what up I just got done doing four weeks of the body opus diet if anyone is intrested and wants insight.
what up I just got done doing four weeks of the body opus diet if anyone is intrested and wants insight.
im not looking for a new diet at the min...but curious what is the body opus diet??.
do you know anything about it? should I start from sratch?
never heard of it mate...
Body opus is a 7 day cycle. diet first 5 days consist of a high fat 0 carb intill your body drops into ketosis ( fat burning system), then has a weekend super carb up. if you would truly like to look into the diet some more you would have to get the book on it the diet is very involed. the diet is designed to burn body fat while gaining muscle. Its for people who want AS results but dont use AS. I myself gained 9 lbs of soild muscle but gained 4lbs of fat too. my results were mixed but good non the less. my results are back up by hydrostaic bodyfat testing.
no carbs at all?
how would your no carb day look?
only for the first 5 days. no carb day loks like 70% fat 25%p 15g carbs( notice the carbs are in grams and not by %), any more carbs and u run the danger of falling out of ketosis. carb weekend for me and my lean body weigth was 1000g carbs on sat, 500g on sun.
is this the same as a normal keto diet?
15grams seems really extreme to me...dont think i could handel that for 5 days..
how bad were your workouts effected?
its differnt than a keto diet. the first week is the hardest, but I felt normal after that hey 9lbs of muscle...
the first week drop into ketosis is hell.
hey im glad you got some good gains think ill stick to my diet for the min....but maybe if i come to a sticky patch ill look into the keto and opus diets..cheers.
u put on 9lbs of muscle with a diet that only has 25% protien???
im callin bullshit on this one...
im in this section critiquing diets 4hrs a day everyday... dont tell me what it's for and how it works...
we dont give out bad diet advice here...
and this, obviously, is bad diet advice..
im more then happy to discredit this diet based upon what i know about dieting, im sure all the other guys who put alot of time into this section helping people out will feel the same...
sorry bud..
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