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Thread: 2 cheat days,ahh damn it!, how to get my definition back?

  1. #1
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    2 cheat days,ahh damn it!, how to get my definition back?

    This weekened i went away for 2 days and ate like i normaly wouldnt, ex i had some ice cream, pizza, cakes, fried homefries, drinks high in sugar, fatty stakes, LOL. yeah. and I kind of lost my defition. What is the safest and qucikest way to get it back?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    obviously cardio + a PROPER diet...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    plastic surgery, or get a knife and just cut the fat off, ur skin will grow back, who cares


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    obviously cardio + a PROPER diet...
    Yeah i def will do cardio, as diet goes, should i cut out most of my carb intake for a day or 2?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnewton86 View Post
    plastic surgery, or get a knife and just cut the fat off, ur skin will grow back, who cares

    Great hint, thanks lol

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    This weekened i went away for 2 days and ate like i normaly wouldnt, ex i had some ice cream, pizza, cakes, fried homefries, drinks high in sugar, fatty stakes, LOL. yeah. and I kind of lost my defition. What is the safest and qucikest way to get it back?
    well, this may not be as bad as u think it is...

    what's your diet regularly look like??? how many calories do you take in and what's your bmr/tdee?

    do u know what a refeed day is? or what leptin levels are??

  7. #7
    i agree with jammy. if your diet is usually soo good that this one week end worried you then you should look at it like it's good. this could jump start your metabolism among other things. probably would have been better with out mixing highcarbs with fat but it was only a couple of days. straighten the diet back out and you may find with in a couple of days the definition you say you lost will be back.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    well, this may not be as bad as u think it is...

    what's your diet regularly look like??? how many calories do you take in and what's your bmr/tdee?

    do u know what a refeed day is? or what leptin levels are??
    do you know a link to a layman's explination of leptin levels. i need to look deeper in to it so i can undertsand it.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by (1*) View Post
    do you know a link to a layman's explination of leptin levels. i need to look deeper in to it so i can undertsand it.
    i lost the link... ask phate, he has it..

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    well, this may not be as bad as u think it is...

    what's your diet regularly look like??? how many calories do you take in and what's your bmr/tdee?

    do u know what a refeed day is? or what leptin levels are??
    Whats up jamyjamjr, ok so my bmr is 3407. I consume 2500-3500 calories a day, it veries do to my job so. I eat 200-300 grams of protein, 165-300 carbs, not sure on fat not high though, my guess is 50+ grams all good fat though

    I never never hear of refeed day (cheat day?) im guessing.
    and i have never heard of leptin levels but im about to hit up google and find out bc i love to learn

  11. #11
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    Dec 2008
    Also Here is my diet im sure you remember me, you have helped me few times before, i dont follow that friday threw sunday because i dont work so i sleep in a little so i miss about 2 meals, i also added salmon and tuna in few days on the week. But this is what i try to follow

    4:30 am Meal 1: 60 grams of carbs from oat meal with little milk and sugar free syrup, 4-5 eggs usually only whites, fat free yogurt with 17g protein and 11 g of sugar, coffee

    8:00 am Meal 2: eather 2 slices of wheat bread, with 6-7 oz of lean turkey or ham , or just chicken breast and hand full of almonds

    11-11:30 Meal 3: 30-50 grams of carbs from brown rice or wheat pasta or red beans and green veggies, with 6-8 oz of lean chicken or turkey

    2:30 Meal 4: 50 grams of elliet protein with bannana or no bannna and hand full of almonds

    5:00 Meal 5 3-4 oz lean turkey, london broil, or chicken with red beans, brown rice about 30-40 grams of good carbs at least

    6-6:30 Pre-work out drink, new No-shot gun which has protein 40 grams in 2 scoops ( I will get off thie prework out drink as soon when I feel the gear hit me, i feel like i need it after work to get wried up agian)

    8:00 Post work out 40-50 grams of elliet protein, with 35-70 grams of glycomaize

    9-930: londol broil all the wayy here, 3-4 oz

    I also like to play with my carbs, as have few low carb days but lately I have been staying the same so i can have some energy for work since im still getting used work.

    Do you think i should add beaked sweet potato on somedays and more fat?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    i lost the link... ask phate, he has it..
    No offense but for someone who quuotes it a lot you should be able to explain it...

    Anyhow, I will do so.

    Leptin is a hormone in the body that you could say works inversely with another hormone called grehlin.

    When you body is functioning properly they are at a balance, when you are sleep deprived and food deprived levels of grehlin increase and levels of leptin dip lower, this will cause an increase in appetite and fat storage.

