I'm not too worried about it right now since I'm on a test prop/NPP cycle, but when I get off, should I cut back on the cardio or make sure my heart rate doesn't get over a certain amount to ensure minimal catabolic activity.
Currently I do 35 min 5 days a week and keep my heart b/w 130 and 135 on average. I'll walk until it hits about 120 and then jog until its in the low 140s and just keep that up until I'm finished. My heart monitor keeps an average also so I know I'm always finish with it within the 65-70% range.
What I'm worried about though is if the short time I'm in the 140range will be bad or as long as the average is still about 130 I will be ok?
I could also take some iso whey w/no carbs in it b4 if that might help (i've read some theories on that as well).
I've read quite a bit on the morning cardio but haven't seen a lot on what to do after ending a cycle and I'm just wanting to do whats best. Thanks