/mayo/must/cheese).The sandwch has only vegetables+2 scoops of avacado+1 large vegetable soup(no cheese in it)
    Calories-477.8 (carbs-60 gm/280 cal protein-22 gm/88 cal fat-12.2 gm/109.8cal)

    Meal 4-3:30pm - 2 scoops of optimum whey protein(organic)
    Calories-226 (carbs-4 gm/16cal protein-48 gm/192 cal fat-2 gm/18cal)

    Meal5-Preworkout-6pm -2 bananas+2 scoops of muscletech weightgainer shake.
    Calories-574.8 (carbs-121.2 gm/484.8 cal protein-18 gm/72 cal fat-2 gm/18cal)

    Meal6-Dinner9:30pm - 1 cups basmati white rice(medium GI)+1/2 cup fat free yogurt+plus vegetable(sweet potato etc)+2 wheat pita bread
    Calories-754.6 (carbs-147 gm/588cal protein-39 gm/157.6 cal fat-1 gm/9cal)

    Meal7-Before bed-3 scoops of optimum whey protein.
    Calories-370 (carbs-8 gm/32cal protein-80 gm/320 cal fat-3 gm/18 cal)

    TOTAL CAL/dat-3549.13cal (carb-531.5/2126cal protein-253gm/1012c fat-45.7/411.13cal)

    carbs-60% protein-28% fat-12%

    Per Harry Benedict formula-the req calories for me is ~4200 cal.However I doubt if that is accurate.
    Last edited by nirvana2009; 06-04-2009 at 11:58 AM.

  5. #5
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    show us how you got 4200cal, it's not right

  6. #6
    nirvana2009 is offline New Member
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    Hi Phate-I stand corrected You can see below on the maint calorie level for me 2916.17.Currently I am taking in ~3500 cal

    Per HB equation
    If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725

    For BMR:
    Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )


    Calories for maint-1881.4*1.55 -->2916.17

  7. #7
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    ok so your body has adapted to eeating about 600 calories over, so your current intake is your "maintenance level". you are 13% so lets get you down 300-500 calories daily from current intake. i also thiink your diet needs alot of work aside from cuttinv calories, lets focus on cleaner foods and right timing with macros (no weight gainers, milk, fruits, etc).

  8. #8
    nirvana2009 is offline New Member
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    thanks bro.The reason i was eating above my main was because of my bulking.This is my first real bulk.Before this I cut for 2.5 yrs.So wont cutting cal be equivalent to a cutting regimen?however I agree with you on reducing the shakes and eating more whole foods.Also change my macros like maybe increasing protein and fat % more.The only problem is getting my protein from veggies alone is a bit unrealistic.Hence the shakes.Personally i do not enjoy drinking all those shakes in day .I am open to all suggestion.
    Just a couple of things..I do not consume eggs,meat,seafood,feta and cottage cheese.Everything else is okay with me I hope I not being too picky here.

    I have always wondered how big one can get on a vegetarian diet.So this will be a good learning process for me.

    Thanks again to all the gurus here--
    Last edited by nirvana2009; 06-04-2009 at 12:48 PM.

  9. #9
    Cheylayna1978's Avatar
    Cheylayna1978 is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    i would not have the best input here as i am not a vegetarian and my protein sources come from beef, egg whties, chicken, turkey, (foods)
    Myself as well, I 2nd this.

    W/out the inclusion of sound protein sources such as eggs/beef/chicken/fish/etc., you'll be hard-pressed to find an approach that is going to yield the results desired. Not to "knock" your personal choice or religious "beliefs", but there is a reality to this that must be acknowledged.

    Meals you've listed such as rice WITH bread (pure carbs, carb DENSE), a fast food Subway sandwich (bread bread bread with no protein, only vegetables that are good for you, but do nothing positive nitrogen balance wise/amino acid wise), and oatmeal with peanut butter (carbs accompanied by a very high fat source, basically a carb/fat meal with limited incomplete protein/plant based), are not meals/choices that are going to support the physique you are chasing. The good protein sources you do have (limited) come from powders/liquid offerings, not solid food which is very key not only for muscle but for metabolism and it processing "real food", not liquid which requires basically no effort by your metabolism to process. Not to mention that "weight gainers" are notorious for making people FAT! Real food always takes precedence over "weight gainers" loaded w/carbs and mostly sugars in the majority of brands. Even if they have limited sugar, the carb count is insane, as they need the product to add weight to the customer no matter what kind of weight it is! (FAT!)

