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Thread: Diet, help?

  1. #1
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    i know women who eat more then that, so unless your 5 feet tall and 100 pounds, your starving yourself..

    how about some stats???

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    i know women who eat more then that, so unless your 5 feet tall and 100 pounds, your starving yourself..

    how about some stats???
    The good thing is that he´s eating vegetables and the bad thing is that he has too low calorie intake. I mean a meal with just a protein shake. Come on.
    Write down what your daily calorie intake is.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrdude View Post
    The good thing is that he´s eating vegetables and the bad thing is that he has too low calorie intake. I mean a meal with just a protein shake. Come on.
    Write down what your daily calorie intake is.
    Sorry you wrote your calorie intake but yeah add some calories. It´s better to start a little high than to not get enough calories so you starve yourself. Add some oils to your greens and is the protein shake for after your work out? Then add carbs to your protein shake.

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iKramer View Post
    My BMR is 2,200 respectively.

    I read on here, to take off 500 cals for weight loss?

    19, 5'9, 200lbs, 11-12%BF.

    I don't want to up my calories as I want to lose weight
    and if I ever eat 2,200 calories I'm basically force feeding
    myself, and I don't want to do that.

    But give me more information, I need it!
    The 500 calorie "rule of thumb" refers to total daily expenditure not basic metabolic rate. Your BMR measures how many calories you would burn "at rest" in a 24 hour period and is completely dependant on your lean body mass. Total daily expenditure (TDE) adds in the estimated calories after putting in your activity level.

  5. #5
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    1800 calories is not fine for you

  6. #6
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    What you were eating wasnt all that bad, you just need to add another 500 or so calories to it. BTW, if you have to force feed yourself to make 2200 calories a day bodybuilding isnt for you.

  7. #7
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    well, let's get your tde set up..

    what formula did u use to get your bmr???

    what do you do for a living??

    what does, in detail, you workout reg look like?? how many days a week??

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by iKramer View Post
    No no no, you're not understanding, lol.

    Go look at where I said 'force feeding' I said when
    losing weight, its hard to consume that much. :@

    I can range around 4k on Calories. I can eat a lot.
    I'm saying, that 2200 calories when I'm trying to lose
    my fat kills me because of Asthma, I'm use to eating
    a lot for energy, but when I lower my cals and I up my
    cardio to lose weight, I can barely consume it. When I
    bulk I can eat 4-5k Calories.

    Back to the question, can people actually HELP?

    Maybe go back and quote my OP and put in more food in BOLD?

    So you can´t digest enough food because you are doing more cardio? Or is it because you are eating more vegetables/greens and carbs from whole wheat that you get too full to eat enough for the right calorie intake?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by iKramer View Post
    Alright, I'm wanting to cut weight some.

    My current diet looks like this:

    • Meal 1:
    1/2 cup oatmeal (dry amount)
    made with water 1/2 cup strawberries
    6 egg whites cooked with 1 yolk

    • Meal 2:
    1 cup green vegetables
    8 oz. chicken breast

    • Meal 3:
    Tuna sandwich made with
    6-oz. can tuna (in spring water),
    2 slices whole-wheat bread,
    1 Tbsp. fat-free mayo,
    2 leaves romaine lettuce

    • Meal 4:
    Protein shake made
    w/ 40 g whey protein

    • Meal 5:
    Chicken salad made
    with 8 oz. chicken breast,
    2 Tbsp. Italian dressing,
    1/2 medium tomato,
    2 leaves romaine lettuce,
    1/2 cup broccoli

    1,817 calories, 255 g protein, 98 g carbohydrate, 37 g fat, 20 g fiber

    2-3 Hours apart. That being said, can I use this while on Clenbuterol?
    I like my current diet but I'm unsure whether or not it will go good with
    Clen. I'll be doing cardio in the morning (Empty Stomach) and training
    respectively, (Cardio) 2 times a day [1 hour a time]. A lot of sprints so
    to speak. Does that look alright with Clen?

