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Thread: Trans Fat Question

  1. #1

    Trans Fat Question

    just wondering a little about it...i know the basics and to STAY FAR FAR AWAY from trans fat...but why? whats wrong with it? whats does it have to do with you inner body and your physical appearance? does it last in ur body longer? and does it stay in ur body for a long time even with cardio???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    its a manmade fat and doesnt process well in the body.. its liek synthetic fat.. correct me if im wrong but it was made by mistake

  3. #3
    so does it hang around in the body longer? does it sick to ur body longer?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    some where
    it is man made. "hydrogenated fat" spelling maybe wrong it taste great though lol. But yea your body cant metabilize it and it goes basicaly straight to fat storage

  6. #6
    so its nothing a well trained and conditioned body couldnt rid of in say a few days...???a

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    we do not produce enzymes that break down trans fats.. that's one of the main unhealthy factors of it... it will raise your ldl and triglycerides while lowering your hdl too..

    in other words, it throws your lipid panel out of wack and puts you at risk for heart disease....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    raises your "bad" cholesterol while at the same time lowers your "good" cholesterol. saturated fat only does 1 of those but i forget which one. but trans does both. trans fat has also been shown to increase abdominal fat mostly. its a metabolic tornado.

  9. #9
    so if i use to consume alot of fast food, ate out alot...where food is prepared with low cost cheap foods most likely containing trans fat or cooked with trans fat oils, but dieted down lost a bunch of weight and do cardio...alls good and out of my system or is it the kinda deal where if consumed...basically stuck with u in ur stomach fat for good???

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by getPUMPED253 View Post
    so if i use to consume alot of fast food, ate out alot...where food is prepared with low cost cheap foods most likely containing trans fat or cooked with trans fat oils, but dieted down lost a bunch of weight and do cardio...alls good and out of my system or is it the kinda deal where if consumed...basically stuck with u in ur stomach fat for good???
    Wow you have a pretty loose understanding of macros and how they are processed.

    No, fat is fat, wether it is gained from fat, protein, or a carbohydrate, and will be burned just the same.

  11. #11
    so alpmaster...if i do cardio...they get burned at same rate and as quickly as any other fat???

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    why are you very concerned about trans fat lol.. just stay away from it

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    ^^^that question was coming up hehe..

    he must be eating a lot of it on weekend and he finally got a reality check and terrified now.

    his mind is playing tricks on him .

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Talking about whether or not you burn it off is irrelevant. It oxidizes like a god damn grenade in your body damaging tissues and cells.

    Cholesterol isnt just raised and lowered because you eat something with cholesterol or bad fats. Cholesterol is a response mechanism to free radical damage, cholesterol is brought in as a protective plaque in your blood vessels to fill in little dents caused by free radicals. So you get free radical damage and develop atherosclerosis and then high BP and so on.

    Trans fats are the result of people wanting good tasting, long lasting and convenient forms of fat...its crap.

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