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Also Here is my diet im sure you remember me, you have helped me few times before, i dont follow that friday threw sunday because i dont work so i sleep in a little so i miss about 2 meals, i also added salmon and tuna in few days on the week. But this is what i try to follow
4:30 am Meal 1: 60 grams of carbs from oat meal with little milk and sugar free syrup, 4-5 eggs usually only whites, fat free yogurt with 17g protein and 11 g of sugar, coffee
8:00 am Meal 2: eather 2 slices of wheat bread, with 6-7 oz of lean turkey or ham , or just chicken breast and hand full of almonds
11-11:30 Meal 3: 30-50 grams of carbs from brown rice or wheat pasta or red beans and green veggies, with 6-8 oz of lean chicken or turkey
2:30 Meal 4: 50 grams of elliet protein with bannana or no bannna and hand full of almonds
5:00 Meal 5 3-4 oz lean turkey, london broil, or chicken with red beans, brown rice about 30-40 grams of good carbs at least
6-6:30 Pre-work out drink, new No-shot gun which has protein 40 grams in 2 scoops ( I will get off thie prework out drink as soon when I feel the gear hit me, i feel like i need it after work to get wried up agian)
8:00 Post work out 40-50 grams of elliet protein, with 35-70 grams of glycomaize
9-930: londol broil all the wayy here, 3-4 oz
I also like to play with my carbs, as have few low carb days but lately I have been staying the same so i can have some energy for work since im still getting used work.
Do you think i should add beaked sweet potato on somedays and more fat?