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ok so i have the diet configured at a good cutting caloric range for me and starting off scaling at 60% fats (EFA's) and 40% protein, will cut back on fats if i have to. anyway, my questions are.
1-is it ok to take NO- SHOTGUN preworkout? i have enough left over to last 4 weeks and want to use it especially because energy will be low while i fight to get into ketosis, its zero carb and 20g protein, creatine.
does it contain aspartame or citric acid, both of these can knock some people out of ketosis
2-for PWO shake, im taking isopure and should i take an EFA along with this or just straight whey? again, im not a fan of using whey as opposed to food but i have enough to run me through so im going to get rid of it so when i bulk again i stick to my supps.
depends, are you going to run a standard keto, TKD, or CKD?
your thoughts? im on my 3rd week on carb cycling so far down about 1-2 lbs gotten slilghtly stronger and am starting to cut back 2 carb up days to 1 carb up day with around 400-500g carbs on leg day. workout days are about 150g and non workout days are about 120g carbs.