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Thread: Oils

  1. #1
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    When discussing fats there are always the terms “good” and “bad” fats thrown around a lot. I believe fats are the most misunderstood macronutrient out there in the bodybuilding world. We are all “experts” on protein and carbohydrates but generally I see a huge reliance on these two macronutrients and not enough of dietary fats.

    What are bad fats? Well absolutely trans fats are terrible, they are EXTREMELY scarce in nature and are not produced at all by the human body. They were actually made by accident, researchers took polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils and made them into solids (to increase shelf life and make spreadable fats like margarine) by bubbling hydrogen gas through the oils. They increase the temperature of the gas and the pressure of it to force it through the oil. The regular configuration of these oils is called “cis” configuration, one hydrogen atom to each carbon atom in the chain. Now when the chain is SATURATED with hydrogen (HYDROGENATED) we flip in the configuration of the hydrogen atoms and the configuration is now converted from “cis” to “trans.” We have created trans fats, which are detrimental to health and are greatly responsible for rises in cholesterol levels. Saturated are another type of fat that some consider bad, they are not needed in large quantities that’s for sure but consuming some helps with some normal bodily functions. But there is never a need to add these to your diet, you will get them just consuming your meat sources of protein.

    So, if those jackasses didn’t try to mess with nature and make fat people happy we could just have our polyunsaturated oils and be healthy and happy. Polyunsaturated fats are carbon chains with at least two double bonds; monounsaturates therefore only have one double bond along the chain. Both of these types of oils are good for us.
    Among these polyunsaturates there are certain compounds that are essential to the body, essential meaning our body has no means to manufacture them and we must obtain them through diet, much like essential amino acids. These essential fats/oils are called o m e g a ‘ s 3 and 6 (yes just 3 and 6, 9 althought good for us is not essential and we can make it in our bodies). But for abbreviation sake (especially on this site) we shall refer to them as w-3 and w-6 respectively.

    So, we know these are polyunsaturates, therefore they must have more than one double bond, now why are they called w-3, w-6, w-7 etc? This number specifies the location of the first double bond found in the fatty acid chain (from the methyl end). So when you look at w-3 oils the first double bond will be on the third carbon etc.

    Now, with all that BS out of the way I can tell you why you should and shouldn’t eat certain oils and what they will do for us.
    W-3 and 6 oils have a very specific purpose in the body; to convert to prostaglandins, which are hormone-like compounds that have short lived and very specific actions. There are 3 important types of prostaglandins, series I, II, and III. We can call them PGI, PGII, and PGIII for ease of typing, cuz my fingers are fat and I don’t like typing long words out.

    PGI: derived from w-6 oils and help to reduce inflammation, decrease BP, decrease allergic response, improve immune response, and decrease platelet stickiness.

    PGII: The opposite of PGI, increase BP, increase inflammation response, increase allergic response, decrease the immune system, and also release thromboxanes and leukotreines. These last 2 chemicals are responsible in a lot of negative reactions in the body and have a lot to do with allergic response, they create free radicals, cause musclular spasms of smooth muscle tissues (increasing BP) which leads to throat constriction (asthma) and migraines etc. This is still derived from w-6.

    PGIII: The mother prostaglandin. This overpowers all other prostaglandins, you can imagine PGI and PGII on a teeter-totter and remain in balance (you hope) or more PGI, well PGIII comes along and is the big brother who sits with PGI and helps easily outweigh PGII and the negatives effects associated with it. These comes from w-3, I think we can start to see the importance of w-3 now.

    Since PGI and PGII are both derived from w-6, how do we control how much of each? It is simple; there are certain enzymes which catalyze the conversion. If you lack vitamins and minerals, have high stress levels, lack sleep, take medications like NSAID’s there will be a greater conversion to PGII and less to PGI.

    W-6 conversion can be affectd can w-3? Yes. Again, in several ways, the specific problem with w-3 is we have no real reliable sources from nature. All of the seed oils and plants convert poorly in our body, simply put we do not have the enzymes required to digest these things, we are not meant to feed on seeds and grass like animals are. So we need to find an animal source and this comes in the form of fish oils for the number one source. The funny thing is, since fish have already converted it for us we technically aren’t taking the regular 3-double bonded ALA w-3, but the 5 and 6 double bond w-3 compounds converted from such. You can get the same from w-3 eggs and some in meat sources. But I am telling you that flax oil and other seed oils are gonna give you a poor conversion from w-3 to our precious prostaglandins and other derivative compounds.

