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  1. #1
    Orlando Rocket's Avatar
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    Question PWO nutrition while cutting

    Currently I'm cutting weight, fat is dropping, lifts are gradually still climbing, but why settle for good when you can be better? I lift for about an hour a day then after that do 30 minutes of very low intensity cardio (120 bpm). Should I consume a PWO pro(whey)/carb(oats) shake immediately after lifting, (before my post lift cardio) to reduce cortisol and begin replacing glycogen? Or do I wait until after the LI cardio knowing that the hour and a half I workout is a lot of stress on the body. I can't decide what's best as my schedual doesn't allow for 2 trips to the gym to separate lifting and cardio (which would be optimal). I'm nattie right now and naturally very endomorphic and carb sensitive. Def would appreciate any advice guys!
    Last edited by Orlando Rocket; 06-13-2009 at 09:45 PM.

  2. #2
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    if your cutting, skip the initial pwo shake, and just eat a low GI carb/lean protein when you get home.

  3. #3
    Orlando Rocket's Avatar
    Orlando Rocket is offline Junior Member
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    So continue to hit the weights daily (45 minutes to 1 hour) then go ahead with my LI cardio (30 minutes) then take my PWO nutrition (whey protein with water/oats)? My thoughts were that choosing to do very low intensity cardio following weights wouldn't be too taxing on the body whereas an hour and a half of all out full effort training (weights + high intensity cardio or interval training) would greatly increase cortisol and cause more harm than good.

  4. #4
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    you shoul dbe fine and when you get home you should eat a meal not a shake.

  5. #5
    Orlando Rocket's Avatar
    Orlando Rocket is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the input bro, how about 50g whey and about 58g carbs via the oats right after the cardio, then as soon as I get home eat some real food? Maybe chicken, eggs or turkey with some complex fibrous carbs (minimize fat in this meal)?

  6. #6
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orlando Rocket View Post
    Thanks for the input bro, how about 50g whey and about 58g carbs via the oats right after the cardio, then as soon as I get home eat some real food? Maybe chicken, eggs or turkey with some complex fibrous carbs (minimize fat in this meal)?
    well, thats what i consider to be PWO shake anyway bro, because its pointless to take a shake then do cardio... because you will just burn what you put in. that ratio looks fine but make it a meal when you get home (because the goal is to cut). my favorite PWO meal while cutting is oatmeal pancakes, it should be in the recipe section

  7. #7
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    you do burn extra fat kcals after cardio thats why you should take advantage of it because the anabolic window is larger than you think.. given everything else is in tact.

  8. #8
    Orlando Rocket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    well, thats what i consider to be PWO shake anyway bro, because its pointless to take a shake then do cardio... because you will just burn what you put in. that ratio looks fine but make it a meal when you get home (because the goal is to cut). my favorite PWO meal while cutting is oatmeal pancakes, it should be in the recipe section
    Sorry to keep asking questions about this topic, I appreciate all of your input, with that said, one last q. What do you think about drinking 50g whey with water following weight training (minimal fat+carbs), before cardio? Since the body primarily uses carbs and fat as fule, then go ahead with the PWO meal we discussed when I get home, will this (whey with water) still cancel out the cardio session or make it less effective?

  9. #9
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orlando Rocket View Post
    Sorry to keep asking questions about this topic, I appreciate all of your input, with that said, one last q. What do you think about drinking 50g whey with water following weight training (minimal fat+carbs), before cardio? Since the body primarily uses carbs and fat as fule, then go ahead with the PWO meal we discussed when I get home, will this (whey with water) still cancel out the cardio session or make it less effective?
    i would never take my PWO shake before cardio because.. the reason i do cardio is to burn fat. already mentioned that you will spike insulin from the shake and therefore will have to burn off the calories you just introduced, taking you out of that fat burning glycogen depleted state. just wait till after IMO always.

  10. #10
    Orlando Rocket's Avatar
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    Today I went to the gym hit the weights hard, then drank my creatin (only 30 calories here) with 9g of L-Glutamine added (only 30 more calories) so 60 calories total then did 35 minutes of LI cardio. After that I went home and made some oatmeal pancakes as recommended. I had some sugar free syrup with em and a little equal. After running the numbers (they are exact) my totals were: 653 calories, 6g fat, 90.5 carb, 64g protein. This is a bit more than I would typically eat in one sitting (I shoot for less than 400 cal in one sitting) but will make exceptions PWO.

    With that said, would it be less effective to get my PWO carbs from say, 35% complex starchy (oats) and the other 65% from complex fibrous (veggies) as long as the macros are still the same. The pancakes are good but I don't really want to eat them every day. If adding veggies PWO are an option I could eat some oats then make a huge omelette with tons of my homemade salsa.

  11. #11
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    I would suggest L-Glutamine and/or BCAA's for PWO Meal, then go home and eat something right away.

  12. #12
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dude !!! Oatmeal pancakes !!!

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