Hello everyone, wow it's been well over 2 years since I last stopped by the old boards to grab or give a little advice. I wonder if a bunch of the same folks are still around, good times. The first thing I'd like to comment on is the strict guidelines people have installed here especially in the diet section, I remember all those times where people would just expect someone like Nark or Swole to give them a diet with no information about themselves. Anyway enough ranting on here's the deal, as I said it's been a while since I've been here and it's time to get back on track. The last 8 months of life have been the worst ever and I'm climbing out of a depression in which I let myself stray away from the good life of dieting and hard ass work to crap. Here are my stats;
Age: 24
Height: 5'10
Weight: 160
Bodytype: Ecto
TDEE: 2642.5
Goal: To bulk up to 185lb, 16%BF (to be honest I don't mind being a little soft, I seem to be able to cut very well in less time then I usually set for myself)
My diet as of late has been pretty much survival, not much appetite when you're in the pits.
Somewhere in the ballpark of cereal for breakfast, a preworkout meal consisting of chicken and rice/pasta, Post workout shake with fruit and dinner either out at the restaurants or just grabbing some form of protein and carb mix. Pretty crappy I know, and I used to be a huge pusher of proper diet.
Before I throw this plan up there is one thing that I have omitted. Back when Giantz and Johan would throw up a huge discussion about this we'd go on for a while about each others opinions ha ha. Anyway like the Milos video (good find BTW) we used to agree about the very same ideas about only adding EFA's to the fat total unless your Keto diet is at the plate, so my Macros do not show fat number wise, rather "hidden" like the video claimed. I do want to toss in the EFA's but that's below.
Here is the plan I have worked out as of now, meals could change due to work, but it's flexible enough to not be a life and death matter. Any meal can be swapped but the later protein shake one I have just enough time to excuses myself and use the "restroom" to pop a shake to keep the goods in the bloodstream, although this may soon change to early in the morining, but that's a later discussion.
8am: 4oz chicken breast
3.5oz whole wheat pasta:
totals p=35 carb=72 fat=0 kcals=506
1030am: 5oz tuna:
11oz B. rice:
totals p=38 carb=72 fat=0 kcals 682
workout 1130
1230 pwo: 35 gram whey protein = 140 kcals
72g dextrose= 288 kcals
totals pro=35 carb=72 fat=0 kcals=428
230: 5oz beef:
1.75 cup sweet potato:
totals pro=35 carb=72 fat=0 kcals=547
530: :5oz Turkey breast
3.5 oz pasta
totals pro=35 carb=72 fat=0 kcals=477
8pm: 35g whey protein
totals= 140 kcals
1030: 3whites, 2whole, 5oz fat free cottage cheese:
1 cup broccoli
totals= pro=35 carb=6 fat=o kcals=322
12:45am: 4oz chicken breast:
1 cup broccoli-
totals= pro=35 carb=6 fat=o kcals= 218
marcos: pro=283 carbs=366 fat= 52 kcals 3320
Now, the fat is labeled as shown with the help of calorie-king because I didn't add in any outside fats as of yet I am thinking of adding an EFA supp. in one of the first two meals or at night before bed. I know that 100g of fat was the usual start for getting the ball moving, but I'd like to know what you all think. I figured I'd stick with a classic 1.5 (more like 1.75) protein ratio and up the carbs to about 350 give or take. Being an ecto I have noticed that carbs don't disagree with me, but I would like to take them out later in the evening, because although I had great gains a while back, I did have a little unwanted fat to go with them, but I was also having carbs all meals. Also I took the TDEE and added 500 kcals to it in the basic principal of calorie expenditure/gain. I was considering keeping fruit as my PWO, but I could easily go back to dex, it's just I didn't really have them slated anywhere else in the meal plan.
Anyway, good to be back and please don't hold back I'll take any info to heart and make any corrections that may help get outta the hole. I hope some of the other guys that use to be in the section still vist, a lot of great people and knowledge here. Thanks all!