    Your thoughts would be helpful

    Any information on if it will go well with my diet? (Clen)
    The first meal looks good. Maybe add some oil for the greens in your second meal. Is the 4th meal PWO? If so add simple carbs like dextrose with your protein. Have about twice as much carbs then protein after weight lifting.
    Maybe someone else has something to add about your diet but that all for me for now.
    I don´t know if you wrote how much you weight but start with at least 2400 Kcals if you can and after a while decrease a little. If you are not doing much cardio now then just start with cardio once a day and then after a while start doing it two times a day.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by iKramer View Post
    My BMR is 2,200 respectively.

    I read on here, to take off 500 cals for weight loss?

    19, 5'9, 200lbs, 11-12%BF.

    I don't want to up my calories as I want to lose weight
    and if I ever eat 2,200 calories I'm basically force feeding
    myself, and I don't want to do that.

    But give me more information, I need it!
    that's pretty big bro, pic please(not saying you're not but we have around the same stats(though i'm an inch shorter) and i'd like to see how you're built

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    well, let's get your tde set up..

    what formula did u use to get your bmr???

    what do you do for a living??

    what does, in detail, you workout reg look like?? how many days a week??
    Yeah that´s good questions. Like if he has a lazy job or if he has a physical labor or if he goes to school and if he walks a lot or if he just takes the car Etc.
    If you have a physical job you can eat more calories and more carbs.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    that's pretty big bro, pic please(not saying you're not but we have around the same stats(though i'm an inch shorter) and i'd like to see how you're built
    Yeah if he weights 200 pounds and does cardio twice a day then he needs more than 1800 kcals a day definently.

  13. #13
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    yea i dont mean to flame but it seems you havn't really been the workout type...

    when that's put into persepctive i feel your way off on your bf estimate..

    this can easily be figured out if you can get a pic up.. so we'll be waiting on that...

    cuz a 5'7 200lbs guy at 11-12% is pretty big.. it's not bad at all.. i try to get 5'10 guys there.. so imma need some validation here.. like i said it's nothing personal, we just wanna give you the right advice..

    alotta people on this forum make the wrong estimate about their own bf...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by iKramer View Post
    1. I got it from a calculator lol, from the web.

    I know I can go roughly with '1g per lb' but I did it quickly.
    That's not my current diet, I was just doing estimation, and
    from trial and error I was going to increase/decrease as time

    2. Currently, not working. A lot of time on my hands so I'm going
    to put the time to use and try to workout/train as much as I can.
    When I say 'a lot' I mean a lot! I don't really have much to do so
    I want to turn my free time into working out, cardio, etc.

    3. 6 Days a week, no workout machine etc. Planning to get my
    workout routine down around August when I get my money :| but
    as of right now, It'll be intense cardio as I know I can handle it.
    like a lot of cardio in the morning and around 4pm, sometime around 9pm.

    Roughly, I get about two hours cardio from sprints, (I'm also planning to
    box) So I get a lot of intense bag workouts from heavy bag, and speed.
    As I said no workout machine? I will be going to a Boxing Facility for that
    in the up and coming months. But I'm trying to get my weight (fat) cut

    I can take in well over 4,000 calories, but I have very bad asthma which
    I was diagnosed with as a kid, and whenever I eat too much when doing
    cardio, (Pre/Post) is hard for me to handle so I keep it at a bare minimum.
    I can take in 3,000 without feeling sick, it's just I have to keep my water
    intake down as I'm doing cardio, so I have to basically balance myself out
    and get a perfect intake.

    2,000 would be my minimum, 3,000 max for when I'm doing cardio.
    If I'm bulking, well over 3,000 and in the 4 to 5,000 range for bulks.

    Most of my current weight is from my legs, (Lats, Biceps, Traps, etc)

    I've never had an actual 'Body Fat' test done, so I guess take it up a
    few more, maybe around 13? I'm unsure to be honest. But I'm not at
    all carrying much. But like I said to another reply I'm trying to get fat
    off, meaning I'm not completely solid in all areas, mostly my abdomen
    region as I've never been able to lose the excess fat from there?

