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  1. #1
    vaders4 is offline Member
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    Jun 2009

    Questions about "cheat" days..

    Ok, we all know we can't stick to our diet 100% of the time.

    On days where I cheat (a cheat for me is a missed meal, or if I feel I did not eat enough for the day haha) if i get enough protein, am I losing muscle?

    Example, my diet is usually 4000-4500 calories and 320-340g of protein

    I'm 6ft 186lbs btw..

    Lets say I get.. 3000 calories, but still manage 275-300g of protein, am I losing muscle?

    I'm trying to cut my BF, so far I've lost 4lbs, but no strength and visible size in my muscled areas.

    Basically what I'm trying to ask is, if I lower my calorie/fat/carb intake, but keep my protein sky high - will I keep my muscle gains?

  2. #2
    juttsdm5's Avatar
    juttsdm5 is offline Associate Member
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    everybodys different. i have a friend who eats roughly 2000 cals a day and half that in protein and he gains weight easily. He follows no diet at all.

    You tell us. Are you loosing muscle from it ? Theres no way for us to answer us. You should know how much protein you need daily to gain weight. You track this by keeping a record of your weight without fat. How much you weight with 0 fat. If this number is rising what do you think.

    Right now im cutting and i still managed to do from 162 lean body mass to 167 in a month. This is my weight with no fat. Get some calipers and keep track.

  3. #3
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    if you are under maintenance, regardless of you daily intake for protein, carbs, and fats, you will likely lose SOME muscle if this is what you do every day. if its only one day, then no, youre fine

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by vaders4 View Post
    Ok, we all know we can't stick to our diet 100% of the time.

    On days where I cheat (a cheat for me is a missed meal, or if I feel I did not eat enough for the day haha) if i get enough protein, am I losing muscle?

    Example, my diet is usually 4000-4500 calories and 320-340g of protein

    I'm 6ft 186lbs btw..

    Lets say I get.. 3000 calories, but still manage 275-300g of protein, am I losing muscle?

    I'm trying to cut my BF, so far I've lost 4lbs, but no strength and visible size in my muscled areas.

    Basically what I'm trying to ask is, if I lower my calorie/fat/carb intake, but keep my protein sky high - will I keep my muscle gains?
    Quote Originally Posted by vaders4 View Post
    Ok, we all know we can't stick to our diet 100% of the time. Says Who?

    On days where I cheat (a cheat for me is a missed meal, or if I feel I did not eat enough for the day haha) if i get enough protein, am I losing muscle?

    Example, my diet is usually 4000-4500 calories and 320-340g of protein

    I'm 6ft 186lbs btw..

    Lets say I get.. 3000 calories, but still manage 275-300g of protein, am I losing muscle?No, losing muscle is not as easy as some make it sound. Adequate amounts of fats and carbs will do much more to preserve muscle than will protein is you are already in the 275-300 range.

    I'm trying to cut my BF, so far I've lost 4lbs, but no strength and visible size in my muscled areas.

    Basically what I'm trying to ask is, if I lower my calorie/fat/carb intake, but keep my protein sky high - will I keep my muscle gains?
    At some point you will begin to lose muscle as well as fat. I find anything below 8% for me and I start losing lean body weight.

  5. #5
    vaders4 is offline Member
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    Well it seems that my strength is through the roof these days, but I've lost 4-5lbs.

    My BF Was approx 15% (I can see abs, top 4, not bottom 2).

    I'm going to keep eating like a monster I guess.. I'm just trying to keep the fat down, but after all I am an ecto. I was skin and bones!!

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