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  1. #1
    jg42058p's Avatar
    jg42058p is offline Member
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    2500calories/day too much for cutting?

    2500 calories/day – too much for cutting?

    Would 2500calories/day be too many calories for cutting?

    40% carbs, 40% protein 20% fats

    So 250g carbs, 250g protein, 50g fats

    I work out twice a day (lifting and then cardio): 1.5 hours total

    45min cardio (jogging), 45 min lifting

    Body weight is around 245lbs (I posted 260 the other day, but weighed myself and realized I was way off)

    Body fat around 28%

    24yrs old, 6ft tall

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Nobody here is going to be able to tell you EXACTLY how many calories you need for optimal cutting purposes. All the formulations for Total Daily Expenditure and Basic Metabolic Rate are designed to get you in the general vicinity of what your caloric needs are.
    2500 would be a good starting point in my opinion for you but the only way you are going to know for sure is to run it for a few weeks and monitor your results. When your bodyfat is as high as yours it's not going to be easy to judge results at first just from looking in the mirror. If you are not losing at least 2lbs a week I would either increase activity by 200 calories a day or decrease calories by 200 a day.

    I know from your previous threads you are worried about losing muscle and actually wanting to gain some during this process. Forget about it for now. With the amount of weight you need to lose you ARE going to lose some lean mass during the process. Most may be water but still, losing 50 lbs of pure fat just doesnt happen.

    My advice, start your diet at the 2500 and run it at that for at least 4 weeks. Post your results and then you can get some help with what modifications need to be made.

  3. #3
    Klimax's Avatar
    Klimax is offline Member
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    If you wanna take your time it's good. You may reduce your calories intake, but try 2500 first.

  4. #4
    jg42058p's Avatar
    jg42058p is offline Member
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    thanks guys, I appreciate the help!

    I like this site a lot to. Even though I dont use steroids (I have many years ago, but had some bad experiences with them, steroids are not for me), theres a lot of great information on here!

  5. #5
    Orlando Rocket's Avatar
    Orlando Rocket is offline Junior Member
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    If you do it right you should easily be able to cut at 2500 calories. We have similar exercise routines are close in age and height and I've lost ~85lbs in the last few years. Sure you need to keep the total number of daily calories in mind but the real turning point for me was when I started doing 4 things: 1) Count macros and focus on those numbers. 2)Carb cycling really works good for me. 3) Eat for a reason not just because you have 30 carbs left in your daily allowance, By this I mean (as far as carbs go) oats for breakfast, a carb about 1 hour before your workout, then carbs for your PWO meal, after that no more carbs for the rest of the night. 4) What you eat is as important as how much, if your diet is all real food that's good and clean you can get away with a few more calories than if it wasn't as good. Before I did these steps my fat loss was stagnant at 1800 calories, using these methods I can cut at 2600 calories

  6. #6
    Klimax's Avatar
    Klimax is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jg42058p;4***902
    thanks guys, I appreciate the help!

    I like this site a lot to. Even though I dont use steroids (I have many years ago, but had some bad experiences with them, steroids are not for me), theres a lot of great information on here!
    Good to know. Before using aas, you should have 15%bf max (unless you like gyno) and years of hard training and work.
    I'm sure you'll reach your goals, but the most important thing is the beggining of diet and that you like it. Once you're get used to it, you'll wonder how you did before.

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