    So the idea is, that when on a low calorie diet for an extended period of time then leptin levels decline and grehlin increase, so having a cheat/refeed meal will help to bring those hormones more into balance.

    As for the original questions...if you lost all your definition after 2 days than you didnt have much to begin with.

    But of course just get back on the same diet that got you your definition in the first place...

  13. #13
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    Dec 2008
    Oh i went to the gym earlier actually i didnt loose my defintion too bad, i kind exaggerated earlier i guess but im def not where i was few days ago

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    No offense but for someone who quuotes it a lot you should be able to explain it...

    Anyhow, I will do so.

    Leptin is a hormone in the body that you could say works inversely with another hormone called grehlin.

    When you body is functioning properly they are at a balance, when you are sleep deprived and food deprived levels of grehlin increase and levels of leptin dip lower, this will cause an increase in appetite and fat storage.

    So the idea is, that when on a low calorie diet for an extended period of time then leptin levels decline and grehlin increase, so having a cheat/refeed meal will help to bring those hormones more into balance.

    As for the original questions...if you lost all your definition after 2 days than you didnt have much to begin with.

    But of course just get back on the same diet that got you your definition in the first place...
    Can i have a cheat me ever hr to help keep them balanced ?

  15. #15
    thanks. i did some reading on it but couldn't find a laymans term paraphrase.
    so understanding it correctly i would say that if in a keto or savage type diet. as long as i am eating enough calories, which i usually am around 3000, the leptin shouldn't be dropped too much, correct?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    No offense but for someone who quuotes it a lot you should be able to explain it...

    Anyhow, I will do so.

    Leptin is a hormone in the body that you could say works inversely with another hormone called grehlin.

    When you body is functioning properly they are at a balance, when you are sleep deprived and food deprived levels of grehlin increase and levels of leptin dip lower, this will cause an increase in appetite and fat storage.

    So the idea is, that when on a low calorie diet for an extended period of time then leptin levels decline and grehlin increase, so having a cheat/refeed meal will help to bring those hormones more into balance.

    As for the original questions...if you lost all your definition after 2 days than you didnt have much to begin with.

    But of course just get back on the same diet that got you your definition in the first place...
    I see, thanks i was actually about to google it. That makes me happy though lol. I was mad all morning, i was about to not eat any carbs today lol and tomm.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    No offense but for someone who quuotes it a lot you should be able to explain it...

    Anyhow, I will do so.

    Leptin is a hormone in the body that you could say works inversely with another hormone called grehlin.

    When you body is functioning properly they are at a balance, when you are sleep deprived and food deprived levels of grehlin increase and levels of leptin dip lower, this will cause an increase in appetite and fat storage.

    So the idea is, that when on a low calorie diet for an extended period of time then leptin levels decline and grehlin increase, so having a cheat/refeed meal will help to bring those hormones more into balance.

    As for the original questions...if you lost all your definition after 2 days than you didnt have much to begin with.

    But of course just get back on the same diet that got you your definition in the first place...
    wow, ur quick to get on someones case huh??

    my computer crashed on me a coupla days ago... i lost all the links to my articles on diff important subjects.. take it easy...

  18. #18
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    just get back on the diet, a refeed is very good for the body and helps you stay sane, but some people claim they are having a refeed then it turns into a weekend of total shit.
    Thats is a completly different story, but at the end of day you only know if you cheated yourself in such a bad way.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    wow, ur quick to get on someones case huh??

    my computer crashed on me a coupla days ago... i lost all the links to my articles on diff important subjects.. take it easy...
    I dont need to take it easy. I just state the obvious in most threads and if people get offended thats too bad. That's why I am a HOF here, because I am very well educated.

    So when you ask someone, do you know what leptin levels are, and then are unable to explain it yourself without your "links to articles" I find it reflects poorly on the board since many people seem to turn to you for advice.

    If you want to ask someone a question you better be damn sure you can answer it yourself...and better yet actually understand it...anyone can read and paraphrase articles.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Can i have a cheat me ever hr to help keep them balanced ?
    Yes, for you this is ok. But, no one else.

  21. #21
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    damn c bino you have a phd in this stuff...impresssive

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    No offense but for someone who quuotes it a lot you should be able to explain it...

    Anyhow, I will do so.

    Leptin is a hormone in the body that you could say works inversely with another hormone called grehlin.

    When you body is functioning properly they are at a balance, when you are sleep deprived and food deprived levels of grehlin increase and levels of leptin dip lower, this will cause an increase in appetite and fat storage.

