hey guys just got done cutting up some... i lost about 20 lbs in 2 1/2 months... i am just about to start up pct.. and will probably lose a good bit of water since i was usuing test/anavar ... I was on a high protein, low carb/fat diet and now that i am coming off i pretty much just want to maintain muscle. and keep off the fat... So i pretty much need a bit of help with picking out the best diet of choice.. as of right now im on a 300 calorie deficit diet 345 g protein, 210 g carbs, 61 g fat. so that i can still maintain alot and very slowly keep losing fat without losing any muscle.. im giving my body a rest now so that i can heal up, get blood work, and get ready for my next cycle and the next cycle of bulk and cut. but my main question is. is the diet im usuing now sufficent for what i am doing and for comming off a cycle? thanks

start: 210
bf: 16-18%
now stats: 190 lbs
bf: 12%-14%