    So we know the health benefits from w-3, but what about for bodybuilders?

    W-3 oils will:
    • increase oxygen delivery to cells
    • increase the bodies output of GH when sleeping
    • increase energy
    • decrease inflammation
    • improve recovery time
    • increase membrane fluidity
    • increase metabolism

    and more...

    So here is the main point of this entire thread. Saturated fats, cheese, peanut butter, mayonnaise and other fat sources that people generally eat WILL NOT DO THIS. It has been proven that the greater your reliance on w-3 oils the greater the increase in protein synthesis, so as a percentage of your fat intake, the greater the w-3 and less saturates the more muscle you can build, the faster you can recover, the leaner you will be.

    There is much much more to this topic and I can address questions as they come, but I will also speak of MCT’s, as it’s an ever growing source of fats for people and I just so happened to get a PM about them this week. They are sold in liquid sources just like your nut oils or people get them from coconut oil, which for some reason people claim to be the ****ing Jesus Christ of oils.

    It’s simple, MCT’s are very rare in nature, we don’t need them and they give us very little nutritional benefit. Sure they account for less calories, 7kcal per gram but who cares? I will give them one positive point, they can give you a quick source of energy. But what else are they doing for you? Helping with fat loss? That is still yet to be proven actually. MCT’s were designed in alab to give to people who had malabsorption, as these are easily absorbed and go to the mitochondria bypassing the carnitine shuttle system for oxidation. So if companies claim they account for almost 0kcals like broccoli, why then were they given to people with malabsorption who needed a boost in calories?

    My opinion; take oils that are ESSENTIAL, leave out the oils you have no need for, or take in small quantities.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    excellent info

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    didnt even read it but should be a sticky

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    didnt even read it but should be a sticky
    it's even better if you read it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    it's even better if you read it.
    yep just did lol, always informative and reliable info

  6. #6
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    Waiting for the first poor soul who asks Bino where he Googled that info. Bino, you are THE MAN!

  7. #7
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    Google is awesome isn't it Bino?

    Nice info. Thanks.

  8. #8
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    Interesting information. Are the ***** 3 fish oil "pills" in the vitamin / supplement sections at the stores a quality source and what is a recommended intake for someone with a high metabolism and expends a lot of energy through out the day at work?

    I know it may be a stupid question but I am just starting to try and really work on my nutrition and getting fit.

  9. #9
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    it's even better if you read it.

  10. #10
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    Hopefully this will help some people out.

    And btw if you want a real good enema you can even use oil for that lol. Use 250mL of sesame oil and shove that right up your ass and you will feel great the next day. And I'm actually not kidding.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by RCB View Post
    Interesting information. Are the ***** 3 fish oil "pills" in the vitamin / supplement sections at the stores a quality source and what is a recommended intake for someone with a high metabolism and expends a lot of energy through out the day at work?

    I know it may be a stupid question but I am just starting to try and really work on my nutrition and getting fit.
    F*ck yes man. Get those god damned fish oils down your throat.

    I do about 35 fish oil pills per day and sometimes have liquid fish oil as well.

    Take about 5g with each meal. Eat very very lean meats and even when having carbs 5g fat is perfectly fine and keeps oxygenating the body all day long.

    If you wanna boost cals up more you can also use nut oils for good monounsaturates and they are cheaper than fish. With my pro/fat meals i stil do 5g fish oils and about 15-20g nut based oil with it.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    F*ck yes man. Get those god damned fish oils down your throat.

    I do about 35 fish oil pills per day and sometimes have liquid fish oil as well.

    Take about 5g with each meal. Eat very very lean meats and even when having carbs 5g fat is perfectly fine and keeps oxygenating the body all day long.

