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Thread: Bulk

  1. #1
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    I am at 163.5 lbs now at I would say 8%bf (I can see veins in my abs). I want to be 170 lbs at about the same bf%.

    What do you guys normally bulk to in order to gain about ten pounds of clean muscle? I was thinking bulk to 176 or so... I think that would put me at about 12% bf. Then I will start to cut but by lowering my calories by taking out carbs in the last two meals and upping cardio from 20-30 minutes pwo to 40 minutes twice a day.

    What do you guys think?

    Also I need help in my training schedule which will be posted in the training section in a minute.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    im here dude..

    if your gonna do a clean bulk you might wanna carb cycle... that'll help you gain mass and keep your bf in check..

  4. #4
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    I have already started doing that. first two weeks is high carb and the next two medium and next two low carb high fat.

    but I mean like what should I bulk to if I want to be 170 8% bf? Given I will probably be around 12% the whole time... I was thinking 175-180 at 12%bf will put me at about 170 8% after the cut.

  5. #5
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    change your carb cycle.

    on heavy major muscle days over eat on carbs.. on medium muscle days eat a moderate amount and on off days minimize..

    ie leg days ill eat 400g
    back days 300g
    chest days 300g
    arms 150g
    shoulders traps 100g

    your gonna have to play with the numbers to fit your own need (and there's no quick easy way to do that imo.. you gonna exp).. if you make your your eating past your tdee on heavy days and under your tdee on lighter days you can lose bf in the process.. it's gonna be slower, but that bf will drop..

  6. #6
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    If it were me, I would work on putting on 5 1/2 lbs of muscle and maybe 1/2 lbs of fat to hit your goal. No need to bulk to 180 then have to try and cut back down and hold your lean. It will be just as fast, you will look better along the way.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    change your carb cycle.

    on heavy major muscle days over eat on carbs.. on medium muscle days eat a moderate amount and on off days minimize..

    ie leg days ill eat 400g
    back days 300g
    chest days 300g
    arms 150g
    shoulders traps 100g

    your gonna have to play with the numbers to fit your own need (and there's no quick easy way to do that imo.. you gonna exp).. if you make your your eating past your tdee on heavy days and under your tdee on lighter days you can lose bf in the process.. it's gonna be slower, but that bf will drop..
    Ok I will think about this but see comment below and tell me what you think.

    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    If it were me, I would work on putting on 5 1/2 lbs of muscle and maybe 1/2 lbs of fat to hit your goal. No need to bulk to 180 then have to try and cut back down and hold your lean. It will be just as fast, you will look better along the way.
    I would love to lean bulk but making gains is so hard for me. However maintaining muscle while I burn fat seems easy to me. I was only planning to go to a maximum bf of 13 or 14%. I have gained a couple pounds since I started my bulk (from 159 - 163.5), and I still have veins in my abs. so i figure if I try to lean bulk but don't mind so much about putting on fat like I usually do I will look crappy at 180 but great when I cut to 170. I think that since I am such a hard gainer it's the days when I do too much cardio or under eat that I lose progress. I have always tried to keep my abs during a bulk but never gained like others do. Others bulk when they start at 12% occasionally, so I thought it would be an ok idea... You guys don't agree?

    (I don't want you guys to think I am arguing against you pros, just trying to explain reasoning and hoping to learn where I went wrong)

  8. #8
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    im gonna let fire take over this one.. he's the specialist in dropping down to a shred after a bulk..

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    im gonna let fire take over this one.. he's the specialist in dropping down to a shred after a bulk..
    Feel free to stay here and help J3. In his case he might be better served going up and increasing his bf%. I am sitting at 195 after being at 240 16 weeks ago so I am in an anti-bulk mindset due to having to about kill myself for this show.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Ok I will think about this but see comment below and tell me what you think.

    I would love to lean bulk but making gains is so hard for me. However maintaining muscle while I burn fat seems easy to me. I was only planning to go to a maximum bf of 13 or 14%. I have gained a couple pounds since I started my bulk (from 159 - 163.5), and I still have veins in my abs. so i figure if I try to lean bulk but don't mind so much about putting on fat like I usually do I will look crappy at 180 but great when I cut to 170. I think that since I am such a hard gainer it's the days when I do too much cardio or under eat that I lose progress. I have always tried to keep my abs during a bulk but never gained like others do. Others bulk when they start at 12% occasionally, so I thought it would be an ok idea... You guys don't agree?

    (I don't want you guys to think I am arguing against you pros, just trying to explain reasoning and hoping to learn where I went wrong)
    Not coming across argumentative at all. Being you are already pretty lean I think you have a valid point. I would put 12% as my ceiling though.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Feel free to stay here and help J3. In his case he might be better served going up and increasing his bf%. I am sitting at 195 after being at 240 16 weeks ago so I am in an anti-bulk mindset due to having to about kill myself for this show.
    wow.. cant wait!! when is the show!!

    btw, you BETTER get us pics!!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    wow.. cant wait!! when is the show!!

    btw, you BETTER get us pics!!
    This Saturday, counting hours not days at this point. Sorry for the hijack Twist. Pics of me as well as Mrs FG will be up afterwards.

  13. #13
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    yea sorry about the hijack bro..

  14. #14
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    So you say go ahead and bulk the way I had planned with a ceiling of 12%?
    so assuming that I am at 12%bf, what weight should I stop at in order to cut to 170?

  15. #15
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Adding 9 lbs of muscle and 8lbs of fat would put you at 180 and 12% assuming your numbers of 163 and 8% are correct now. A 50/50 ratio of fat and muscle is not a bad bulk.

  16. #16
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    so I should aim for 180 and then cut. Ok I will keep my bf monitored.
    does anyone just buy the calipers and test themselves?

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