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Thread: Tuna and Oats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Tuna and Oats

    the 2 foods that are just so plain and boring and i cant stand!!! need advice to make them good so i can eat them! what do you guys put in your tuna? hot sauce idk. how about them oats.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    i put lite mayo on tuna with mustard...

    as for oats.. man up and eat bud... i do it twice a day..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Blah ok ill try the mayo and mustard lol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Blah ok ill try the mayo and mustard lol. what kinda oats do you get the quaker oats. is there anything better out there?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon
    cheap oats and put the blender and drink them.

    Tuna i dont add anything, i chew and drink water to get it down. Same with my cottage cheese.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I add a hard boiled egg to my tuna with very little mayo. Sometimes none at all.
    As for the oats, like jamy said, man up.

  7. #7
    If you're trying to gain weight, add a scoop of peanut butter to the oatmeal when you're cooking it, and cut up 1/2 (or whole banana) and toss it in. Oats are my favorite meal of the day when bulking, and most hated when I'm cutting.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    few methods i use to get by

    mix your oats. tuna. spinach in the blender with some water and crystal light drink mix
    doesnt taste bad at all

    or mix oats and tuna with shit load of splenda and cinnamon.
    can hardly taste the tuna

    or make tuna patties with oats mixed in and few veggies. some seasoning and a sauce of your choice ( i use teryaki )
    bake and eat. soo good

  9. #9
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Jun 2005
    Tuna........i dont like at all...only eat occasionaly...

    Oats........ add splenda.. only 2 cals per teaspoon compared to sugar which is 20 cals..
    i put 4 teaspoons in and it tastes great and only 8 cals..

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    few methods i use to get by

    mix your oats. tuna. spinach in the blender with some water and crystal light drink mix
    doesnt taste bad at all

    or mix oats and tuna with shit load of splenda and cinnamon.
    can hardly taste the tuna

    or make tuna patties with oats mixed in and few veggies. some seasoning and a sauce of your choice ( i use teryaki )
    bake and eat. soo good
    Haha, you're a beast dude. I'm going to try those, but I have a feeling it won't stay down for long.

    Tuna is easy, just use a water bottle. I get a big spoonful, toss it in my mouth, and then squeeze the shit out of the water bottle in my mouth (no homo btw) and I'm basically forced to swallow all the tuna whole. In 4 spoonfulls I'm done with the can, and I'm well hydrated heh. Then I move on to a tastey bowl of oatmeal... mm..

    ...**** why is carb day always just out of reach.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Haha, you're a beast dude. I'm going to try those, but I have a feeling it won't stay down for long.

    Tuna is easy, just use a water bottle. I get a big spoonful, toss it in my mouth, and then squeeze the shit out of the water bottle in my mouth (no homo btw) and I'm basically forced to swallow all the tuna whole. In 4 spoonfulls I'm done with the can, and I'm well hydrated heh. Then I move on to a tastey bowl of oatmeal... mm..

    ...**** why is carb day always just out of reach.
    your eat and water and swallow method is what i use most often

    but if you wanna spice it up and have some flavor while chuggin at the same time

    try the shakes

    they arent that bad at all really

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    im like jamy i put in a little miracle whip lite with some mustard,somtimes add egg white,i also buy the hickory smoke tuna in the packet and eat straight from pack with almonds,as far as oatmeal that is part of my first meal of the day, after i cook and place in bowl i add 2 tbls of natty pb with about a tsp of splenda. If you search the recipe sub-forum you should find lots of ideas.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    the trick with the oats is to make oatmeal pancakes...

    the trick with tuna is to suck it up

  14. #14
    My oatmeal pancakes are the f'ing best kept secret the bodybuilding world has ever not known.

    One day, I'll be rich.

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