    So the idea is, that when on a low calorie diet for an extended period of time then leptin levels decline and grehlin increase, so having a cheat/refeed meal will help to bring those hormones more into balance.

    As for the original questions...if you lost all your definition after 2 days than you didnt have much to begin with.

    But of course just get back on the same diet that got you your definition in the first place...
    I presume the same thing happens during an active day when your food deprived but at a faster rate??

  23. #23
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    fish and chips mad matt

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I presume the same thing happens during an active day when your food deprived but at a faster rate??
    Ya it wouldnt be too significant within the day. Hormones are always being regulated so yes they go up and down with certain rhythms of the body and also do to stress etc.

    So the biggest problem will be if you are really lacking sleep.

    Imagine grehlin and leptin are out of wack. Picture them to be you fuel (gas) gauge in your car. Because they are so to speak the same in your body.

    If the gauge is working properly and you put fuel in it you will then burn it off at a reasonable rate, and when you step on the gas big time it goes and the rate of fuel consumption increases.

    Now, if your gas gauge is broken and you dont know how much gas is in the tank and you want to go on a 4 hour drive (burn off a ton of fuel) are you gonna do it? No, instead you are going to conserve the gas...much as your body will do when leptin is decreased too much and your gauge is broken.

    So dont worry about it from meal to meal and hour to hour, cuz those are just short trips right. Start to worry if you are going through periods of fasting, very low calories and bad sleep patterns

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    Ya it wouldnt be too significant within the day. Hormones are always being regulated so yes they go up and down with certain rhythms of the body and also do to stress etc.

    So the biggest problem will be if you are really lacking sleep.

    Imagine grehlin and leptin are out of wack. Picture them to be you fuel (gas) gauge in your car. Because they are so to speak the same in your body.

    If the gauge is working properly and you put fuel in it you will then burn it off at a reasonable rate, and when you step on the gas big time it goes and the rate of fuel consumption increases.

    Now, if your gas gauge is broken and you dont know how much gas is in the tank and you want to go on a 4 hour drive (burn off a ton of fuel) are you gonna do it? No, instead you are going to conserve the gas...much as your body will do when leptin is decreased too much and your gauge is broken.

    So dont worry about it from meal to meal and hour to hour, cuz those are just short trips right. Start to worry if you are going through periods of fasting, very low calories and bad sleep patterns
    Yeah that makes alot of sense lol.....

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    fish and chips mad matt
    Only in the morning lol....

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    wow you really lost that much definition over 2 days? I can usually go a few days without seeing any difference as long as i am not starving myself.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    This weekened i went away for 2 days and ate like i normaly wouldnt, ex i had some ice cream, pizza, cakes, fried homefries, drinks high in sugar, fatty stakes, LOL. yeah. and I kind of lost my defition. What is the safest and qucikest way to get it back?
    Do what the other guys and just get back eating food that got you to lose weight.
    I am weird. Maybe. I eat healthy everyday every 2,5 hours but when I have been eaten a whole pizza I feel less fat and more muscular. Like one weekend I ate a big bag of chips and candy. The day after it looked like my stomach was smaller. It´s the same thing if I eat a lot of ice cream I won´t gain any fat. It´s like I feel less after I have been eaten a high carb meal or something unhealthy then when I have been eaten something healthy.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    Also Here is my diet im sure you remember me, you have helped me few times before, i dont follow that friday threw sunday because i dont work so i sleep in a little so i miss about 2 meals, i also added salmon and tuna in few days on the week. But this is what i try to follow

    4:30 am Meal 1: 60 grams of carbs from oat meal with little milk and sugar free syrup, 4-5 eggs usually only whites, fat free yogurt with 17g protein and 11 g of sugar, coffee

    8:00 am Meal 2: eather 2 slices of wheat bread, with 6-7 oz of lean turkey or ham , or just chicken breast and hand full of almonds

    11-11:30 Meal 3: 30-50 grams of carbs from brown rice or wheat pasta or red beans and green veggies, with 6-8 oz of lean chicken or turkey

    2:30 Meal 4: 50 grams of elliet protein with bannana or no bannna and hand full of almonds

    5:00 Meal 5 3-4 oz lean turkey, london broil, or chicken with red beans, brown rice about 30-40 grams of good carbs at least

    6-6:30 Pre-work out drink, new No-shot gun which has protein 40 grams in 2 scoops ( I will get off thie prework out drink as soon when I feel the gear hit me, i feel like i need it after work to get wried up agian)

    8:00 Post work out 40-50 grams of elliet protein, with 35-70 grams of glycomaize

    9-930: londol broil all the wayy here, 3-4 oz

    I also like to play with my carbs, as have few low carb days but lately I have been staying the same so i can have some energy for work since im still getting used work.

