Okay, stats are:
25 yrs, 5'11, 207lbs, 12%, 1 week into a 12 week test-e (500mg/week), 10 week deca (400mg/week) cycle.
Currently running the "Game Over" diet by Chuck Rudolph. Taking in about 2700 calories with about 280g Protien, 120g Carbohydrates (not including Carbohydrate night, add 150g Carb every third day for carb up) Fat – 120g (add 30g every third day).
I was using this to get my B/F % lower to start my cycle and have continued to run it since the enanthate takes a couple of weeks to kick in. I figure now that I am on my third pin it is about time to re-evaluate my diet to take advantage of the gear.
I am training hard 4 days a week (sun-off, mon-chest/tri, tues-back bi, wed-cardio, thurs-shoulders, fri- legs, sat-off). My workouts are usually between 1 and a half to two hours, I work in abs every two to three days and calves about the same. My workouts are very fast paced, lots of compound movements, lots of reps alternating with lots of weight. I typically cool off with 15 mins on the stationary bike while sipping on my protein while keeping my heart rate at about 135bpm. I really feel like I have found what works best with my body, now I need to hone in the diet.
I would like to gain as much lean mass as I can without putting on too much fat, currently I take in very little red meat (maybe once a week) and I take in a lot of chicken, orange ruffy, whey, broc, green beans, almonds, and natty p-butter.
Thanks in advance everyone!