    I don't have a camera currently, but will get some pictures once I get
    a new lens for the current one, (Just broke the lens a few days ago)
    But looking for prices on a new lens for it.
    So you carry most of your weight in your legs, arms and torso?? Sorry I find that so funny bro but I think that pretty much is the case in all humans that are not amputees.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by iKramer View Post
    I'm not lying, at all? I've never gotten fat, always ate right. I'm athletic.
    I play football, boxing, disc golf, etc. I love sports and being athletic, I
    have never 'pigged out' or ate what I should, never smoked, or drank in
    my life. I've been fit and staying in shape since I was about 14 years old.
    I like working out, it's fun and keeps me happy and feeling good about my
    self, never have I 'hated' doing it. Also, coming from a big family (not fat)
    It tends to rub off as you don't want to be odd one out in the bunch.

    I just never do it 'serious' I do go workout at my sisters boyfriends place,
    but like I said, not 'seriously.' With the economy, etc I'm trying to take my
    time and apply it elsewhere. Don't flame as if I'd lie. I'm trying to better my
    own self, and get help. Not get flamed. Thanks.

    I just measured myself, lol. 5'11, 195lbs (Just did the following.)
    But I know I'm well in the 12-13% range.

    Now, any advice on my diet?

    ummm.. did u grow 2 inches over night?? cuz your earlier post said you were 5'9

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by iKramer View Post
    Alright, I don't understand the need to flame. But anyways I'll simply
    ignore the fact and not acknowledge it. Again most weight is carried
    in my legs, arms, and upper body. I'm not that big around, as in I've
    got a slim body (Waist) and my upper body and legs carry my entirety
    of weight.

    Picture of me about roughly 5 months ago. Maybe 4.

    Don't say anything about the shorts sagging either, lol. I wore them like
    that for the picture only
    i'd check my scale if i were you.. i highly doubt your 200lbs.. i'd say your closer to 150-160

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    i'd check my scale if i were you.. i highly doubt your 200lbs.. i'd say your closer to 150-160
    i agree, btw you aren't 11-12% from your pic, i would say 15-16% minimum as i can't see definition anyway, not flaming just pointing it out

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by iKramer View Post
    Alright, I don't understand the need to flame. But anyways I'll simply
    ignore the fact and not acknowledge it. Again most weight is carried
    in my legs, arms, and upper body. I'm not that big around, as in I've
    got a slim body (Waist) and my upper body and legs carry my entirety
    of weight.

    Picture of me about roughly 5 months ago. Maybe 4.

    Don't say anything about the shorts sagging either, lol. I wore them like
    that for the picture only
    I am the last guy on here to flame anyone, I just thought the statment was kinda funny. I agree with J3 as well. You really need to double check your scale cause you look like about a buck fifty to me as well. Sorry if you feel you are being picked on but a lot of things just dont seem to be adding up.

  19. #19
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    I gave you advice in post #12. As far as being biased off a picture I am only telling you what I see. If you showed me that picture and told me to guess your weight I would have said between 150-160. Maybe the lighting is making you look skinny?

  20. #20
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    I am not suggesting you are lying, that picture does make you look a bit bigger but even there I would not guess you to be 180. Lots of people are heavier than they look. No one was attacking you personally. To answer your original question, yes you could use clen with the outlined diet but I think you would get similiar results from just fine tuning your food.

  21. #21
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    In defense of Jamy and Phate, they put in more time on this section of the board than 99.9% of the members. You have to understand there are literally 100's of people posting for help every week and much of the time the info they give is WAY off base. Giving you advice without knowing and/or confirming your stats is waste of their time and will not help you either.

    OK, you stated you want to "cut some weight". How much weight are you looking to cut and when are you looking to cut it by?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by iKramer View Post
    Possibly, I'm 200lbs enough said. I mean, I can understand you
    saying 5 lbs give or take; but 40 lbs off my actual weight? I'm far
    from that, Here's a picture of me about a year ago, at 180. Am I
    140 off this one? hahaha, lets find out I guess. My body looks
    extremely deceiving from a frontal view, from the side you can
    tell that I'm a lot bigger, but here.

