ok..this is something i have always been curious about....
can anybody provide a physiological explanation for that pale faced, dizzy, 2 seconds from vomiting feeling you get after a particularly intense workout?
when i used to grapple i would get it after returning from a period off, and now that i just started cutting ive noticed it twice at the end of a grueling high rep/intensity workout.....
of course it only has happened when i was out of shape or just starting a strenuous program, so please dont simply say "you're outta shape man.." im well aware....
i have heard two theories from trainers/nutrionialists ....1) the body has run out of glycogen/sugar which causes the aforementioned reactions....and 2) out of shape, the body is unable to process oxygen efficiently and its a lack of oxygen that creates the symptoms...
just curious as to what is actually happening in the body to create these symptoms....