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  1. #1
    RigMast3r is offline New Member
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    Smile Please can you check my diet - Starting 1st cycle soon


    I have finally joined here after being nagged by a friend. I plan to start my 1ST cycle in a few weeks.

    Age = 26
    Weight = 190lbs
    Height = 175cm
    Bf% = 14
    Training 5 times per week past 4years

    Test E 2x 250mg "every Mon & Thursday"
    Dbol 40mg per Day "split up thought day"

    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    I also have extra nolvadex on hand in-case of gyno, will use 40mg symptoms start then drop to 20mg per day until sides stop.

    I need some help with my diet, i have always eaten every few hours and obeyed the rules of decent carbs and decent protein. I now want to perfect my diet for when i start my cycle to MAXIMIZE my gains.

    I work permanent night shifts so i have adjusted my eating habits according.

    Diet Stuff

    1178.2 “Weight x 13.7”
    875 “Height in cm x5”
    176 “age x 6.8”
    X .55 “Moderate 3-5times per week”
    + 500 “To gain 1lbs per week” = 4055cals per day

    2pm "Breakfast" = 1scoop Protein “50g” 4 eggs whites + 2ooG oats + 1 Banana
    1 Scoop whey gain “50g” 13g protein,70g carbs,5g sugar - 300Kcal
    200g oats 22g Protein, 120g Carbs, 16g Fat, 720g Kcals
    Banana 27carbs, 105cals
    Egg whites x4 - 16g protein, 60 Kcals
    Total = Protein 51g, Carbs 207g, Fat 16g, Kcals 1185g

    3pm = GYM then 20minutes cardio “light”

    16:30 - PWO = 75g Whey Protein + 50g Dextrose is carbs and sugar
    Whey Protein 60g, Fat 3.9g, Carbs 4.2g, 299Kcals
    Banana 27carbs, 105cals
    Dextrose = 90g Carbs , 90g Sugar
    Total = Protein 60g, 122g Carbs, Fat 3.9g, Kcals 495Kcals

    17:00 = 1 & 1/2 tin tuna + 15ml flax seed oil
    Tuna 40g Protein 150 Kcal
    Flax 5ml 4.63g Fat, 41Kcal
    Total = Protein 40g,Fat 17g,270Kcal

    19:00 - 150g Chicken Breast/Steak + Brown Rice/sweet potato + Veg
    150g Chicken Breast, Protein 60g, Fat 15g, 200Kcals
    Sweet potato 70g Carbs, 7g Protein, 300 Kcals
    Total = Protein 67g, 70g Carbs, 10g, 600Kcals

    21:00 = 150g Lean Turkey breast/ Chicken & 150g Broccoli
    Turkey 51g Protein, Fat 1.4g, 220Kcals
    Brocoli 9g Carbs, 5g Protein, 45 Kcals
    Total = Protein 56g, Fat 1.4g, Carbs 9g, 265Kcals

    23:00 = 6x boiled Egg whites x 2yolks
    39g protein
    14g fat

    01:00 = Protein bar
    Protein 23g, Carbs 18g, Sugars 6g, Fat 6g, Cals 200

    03:00 - 1 & 1/2 tin tuna Sandwich
    Tuna 40g Protein, , 150 Kcal
    2x wholgrain bread
    Total = Protein 40g,150Kcal

    = 150g Natural Cottage cheese
    Total = 18g Protein, 7g Carbs, 2g Fat, 120Kcals

    06:00 - Bed - 45g Casein + 5ml Flax
    Casein 36g Protein, 1.8g Carbs, 160Kcals
    Flax 5ml 4.63g Fat, 41Kcal
    Total = Protein 36g, 5g Fat, 201Kcals


    Total = Protein 391g
    Carbs =440
    Fat = 60
    Cals = 3600

    I am looking to bulk but not puts lots of body fat on, from what i understand i should be looking at around 4000cals per day to build upon my size.

    Any help on what i have put here or some more guidance, if i missed stuff please let me know. This is my first post so i hope its ok.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Carpe is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009
    I like to eat bigger meals with more time between when putting on size. Layne Norton has some interesting studies on meal frequency.

    But I just started the same cycle, and you can check my log and my diet in the members experiences forum if you like

  3. #3
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    i want you to recalc ur bmr/tdee using this formula.. dont mind the stuff that doesn't make sense, it's from my sticky

    BMR formula #1 (if you bf is high, use this one... you need an accurate bf reading)

    BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

    in order to figure out your bmr, you need to know what your lean body mass is.. so, in turn, u need to know what your body fat percentage is...

    if you dont know your bodyfat percentage, go to your gym and get tested (please dont use electronic scales to get your bf checked, they're horrible)

    if you cannot find a gym to get tested at, please post up a picture for estimates, we're pretty good at it (you also have the option of pming it to me if you have more then 25 posts)

    Total weight x bf in decimel form = total bf weight

    Total weight - total bf weight = total lean body mass

    if your total lean body mass is in lbs, u can divide it by 2.2 to get it in kilograms..

    for example..

    i am 6'4 275lbs at 14% bf... so i would multiply 275 by .14 (converted from percent to decimal)= 38.5lbs

    275 - 38.5 = 236.5lbs lean body weight

    236.5 / 2.2 = 107.5 lean mass in kg

    370 + (21.6 x 107.5) = 2692 BMR (this is high for the average person, im a big guy)

  4. #4
    RigMast3r is offline New Member
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    hi, thanks for the reply, my bf is 14% worked out my bmr = 1972

    190lb x .14 = 26.6lb

    190-26.6= 163.4 lbs

    163.4 / 2.2 = 74.2 kg

    370 + (21.6 x 74.2) = 1972 bmr

  5. #5
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    so your tdee is 3056... i knew the initial one looked off..

    you need a 3500 calorie diet..

    ill critique your diet in a sec..

