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Thread: my diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    my diet

    today i ate
    2 packs oatmeal
    1 cup blueberry
    2 scoops whey protein
    4 hard boiled eggs
    3/4 of a large pizza w/cinnastix
    plate of seafood pasta w/ avocado
    this is sort of typical im easily getting 2500-3000 cal most days but some im so busy prob just enough
    the only reason i weigh 155 at 24 is i had allergy problms for the last few years and lost about 30 lbs but im recovering now finally

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Exoneration. . .
    Your diet needs some improvement! Anyway, what are your goals? Bulk up? Lose fat?

    How tall are ya bro, and what's your BF%?

    With a bit more information we could help with a proper diet. Also, how often do you train?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    im at 24 511 155 and i want to gain 20 - 30 of bulk then get really cut and ****** basically. and i train 4 days p/week 2 muscle groups a day(biceps- triceps. back-shoulders. chest-core. legs) and cardio 2x a week

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Exoneration. . .
    Nice - I'd say drop the cardio. Deadlift, Bench, and Squat are your best friends.

    Eat 6-8 meals a day of 3000-3500 cals, and increase that every couple weeks until you reach 3500-4000 calories. Use 1.5g of protein/lb of lean body mass. So figure out your BF% and then subtract that from your current weight for your LBM.

    Probably between 30-60 carbs per meal if possible. Spread meal 2-3 hours apart, and get plenty of rest. You should be able to put on 20-30lbs in 3-5 months this way! GL!
    Last edited by sizerp; 06-16-2009 at 01:28 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    so if im trying to gain weight is the cardio useless then? but my goal is to be heavier and in better shape in the end. is it better to gain the weight, then get in unbeleivable shape or to slowly gain weight while staying in shape? if that makes sense

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by johnCash View Post
    so if im trying to gain weight is the cardio useless then? but my goal is to be heavier and in better shape in the end. is it better to gain the weight, then get in unbeleivable shape or to slowly gain weight while staying in shape? if that makes sense
    cardio is not useless it will aid in a bunch of shit.. not to mention it will shed fat off while you pack on some muscle... go 20 minutes 60-65% HR incline walk after every workout incline walk... slightly jack up intensity every 2 weeks to avoid plateuing... and slam down your PWO shake...if yoru so set on bulking up JUST EAT WHAT YOU BURNED DURING CARDIO.... AND THEN SOME!

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