    Reaching 200 lbs. can happen, but it won't be 200 lbs. of pure lean muscle mass, as you simply don't have the nutrition required to gain pure lean mass as opposed to body fat from what is basically a carb/fat diet. Soy protein is okay in very limited moderation for males, as it raises estrogen levels in men and lowers test levels, and will do this for sure if it's a "staple protein source" vs. the inclusion of just a bit for purposes of heart/cardiovascular health, not anabolism and muscle building/positive nitrogen balance.

    A very good comparison written via my instructor at his website regarding vegetarians wanting to obtain a body that is lean/shredded to the bone/etc., or gain copious amounts of muscle to be huge or huge AND shredded reads as follows:

    "It's the equivalent of one wanting to be a doctor, but refusing to go to medical school. Some things are just not realistic w/out the necessary inclusion of the correct tools/resources needed. That's simply the reality of the situation".

    In summary, it's not realistic to expect non-vegetarian physique results when a diet is based on only carbs and fat. Again, that's simply the true reality of the situation.

    Good luck to you for sure, as this is not a "knock" on your personal lifestyle, not at all. I just wanted to present what I've seen/learned/and even heard from those who were once vegetarians who then transferred over to being a "meat eater" and found the "missing link" to all of their hard work. They found it to be so much easier to attain the results they chased for years by taking it to the next level w/the inclusion of beef/chicken/fish/eggs/etc. I like the saying, "nothing builds beef like BEEF!"


  10. #10
    Cheylayna1978's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nirvana2009 View Post

    I have always wondered how big one can get on a vegetarian diet.
    Only so far progress wise, as the tools/resources needed for the desired outcome are being excluded. So, you can't expect miracles when the tools that yield the desired outcome are not part of the equation.

    My boyfriend also wanted me to include this, and that is the use of gear on a vegetarian diet is not something beneficial at all. A waste of gear, time, money, etc., as if you can't get bigger naturally (because of the personal choice of lifestyle) then gear won't magically construct muscle out of thin air. Meaning, w/out the COPIOUS amounts of muscle building amino acids, "gear" has nothing to assimilate into lean mass. It NEEDS something to build/assimilate, and that "something" is not included.
    Better off saving your money until you decide to include meat/eggs/etc., as using gear w/out the SOUND nutrition that is needed for gear to work, is pissing into the wind.


  11. #11
    nirvana2009 is offline New Member
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    Thanks Layna for your valuable imputs.I understand the limitations of a vegetarian diet calorie wise as compared to non vegetarian diet as well as the fact that just being on gear will not put on muscle.However i think getting to ~180 lb lean mass is very attainable ,maybe or maybe not 200+lean lbs.I have reached 170 lbs at 10% bodyfat before (using accumeasure calipers) with a vegetarian diet.I was ~200 lbs (fat!) before starting my bodybuilding regimen.I have never been really obese per se.However i do agree that crossing 200lbs and hoping to reach 10% body fat level wont be easy and may never happen but that is wht the learning process is all about plus you never know what can be achieved.I dont plan to start a cycle untill my diet is in shape.I was thinking of running one cycle to see the results and then decide whether it is worth the money and effort.
    I am sure there are ways to up the calorie level with even a vegetarian diet at the same time lowering my shakes intake.The protein source is what is the most difficult on a vegetarian diet.There is nothing better i would like than to prove sceptics wrong who say you cannot be lean big on a vegetarian diet as I have heard this too often.
    I do agree weightgainer shakes can put some fat on you plus vegetarian diet is my lifestyle choice and nothing to do with religion.
    Last edited by nirvana2009; 06-04-2009 at 03:45 PM.

  12. #12
    nirvana2009 is offline New Member
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    so any further suggestions?Guess I am the only vegetarian doing bb out here on this forum
    Last edited by nirvana2009; 06-04-2009 at 10:59 PM.

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