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  1. #1
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Help me optimize PWO nutrition.

    Ok, so to preface with my goals: I am currently "lean bulking" on AAS. I eat very clean with high pro intake, fats in all meals and minimal carb intake, usually only for breakfast and pre-workout meals. I am hearing more and more that it is super important to replenish glycogen as quickly as possible PWO to optimize gains. However, I follow all weight training sessions with a 45-60 minute cardio session. I do this midday and usually proceed to leave my glycogen reserves depleted and eat only pro/fat until the next day begins.

    A pending solution, I am pondering, is to slam a PWO shake w/ some form of carbohydrate immediately after my last set of weights, stretch for a while and THEN begin cardio. I have a strong stomach and don't mind digesting as I run/walk/pedal/whatever. Is this a good solution? If so, would fruit be my ideal carb choice? Those of you who know me must be surprised I'm even considering this, since I've always been a believer in complex carbs only. BUT if my goal is to replenish glycogen before cardio to immediately begin cell recovery, maybe some sugar could actually help. As where, say oats for example, may not provide anything quickly besides sustained energy over the next few hours. Regardless, this is becoming a confusing and frustrating dilemma. Thanks in advance guys.

  2. #2
    **TOP**'s Avatar
    **TOP** is offline Senior Member
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    Workout,do cardio,take pro/fat meal after. This is my simple suggestion. But then again, i also have a different take on cardio than everyone else also!!

  3. #3
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by **TOP** View Post
    Workout,do cardio,take pro/fat meal after. This is my simple suggestion. But then again, i also have a different take on cardio than everyone else also!!
    I tend to be with you on everything nutrition-wise. And this is currently what I do. I am seeing no lack of gains, just simply trying to broaden my horizons and make the most of my "situation". May well end up keeping it this way, just throwing out the scenario.

  4. #4
    Klimax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Ok, so to preface with my goals: I am currently "lean bulking" on AAS. I eat very clean with high pro intake, fats in all meals and minimal carb intake, usually only for breakfast and pre-workout meals. I am hearing more and more that it is super important to replenish glycogen as quickly as possible PWO to optimize gains.Not for sure. Depleted glycogen means increased insulin sensivity. However, I follow all weight training sessions with a 45-60 minute cardio session. I do this midday and usually proceed to leave my glycogen reserves depleted and eat only pro/fat until the next day begins.

    A pending solution, I am pondering, is to slam a PWO shake w/ some form of carbohydrate immediately after my last set of weights, stretch for a while and THEN begin cardio. I have a strong stomach and don't mind digesting as I run/walk/pedal/whatever. Is this a good solution? If so, would fruit be my ideal carb choice? Those of you who know me must be surprised I'm even considering this, since I've always been a believer in complex carbs only. BUT if my goal is to replenish glycogen before cardio to immediately begin cell recovery, maybe some sugar could actually help.Glycogen replenishment occurs in days not in minutes. In addition you'll burn carbs ingested during your cardio session. As where, say oats for example, may not provide anything quickly besides sustained energy over the next few hours. Regardless, this is becoming a confusing and frustrating dilemma. Thanks in advance guys.
    In bold my thoughts.
    If you're trying to bulk with moderate carbs, the best times to take them are at breakfast pre and postwo imo.

  5. #5
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Alright, thanks Top and Klimax. With that info, I think I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing - packing in the carbs at breakfast and Pre-workout (50g complex carbs via oats, 50g complex carbs via sweet potato) and then stick to pro/fat.

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