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  1. #1
    Godson's Avatar
    Godson is offline Associate Member
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    My friend's take on his diet is bad

    I have a friend that is trying to get on a diet and he is new to lifting.

    However he doesnt like to cook, and all he ate was fast food for the last few years daily.

    he refuses to eat certain foods such as whole wheat and eggs ever..
    i try to explain the importance but he doesnt believe there to be a huge difference between whole wheat vs regular white stuff

    for I.E he tells me "whats the difference between white and wheat bread if the niturition labels are about the same?"..i know there is a difference but i have a hard time explaining it to him

    he wants to take in 3000-3500 calories, but he believes it to be impossible to take in that amount of calories everyday from just healthy food. he suggested to me that he would take a weight gainer instead of regular food to replace couple meals to get him to the cal intake he needs to be the rest coming from healthy good food. i try to explain those carbs aren't better than carbs from like ....brown rice and his split won't be accurate, by split i mean 40% 40% 20%

    i suggested his total caloric intake split be 40% 40% 20% so he wants to attempt to take in all his prolly around 25+% of carbs intake from weight gainer cause weight gainers are loaded with them(rest from food), and 40% protein and 20% fat from other foods..i told him that was a bad idea because those artifical carbs shouldn't replace the good carbs from whole wheat food

    what would you guys say to him
    Last edited by Godson; 09-10-2009 at 02:26 PM.

  2. #2
    sully15's Avatar
    sully15 is offline Junior Member
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    None of my friends believed me about how important getting enough sleep and eating right were.. but after 2-3 years of doing everything they now believe by seeing the huge improvements I've made in my body. They started to listen and ask questions and got excited at first and then 2-3 weeks in they gave up after realizing how much work it actually takes.

    I say do everything right and let him do what he wants. As time goes on you'll have big improvements and he won't. He'll start to realize you were right and listen or he'll just make excuses..

  3. #3
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    He is an idiot. Or is make it seem that way so that he does not have to change.

  4. #4
    makod's Avatar
    makod is offline Associate Member
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    i have a friend exactly the same. Ive been helping him out, im cutting hes bulking but i still understand the bulking concept.

    i set him up a diet and what does he do? goes buys mass gainer and hits that 3x day and thinks hes "dieting" while having pancakes with icecream for breakfast.

    my family is mainly overwieght but i have broken the mould. my couzin calls me up asking for cutting advice. i was on the phone for 1 hour setting up a diet for her and at the end she says "i think i just need a protein shake". she was getting up early am and doing HITT for an hour on empty stomach. i was trying to explain to her that she was eating straight into her muscle but ofcourse she knows better and thats why shes overweight.

    i say help the person out, explain it all to them and let them do what they want. when they dont get result just tell them where they messed up like eating mi-goreng 2x a day and having carb only meal 3x day.

    off rant...

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