    Do you think i should add beaked sweet potato on somedays and more fat?
    If you want to lose weight guys on this board say that you shouldn´t drink milk, or eat yogurt or fruits. They also write that the only bread you can eat is ezekiel bread or maybe some other organic whole wheat bread. One time a guy in the diet section wrote that rice is like poison. I don´t know if that is true or not. I don´t remember what he wrote that it´s like poison but many guys here think that fruits are poison too so you better just stick to oatmeal and vegetables.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    I dont need to take it easy. I just state the obvious in most threads and if people get offended thats too bad. That's why I am a HOF here, because I am very well educated.

    So when you ask someone, do you know what leptin levels are, and then are unable to explain it yourself without your "links to articles" I find it reflects poorly on the board since many people seem to turn to you for advice.

    If you want to ask someone a question you better be damn sure you can answer it yourself...and better yet actually understand it...anyone can read and paraphrase articles.
    well, first off i have no idea what an HOF is...

    secondly u come off a bit harsh and abrasvie to people.. im sure u wanna let everyone here know your the TOP GUN and all, but coming down on people like that is just stupid in my opinion...

    its your choice how you wanna run things bro... u do your thing, ill do mine..

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrdude View Post
    If you want to lose weight guys on this board say that you shouldn´t drink milk, or eat yogurt or fruits. They also write that the only bread you can eat is ezekiel bread or maybe some other organic whole wheat bread. One time a guy in the diet section wrote that rice is like poison. I don´t know if that is true or not. I don´t remember what he wrote that it´s like poison but many guys here think that fruits are poison too so you better just stick to oatmeal and vegetables.
    Hey im not trying to call you out but im confused on few things you said. There are few people that said my diet looks preety good and so far its working because im seeing results. I do agree on milk but i only have 1/4 cup to 1/2 max (i guess im fine here?). I saw PHATE eating same yogurt as i get plus its loaded in protien ( I guess im fine here, since its in the morning?). I have always wondered about the wheat bread, the bread i get is only 1gram or sugar per slice but i will look into the ezekiel or organic from now on...NOW the RICE? I really dont think brown rice is bad, maybe you are reffering to Pros that are on crazy diet? I dont think i can eat oat meal all day long lol

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    Hey im not trying to call you out but im confused on few things you said. There are few people that said my diet looks preety good and so far its working because im seeing results. I do agree on milk but i only have 1/4 cup to 1/2 max (i guess im fine here?). I saw PHATE eating same yogurt as i get plus its loaded in protien ( I guess im fine here, since its in the morning?). I have always wondered about the wheat bread, the bread i get is only 1gram or sugar per slice but i will look into the ezekiel or organic from now on...NOW the RICE? I really dont think brown rice is bad, maybe you are reffering to Pros that are on crazy diet? I dont think i can eat oat meal all day long lol
    Yeah sorry I didn´t really want to criticize your diet. I just wrote what I had read that guys here think that you shouldn´t eat when you want to lose weight. I know that it´s probably not good to eat a lot of fruits and because some fruits are high in fructose. I think it´s okay to eat fruits like for breakfast and/or after weight lifting work out. A guy wrote here a few months ago that rice is like poison. I don´t remember who wrote it. Many pro bodybuilders eat rice. White or brown. Maybe not a few weeks before contest.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    well, first off i have no idea what an HOF is...

    secondly u come off a bit harsh and abrasvie to people.. im sure u wanna let everyone here know your the TOP GUN and all, but coming down on people like that is just stupid in my opinion...

    its your choice how you wanna run things bro... u do your thing, ill do mine..
    HOF + Hall Of Famer...

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    HOF + Hall Of Famer...
    thx matt

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrdude View Post
    Yeah sorry I didn´t really want to criticize your diet. I just wrote what I had read that guys here think that you shouldn´t eat when you want to lose weight. I know that it´s probably not good to eat a lot of fruits and because some fruits are high in fructose. I think it´s okay to eat fruits like for breakfast and/or after weight lifting work out. A guy wrote here a few months ago that rice is like poison. I don´t remember who wrote it. Many pro bodybuilders eat rice. White or brown. Maybe not a few weeks before contest.
    No i didnt think you criticize my diet at all. I just love to learn about diet and bodybuilding so i just wanted to see what others have to say about it because i hear mixed reviews

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