    I'm 200lbs, 5'11. Please before you say 'did you grow overnight'
    look at my previous replies confirming that I just checked, I don't
    have a bad scale either as it's probably a 299.00 scale brand new.

    Also, before today the last time I ever checked my height was with
    a tape measure about 5 months ago when I had contracted the flu
    today, when I checked with an actual scale my height was 5'11.

    Of course a tape measure will be off.

    Other than that, those are my stats. That's an older picture of me.
    Which since then I have grown a lot more, I was nearly 5'8 and around
    180lbs. Now I'm 5'11 and down to point I'm about 199.5?
    my little brother is 6'1 and 200lbs and he looks much bigger then you.. even in this picture... sorry bud..

    we're not here to tell you want you want to hear, we're here to tell you what you need to hear...

    alota people come in here with no idea as to their own bio weight and bf...

    how about you post up a new pic, im sure that'll clear all this up and we can move forward..

    i also need you to recalc your bmr tdee using this formula and make sure you use a activity factor over 1.5

    BMR formula

    BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

    in order to figure out your bmr, you need to know what your lean body mass is.. so, in turn, u need to know what your body fat percentage is...

    if you dont know your bodyfat percentage, go to your gym and get tested (please dont use electronic scales to get your bf checked, they're horrible)

    if you cannot find a gym to get tested at, please post up a picture for estimates, we're pretty good at it (you also have the option of pming it to me if you have more then 25 posts)

    Total weight x bf in decimel form = total bf weight

    Total weight - total bf weight = total lean body mass

    if your total lean body mass is in lbs, u can divide it by 2.2 to get it in kilograms..

    for example..

    i am 6'4 275lbs at 14% bf... so i would multiply 275 by .14 (converted from percent to decimal)= 38.5lbs

    275 - 38.5 = 236.5lbs lean body weight

    236.5 / 2.2 = 107.5 lean mass in kg

    370 + (21.6 x 107.5) = 2692 BMR (this is high for the average person, im a big guy)


    Once u have you bmr, u need to calculate your TDEE, this is simply done with some multiplication...

    you can multiply it by an activity number to figure out your daily caloric expenditure, be honest here as this is the very cornerstone of your diet, if you are between two of the below activity levels then just multiply by a number in between them

    To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

    If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by iKramer View Post
    Ugh, so you still don't believe me?
    it's not that we don't believe you, but we have people come in here all the time saying they are 10-12%bf when in actually they are 16-18%, that makes a big difference when figuring BMR

    but anyway, you can figure your BMR a different way and we can go from there

    BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

    # f you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    # If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    # If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    # If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    # If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

    calculate your TDEE with this and with the way Jamy is showing you and post both of them so we can see how close they are, if they are close then we can use one of them, if they are way different then that means the information used to figure them is off and we need to see what the error is before continuing

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    it's not that we don't believe you, but we have people come in here all the time saying they are 10-12%bf when in actually they are 16-18%, that makes a big difference when figuring BMR

    but anyway, you can figure your BMR a different way and we can go from there

    BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

    # f you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    # If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    # If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    # If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    # If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

    calculate your TDEE with this and with the way Jamy is showing you and post both of them so we can see how close they are, if they are close then we can use one of them, if they are way different then that means the information used to figure them is off and we need to see what the error is before continuing
    actually phate i believe he can do it with this forumla.. i didn't put into consideration his low bf based upon the pics.. he'd be okay in this situation... just to be safe lets do both..

  25. #25
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    from the first pic id estimate 14 %

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    actually phate i believe he can do it with this forumla.. i didn't put into consideration his low bf based upon the pics.. he'd be okay in this situation... just to be safe lets do both..
    i'm wanting him to do both to check how close he is on his bf%, if he's 2-3 points off it will how when comparing them

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