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Thread: Zimbo needs help with diet

  1. #1

    Zimbo needs help with diet

    I have read the FAQ about diet questions, and if i could here in Zimbabwe i would put down all the break downs of the foods, but they dont have them on the lables.

    I really need help with my diet and planning.

    I went to the gym for my first session yesterday, and man i got a lot of work ahead of me, but am very excited about it.
    i was surprised to learn that my BF17.8% height 181cm and weighed 91kg age 32. Wanting to get my BF down to 15% while gaining lean mass and strength.

    I will be training everyday at 8-9am

    We will be doing weights mon,wed,thurs
    Cardio tues,thurs,sat
    Rest Sunday.

    I read that cardio is best done on empty stomach, so should i have breakfast after on tue,thurs,sat?

    This is what i had yesterday:

    6.30-1/2 cup oats, 1whole egg 3 egg whites
    7.30- noxplode, 5gr glutamine
    8-9- gym
    9.30- 2 scoops(46.4gr protein)whey shake/banana(got a cramp in gym)
    13.00-200gr lean steak,1/2 cup white rice(cant find brown rice)brocoli
    16.00- 2 slices wholewheat bread, 1/2 can tuna, tablespoon low fat cottage cheese.
    19-00-1 chix breast, i med jacket potato, 1 cup cabbage.
    20.30- 4 provita+ low fat cottage cheese.
    21.30-2 scoops(46.4gr protein)whey shake+5gr glutamine+5gr HGH stimulator.

    How does this look i no its not 100% but is it a good start?
    Also i think i must try eat breakfast on weights day at 6am coz the omlete was not fully digested during gym.

    Thank you again for taking the time.

  2. #2
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Jun 2005

    check out this website for sorting out macros....

    watch these vids if you have not already......and yes you should have your breakfast after your a.m. cardio not before.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    we need macros buddy..

  4. #4

    Macronutrients from FITDAY

    Thank you and here are the Macronutrients from FITDAY.

    Tell me what you think

    Food Name Amount -Calories,Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
    Oats, raw-346- 5.7- 60.3- 14.4
    Egg, whole, raw -72 -5.0- 0.4- 6.3
    Egg, white only, raw-51- 0.2- 0.7- 10.8
    Bread, whole wheat -138- 1.9 -24.5 -5.7
    Tuna, canned, water pack -104 -0.7 -0.0 -23.0
    Cheese, cottage, lowfat-2- 1.5- 2.9- 11.0
    Chicken, breast, skin not eaten-245 -5.3- 0.0- 46.1
    White potato, baked-121- 0.1 -28.0 -2.5
    Cabbage, green, cooked- 67 -3.8 -8.3 -1.9
    Beef, top sirloin, separable lean only-354 -10.1 -0.0- 61.6
    Rice, cooked -213 -1.7 -43.7 -4.2
    Broccoli, cooked -54- 2.7 -7.0- 2.3
    Banana, raw - 105 -0.4 -27.0 -1.3
    BIOGEN 100%-536 -6.4 -5.6 -92.8
    ENERGADE -120 -0.0 -35.0 -0.0
    Total 2,598 CAlories
    45.4 fat
    243.4 Carbs
    283.9 Protein

  5. #5
    thats what i eat in a typical day.

    Please help out with advise

  6. #6
    i have done the macros let me know what you think

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. T-MOS

  8. #8
    Thank you Jamyjamjr,

    My BMR =3100
    My weight is 91kg height 185cm and age is 32

    Is that what you needed? also what is "tdee"?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by truckstopper View Post
    I have read the FAQ about diet questions, and if i could here in Zimbabwe i would put down all the break downs of the foods, but they dont have them on the lables.

    I really need help with my diet and planning.

    I went to the gym for my first session yesterday, and man i got a lot of work ahead of me, but am very excited about it.
    i was surprised to learn that my BF17.8% height 181cm and weighed 91kg age 32. Wanting to get my BF down to 15% while gaining lean mass and strength.

    I will be training everyday at 8-9am

    We will be doing weights mon,wed,thurs
    Cardio tues,thurs,sat
    Rest Sunday.

    I read that cardio is best done on empty stomach, so should i have breakfast after on tue,thurs,sat?

    This is what i had yesterday:

    6.30-1/2 cup oats, 1whole egg 3 egg whites
    up your egg whites to 7
    7.30- noxplode, 5gr glutamine
    8-9- gym
    9.30- 2 scoops(46.4gr protein)whey shake/banana(got a cramp in gym)
    13.00-200gr lean steak,1/2 cup white rice(cant find brown rice)brocoli
    16.00- 2 slices wholewheat bread, 1/2 can tuna, tablespoon low fat cottage cheese.
    19-00-1 chix breast, i med jacket potato, 1 cup cabbage. jacket potato0?? is that a white potato??
    20.30- 4 provita+ low fat cottage cheese. provita??
    21.30-2 scoops(46.4gr protein)whey shake+5gr glutamine+5gr HGH stimulator.
    either eat a lean beef here or a casein shake.. lose the whey shake..
    How does this look i no its not 100% but is it a good start?
    Also i think i must try eat breakfast on weights day at 6am coz the omlete was not fully digested during gym.

    Thank you again for taking the time.
    just to start

  10. #10
    Thanks very much,
    Could you explain why up the omlette to 7 egg white?
    Jacket potato is a white potato that you bake in the oven, i dont eat the skin.
    Provita's are a south african whole wheat crisp bread.
    I also use about 4 table spoons of olive oil a day to cook my food in, is that a good source of fat?
    I will have to eat lean beef here before bed as its hard for me to get Casein shakes in Zimbabwe, will this not affect the glutamine & HGH stimulator they say take on empty
    stomach just befora bed?

    Thank you again for helping here, my other question is am i taking it the right times?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Nightmares of bad kids
    Take sweet potatoes. It should be easy to find them in afrika. If you faind flax oil, it would be better.
    Take your pre-bed meal: hgh stimulators are for most part junk. They say that you should take on empty stomach because carbs reduce hgh release. But if you take pro and fat before bed, it will help your gh spike and will reduce night catabolism, which occurs also with gh in your body.

  12. #12
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    what's the point of an hgh stimulator if you dont have the amino acids to build with?? you need a slow digesting protien before bed...

    lose the jacket potato for a sweet potato or yams..
    olive oil is a great source of fat..

    make changes and post up revised diet with macros

  13. #13
    Thanks guys,

    Could you advise me on the Timing of the foods i am eating before i mend and post the improved diet?
    I train at 8-9am.

    Thank you

  14. #14
    i will drop the HGH stimulator.
    Unfortunately its not easy to get flaxseed oil here, so i use olive oil

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. T-MOS
    flaxseed oil is crap.. i'd rather have you use olive oil...

    your timing is okay for the am workout when it comes down to the foods you eat

  16. #16
    ok great,

    As you recommened I made my last meal lean steak and broccoli last night but slipped a shake in 30 mins before that.woke up still feeling full.

    I am doing weights today so i will have 1\2 oats and 1 scoops whey before and 1 wey an, 1 whole egg and 5 egg whites after.

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