    If you wanna boost cals up more you can also use nut oils for good monounsaturates and they are cheaper than fish. With my pro/fat meals i stil do 5g fish oils and about 15-20g nut based oil with it.
    Thanks. I will start the 5g per meal this week and 20g of some nut based oil supplement. I am still working on a diet and am not on any scheduled diet yet so I have no clue what my calorie and nutritional intake is but I know a lot of extra calories won't hurt. I need all I can stand to take in.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by RCB View Post
    Thanks. I will start the 5g per meal this week and 20g of some nut based oil supplement. I am still working on a diet and am not on any scheduled diet yet so I have no clue what my calorie and nutritional intake is but I know a lot of extra calories won't hurt. I need all I can stand to take in.
    Well 5g per meal works for ME. I am not telling everyone to do this. There is a necessary balance between macronutrients, I just mainly wanted people to understand the importance of fats. They do so much in the body and for the body, while carbs play a much smaller physiological role.

    You need to get an entire diet together, but yes adding the right fats will improve health and increase your calories.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    nice info

    looking into fats lately and this is a great read

    2.5g of fish oils with each meal is how ive been doing it. but im starting to bulk harder so ill probably bump it up to 5g also.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    nice info

    looking into fats lately and this is a great read

    2.5g of fish oils with each meal is how ive been doing it. but im starting to bulk harder so ill probably bump it up to 5g also.
    Its all relative bro. Gotta look at your overall caloric intake, then each macro and decide the best way to consume the oils. But 2.5g per meal is a decent start. Depends on your othe roil intake as well and the sources.

    But the problem is people read the label on fish oils and it says take 2 per day. It just wont do much when all those other people are going home and eatin pizza.

    All of our cell membranes our made of phospholipids, so just aim for a greater PERCENTAGE of oils from w-3 and not just a number in grams. This way your body responds to all hormones much better.

    Polyunsaturates are bent when looking at the chemical makeup because of the double bonds, saturates are straight. Ligands hit receptors on membranes and if they are made of saturates the fluidity of the membrane will not be as good. Another reason why high fat diets can actually lead to diabetes and NOT just carbohydrate intake.

    So brotha just make sure you look at percentages. See how much fat is in each meal and adjust the numbers accordingly. My gf takes 3g with each meal and only eats 5 meals per day for a total of about 1700kcal. So 15g of fat is from fish oil, another 15 from monounsaturates and probably another 15 from inherent sources. So 30% of all fat intake is from fish. This is a good number.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    Its all relative bro. Gotta look at your overall caloric intake, then each macro and decide the best way to consume the oils. But 2.5g per meal is a decent start. Depends on your othe roil intake as well and the sources.

    But the problem is people read the label on fish oils and it says take 2 per day. It just wont do much when all those other people are going home and eatin pizza.

    All of our cell membranes our made of phospholipids, so just aim for a greater PERCENTAGE of oils from w-3 and not just a number in grams. This way your body responds to all hormones much better.

    Polyunsaturates are bent when looking at the chemical makeup because of the double bonds, saturates are straight. Ligands hit receptors on membranes and if they are made of saturates the fluidity of the membrane will not be as good. Another reason why high fat diets can actually lead to diabetes and NOT just carbohydrate intake.

    So brotha just make sure you look at percentages. See how much fat is in each meal and adjust the numbers accordingly. My gf takes 3g with each meal and only eats 5 meals per day for a total of about 1700kcal. So 15g of fat is from fish oil, another 15 from monounsaturates and probably another 15 from inherent sources. So 30% of all fat intake is from fish. This is a good number.
    yeah my diet isnt high in fats really

    im 220, 10% and have been bulking for past 3 years. im tryin to take in 4500 cals. its tough but its only way for my tall ass to gain

    so ill experiment with the fats and figure out my macros. doin this may actually help me get more fats in (which i think has been a problem) and at the same time uppin my cals

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Great post. These Hall of Famers have been coming up with some great reads lately. Much appreciated.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    liverpool, UK
    great reed, what do u get the different fats from

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Orlando, Florida
    This is a big help, fats are one of the most confusing aspects of dieting to me, Bino always delivers great info!