  6. #6
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigMast3r View Post

    I have finally joined here after being nagged by a friend. I plan to start my 1ST cycle in a few weeks.

    Age = 26
    Weight = 190lbs
    Height = 175cm
    Bf% = 14
    Training 5 times per week past 4years

    Test E 2x 250mg "every Mon & Thursday"
    Dbol 40mg per Day "split up thought day"

    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    I also have extra nolvadex on hand in-case of gyno, will use 40mg symptoms start then drop to 20mg per day until sides stop.

    I need some help with my diet, i have always eaten every few hours and obeyed the rules of decent carbs and decent protein. I now want to perfect my diet for when i start my cycle to MAXIMIZE my gains.

    I work permanent night shifts so i have adjusted my eating habits according.

    Diet Stuff

    1178.2 “Weight x 13.7”
    875 “Height in cm x5”
    176 “age x 6.8”
    X .55 “Moderate 3-5times per week”
    + 500 “To gain 1lbs per week” = 4055cals per day

    2pm "Breakfast" = 1scoop Protein “50g” 4 eggs whites + 2ooG oats + 1 Banana
    1 Scoop whey gain “50g” 13g protein,70g carbs,5g sugar - 300Kcal
    200g oats 22g Protein, 120g Carbs, 16g Fat, 720g Kcals
    Banana 27carbs, 105cals
    Egg whites x4 - 16g protein, 60 Kcals
    Total = Protein 51g, Carbs 207g, Fat 16g, Kcals 1185g

    3pm = GYM then 20minutes cardio “light”

    16:30 - PWO = 75g Whey Protein + 50g Dextrose is carbs and sugar
    Whey Protein 60g, Fat 3.9g, Carbs 4.2g, 299Kcals
    Banana 27carbs, 105cals
    Dextrose = 90g Carbs , 90g Sugar
    Total = Protein 60g, 122g Carbs, Fat 3.9g, Kcals 495Kcals

    17:00 = 1 & 1/2 tin tuna + 15ml flax seed oil
    Tuna 40g Protein 150 Kcal
    Flax 5ml 4.63g Fat, 41Kcal
    Total = Protein 40g,Fat 17g,270Kcal

    19:00 - 150g Chicken Breast/Steak + Brown Rice/sweet potato + Veg
    150g Chicken Breast, Protein 60g, Fat 15g, 200Kcals
    Sweet potato 70g Carbs, 7g Protein, 300 Kcals
    Total = Protein 67g, 70g Carbs, 10g, 600Kcals

    21:00 = 150g Lean Turkey breast/ Chicken & 150g Broccoli
    Turkey 51g Protein, Fat 1.4g, 220Kcals
    Brocoli 9g Carbs, 5g Protein, 45 Kcals
    Total = Protein 56g, Fat 1.4g, Carbs 9g, 265Kcals

    23:00 = 6x boiled Egg whites x 2yolks
    39g protein
    14g fat

    01:00 = Protein bar
    Protein 23g, Carbs 18g, Sugars 6g, Fat 6g, Cals 200

    03:00 - 1 & 1/2 tin tuna Sandwich
    Tuna 40g Protein, , 150 Kcal
    2x wholgrain bread
    Total = Protein 40g,150Kcal

    = 150g Natural Cottage cheese
    Total = 18g Protein, 7g Carbs, 2g Fat, 120Kcals

    06:00 - Bed - 45g Casein + 5ml Flax
    Casein 36g Protein, 1.8g Carbs, 160Kcals
    Flax 5ml 4.63g Fat, 41Kcal
    Total = Protein 36g, 5g Fat, 201Kcals


    Total = Protein 391g
    Carbs =440
    Fat = 60
    Cals = 3600

    I am looking to bulk but not puts lots of body fat on, from what i understand i should be looking at around 4000cals per day to build upon my size.

    Any help on what i have put here or some more guidance, if i missed stuff please let me know. This is my first post so i hope its ok.

    Thanks in advance,
    everything in your diet looks decent enough except the protien bar.. whats with that??

  7. #7
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    wow first meal at 2pm, that must be hard working at night

  8. #8
    RigMast3r is offline New Member
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    thanks for your advice, much appreciated , I only have to protien bar cos im at work on site and thats the only thimg I can eat quick enough to get away with.

  9. #9
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    stick to it for 10 days and report back to me for microcalibration

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