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I have read the FAQ about diet questions, and if i could here in Zimbabwe i would put down all the break downs of the foods, but they dont have them on the lables.
I really need help with my diet and planning.
I went to the gym for my first session yesterday, and man i got a lot of work ahead of me, but am very excited about it.
i was surprised to learn that my BF17.8% height 181cm and weighed 91kg age 32. Wanting to get my BF down to 15% while gaining lean mass and strength.
I will be training everyday at 8-9am
We will be doing weights mon,wed,thurs
Cardio tues,thurs,sat
Rest Sunday.
I read that cardio is best done on empty stomach, so should i have breakfast after on tue,thurs,sat?
This is what i had yesterday:
6.30-1/2 cup oats, 1whole egg 3 egg whites
up your egg whites to 7
7.30- noxplode, 5gr glutamine
8-9- gym
9.30- 2 scoops(46.4gr protein)whey shake/banana(got a cramp in gym)
13.00-200gr lean steak,1/2 cup white rice(cant find brown rice)brocoli
16.00- 2 slices wholewheat bread, 1/2 can tuna, tablespoon low fat cottage cheese.
19-00-1 chix breast, i med jacket potato, 1 cup cabbage. jacket potato0?? is that a white potato??
20.30- 4 provita+ low fat cottage cheese. provita??
21.30-2 scoops(46.4gr protein)whey shake+5gr glutamine+5gr HGH stimulator.
either eat a lean beef here or a casein shake.. lose the whey shake..
How does this look i no its not 100% but is it a good start?
Also i think i must try eat breakfast on weights day at 6am coz the omlete was not fully digested during gym.
Thank you again for taking the time.