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    thanks for the info bino.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    thanks for the info bino.
    Glad it helped you out man, you are one of the reasons I decided to throw this together. Like I said, so so much more I could say but rather address it if people have direct questions for me here.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    great read bino, extremely helpful.

    so you don't recommend completely cutting seed oil sources out of one's diet it looks like? Because I've still been taking flax oil and seeds as an unsaturated fat and for fiber, which should still be acceptable, right?

    As for the fish oil, I've found a few different price variants on the stuff, including big differences between pill and liquid form. Saw one liq bottle at the store the other day which had 36 teaspoon servings for $12 by *****works, and some other company was selling a bottle about the same size that was 'more concentrated' ***** 3s for almost $30. Along the lines of protein powders, what quality fish oil should i be looking for? thanks again for the info

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy7 View Post
    great read bino, extremely helpful.

    so you don't recommend completely cutting seed oil sources out of one's diet it looks like? Because I've still been taking flax oil and seeds as an unsaturated fat and for fiber, which should still be acceptable, right?

    As for the fish oil, I've found a few different price variants on the stuff, including big differences between pill and liquid form. Saw one liq bottle at the store the other day which had 36 teaspoon servings for $12 by *****works, and some other company was selling a bottle about the same size that was 'more concentrated' ***** 3s for almost $30. Along the lines of protein powders, what quality fish oil should i be looking for? thanks again for the info
    I wouldnt take seed oils on there own, but there are benefits to consuming the actual seeds, or grinding them fresh and consuming them.

    In terms of purely bodybuilding I would cut them out. BUT...for overall health benefits and people who want/need extra fiber etc or even a healthy snack to give your kids I often recommend people take 1-2 tbsp ground flax (grind yourself) mix with some pure apple sauce (for the pectin, as it is less irritating form of fiber than psyllium) and eat it as a snack prior to or with your meals.

    But for me I consume mainly nut and fish oils, olive as well.

    For ths fish oils just look at the EPA and DHA content, you want it as high as possible basically but I would look for at least 50% combined EPA and DHA of the total oil concentration. So 500mg of a 1000mg oil cap.

    I use liquid fish oil for night time as well and its much more expensive than caps for me so I only take it once a day. Just make sure it is molecularly distilled.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    Glad it helped you out man, you are one of the reasons I decided to throw this together. Like I said, so so much more I could say but rather address it if people have direct questions for me here.
    excatly this is why im thanking you, cause i know some part of your post was to answer few questions of mine .

    thanks hehe.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    I wouldnt take seed oils on there own, but there are benefits to consuming the actual seeds, or grinding them fresh and consuming them.

    In terms of purely bodybuilding I would cut them out. BUT...for overall health benefits and people who want/need extra fiber etc or even a healthy snack to give your kids I often recommend people take 1-2 tbsp ground flax (grind yourself) mix with some pure apple sauce (for the pectin, as it is less irritating form of fiber than psyllium) and eat it as a snack prior to or with your meals.

    But for me I consume mainly nut and fish oils, olive as well.

    For ths fish oils just look at the EPA and DHA content, you want it as high as possible basically but I would look for at least 50% combined EPA and DHA of the total oil concentration. So 500mg of a 1000mg oil cap.

    I use liquid fish oil for night time as well and its much more expensive than caps for me so I only take it once a day. Just make sure it is molecularly distilled.

    its excatly where i get all my efas from.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    I just read this great post and.... bump

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    bump--for first6

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by mg1228 View Post
    bump--for first6
    Thanks Bro.
    This is an awesome thread! Very informative.
    Thanks C-Bino!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    This should be a sticky! I cut and pasted a lot of this info and keep it on my desktop! So many people do not realize this and I've bumped up my 3g fish oils in the morning to 2 with every meal excluding PWO because of this (for a total of 14 pills a day).

    However, ephedrine + fish oil = do not mix in the stomach, so I bumped down to a 3g intake again in the morning.

    Due to the ephedrine, I went out and bought some better fish oils, o m e g a 3 fish oils which contain 2.5g of fat, 2IU of Vitamin E (so I guess I don't have to purchase that on it's own), marine lipid concentration of 2000mg (?) 360mg EPA, 240mg DHA, and 10mg of orange oil - per 2 capsules though.

    What's the marine lipid concentration? Is that just the total amount of fish oil per 2 caps or?

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