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Thread: post workout crash...just curious

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    post workout crash...just curious

    ok..this is something i have always been curious about....

    can anybody provide a physiological explanation for that pale faced, dizzy, 2 seconds from vomiting feeling you get after a particularly intense workout?

    when i used to grapple i would get it after returning from a period off, and now that i just started cutting ive noticed it twice at the end of a grueling high rep/intensity workout.....

    of course it only has happened when i was out of shape or just starting a strenuous program, so please dont simply say "you're outta shape man.." im well aware....

    i have heard two theories from trainers/nutrionialists ....1) the body has run out of glycogen/sugar which causes the aforementioned reactions....and 2) out of shape, the body is unable to process oxygen efficiently and its a lack of oxygen that creates the symptoms...

    just curious as to what is actually happening in the body to create these symptoms....
    Last edited by thabeastmaster; 06-29-2009 at 04:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Fayetteville, AR
    1. Poor Hydration which causes lower blood volumes which leads to problem #2

    2. When you workout, you are telling your muscles (like an erect penis) to fill with blood, the blood WAS in your brain, now its dumping out into your muscles, less blood to brain = dizzy and nausea and passing out.

    3. Too much carbon dioxide. When you dont breathe correctly or hold your breath between reps, you are retaining too much c02, your brain needs o2 not c02 to stay functional.
    Last edited by trueX; 06-29-2009 at 04:34 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    well i drink 4 liters of water a that rules out hydration.....

    perhaps it is the imbalance of the o2 / co2 that really is the bottom line here......hence why once you get in better shape, your body is more efficient at maintaining this balance and such post workout crashes disappear?

    i remember after a month of steady grappling i could spar for 15 minutes NON STOP and simply be tired at the end, dizzy, no sickness, nothing...just tired...where in the first few sessions id be vomiting after 5 minutes....
    Last edited by thabeastmaster; 06-29-2009 at 04:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Buford, GA
    I am not an expert in anything so take my opinion as such.

    I thought that crash resulted from burning through all your glycogen stores and the dizziness, etc occurs as you body scrambles to find other sources of full to keep the machine running.

    As you train harder and longer your body becomes fitter and more efficient with the energy it has thus you can go longer before crashing.

    But the breathing thing TrueX cites seems true as well, I know I do that a lot. I have to really concentrate on my breathing sometimes during reps else I will just hold my breath like a nub.

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