I have posted my diet and I want to know what you think of it!
I like ninjutsu because it covers strikes, holds and grappling, weapons and other stuff like concealement and pyrotechnics!
My diet has been checked out by a dietitian at my GP and a trainer at the gym I was at!
Both said it was fine!
The fat built up when I was not eating properly and not exercising eg at uni, college and when I was hanging out with these two losers that I met through The prince's Trust!
Breakfast: A bowl of cereal with skimmed milk (high fibre one, no sweets such as sprinkles or frosted bits) or two pieces of full grain/multigrain toast with choleserol lowering margerine on (just a thin layer.
Lunch: Sandwitches (brown bread) with a slice of lean meat or low fat cheese along wit tomato and lettuce in them. Or the previous days leftovers. Or a plate of things with all the right food groups.
Dinner: One plate of a meal with every food group included.
Drink: during most days when I volunteer at dads work I drink during the either day one bottle of sugar free fizzy drink eg Coke zero or Lilt zero OR a vitamin water by Glaceau and maybe a sugar free energy drink such as REd Bull.
At night with dinner I drink one glass of mo added sugar fruit squash or juice.
Most of the other time I drink water
I drink tea 2-3 times a day but I only have coffee once a day when I volunteer.
There is plenty of protein there in the form of red meat, poultry or fish!
What do you think of my diet?