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Thread: How should I diet when I am stacking sus with eqs?

  1. #1

    How should I diet when I am stacking sus with eqs?

    I am currently on a cycle of Sus stacked w/ eqs. I want to get big and cut (like everyone else) if i am on a low carb/high protein diet will the lack of carbs take away any effect of the Sus getting me bigger?

    Thank You

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I'm doing the same cycle in 2 weeks and the same type of diet, so some info would be good AR bros.

    I know I'm not answering your question but what are your dosages and how is working for ya. Muncy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    bro on a sust and eq cycle just eat like a fucking horse. dont go low carbs. lots of carbs are essential for strength gains. if you notice yourself putting on to much fat add in a few days of cardio a week. also eat lots of calories. i did an inferior cycle to yours, test enan and deca and put on 30 solid lbs almost no bodyfat. i ate 4000-5000 calories a day. my protien was only like 300 -350 grams a day.

  4. #4
    I know what you're sayin Mike but i want to get a 6 pack and the low carb/low fat/ high protein diet is working to get that, i'm just concerned that the low carb will hold me back from getting big...

    To answer Muncy's question, its working good, i'm taking 400m of EQs a week and 300m of Sus and that is going up as the weeks go by

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Shaaaaa
    i'm just concerned that the low carb will hold me back from getting big...
    Yes it will. You have to decide if you want to get big...or get cut. Because doing both at the same time is damn near impossible unless you have super genetics and a hefty income (hgh can accomplish this). Utilize the cycle you're on and up your carb intake big time (clean carbs...sweet potatos, oats, brown rice, veggies). When the cycle is finished, look into a good eca and maybe clen to help get cut.

  6. #6
    chinups Guest
    Has anyone else done this cycle? I am debating a Eq-winny cycle but the sides are safer with sust-eq so can someone tell me what they gained on a sust-eq cycle..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Damn beat me to it.

    Shaaa- Pete235 answered it plain and simple for ya.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    chinups- I know everyone is different but a friend of mine did a sust 500mg and eq 400mg cycle for about 10 or 12 weeks with pretty good results, he held some water but not much. I think he tapered the dosages towards the end though.

  9. #9
    chinups Guest
    Shaaaa, I would never cut out the carbs that pete has mentioned. If you are trainging hard doing cardio and just eating good carbs you will be fine ( carb watch) just be aware of carbs and maybe don't have any carbs later in the day.

    Tex-do you think it would be better then eq-winny, I am looking for supreme ripness and hard look. thanks

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    chinups- I can't say....never done winny yet. I will though! I would have to say sust and eq for a bigger hard look and eq and winny for a more hard ripped look. Of course I'm a believer of basing with some kind of test. I good one could be a eq, fina, winny cycle.

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