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Thread: Diet question

  1. #1
    chaud is offline New Member
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    Diet question

    Hi there, wasn't sure what forum to take this too but you folks all look pretty damn knowledgable on the matter so I thought what the hell.

    I am not looking to take steroids , however I am looking to create the same effect of anavar . Lean solid muscle on my frame, a good looking physique. I have no desire to be huge, I am just looking for some good strength and muscle solidity.

    I am currently 6 foot and 144 pounds, pretty lean but looking to be leaner and more solid.

    What kind of diet am I looking at for these kinds of results? Like I said, I do not want mass, I want anavar like results. Sorry for comparing it to anavar, I did not know how else to put it. I dont have to eat a 4000 calories a day just to be stronger, harder, and fitter do I?

  2. #2
    Twist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaud View Post
    Hi there, wasn't sure what forum to take this too but you folks all look pretty damn knowledgable on the matter so I thought what the hell.

    I am not looking to take steroids , however I am looking to create the same effect of anavar . Lean solid muscle on my frame, a good looking physique. I have no desire to be huge, I am just looking for some good strength and muscle solidity.

    I am currently 6 foot and 144 pounds, pretty lean but looking to be leaner and more solid.

    What kind of diet am I looking at for these kinds of results? Like I said, I do not want mass, I want anavar like results. Sorry for comparing it to anavar, I did not know how else to put it. I dont have to eat a 4000 calories a day just to be stronger, harder, and fitter do I?
    dude at 6ft and 140lbs you can't get leaner and you do not look anything but skinny. Not trying to be mean, but you need diet. you need to gain weight. How do you expect to get leaner without mass? the reason you don't look lean is because you have no mass, no fat, no muscle, just bones and tendons. you will get more muscle definition with more mass. eat food.

  3. #3
    chaud is offline New Member
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    Sorry, perhaps I worded that wrong. I am looking for strength gains and solidity, and to keep my lean-ness.

    I am skinny but not unnatractively skinny, I have a very low body fat and no real lack of muscle I dont think.

  4. #4
    Twist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaud View Post
    Sorry, perhaps I worded that wrong. I am looking for strength gains and solidity, and to keep my lean-ness.

    I am skinny but not unnatractively skinny, I have a very low body fat and no real lack of muscle I dont think.
    I am telling you that you do. no possible way to be 6ft and 140lbs and not have a lack of muscle. if you want strength you need muscle. and in your case a lot of muscle. If you want to be lean then watch what you eat. You won't gain fat at first, IMO the new weight you put on will be pretty lean.

  5. #5
    chaud is offline New Member
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    Fair enough, what is the difference between gaining strength and hardening the muscles and bulking up then?

  6. #6
    chaud is offline New Member
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    Because I have tried specifically bulking, and after 2 months of lifting hard and eating a surplus of CLEAN calories my gut was absolutely huge. I had never felt more unhealthy and unnatractive in my entire life. I guess that is just where I hold my weight, so I am opting for another option if there is one.

  7. #7
    Twist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaud View Post
    Because I have tried specifically bulking, and after 2 months of lifting hard and eating a surplus of CLEAN calories my gut was absolutely huge. I had never felt more unhealthy and unnatractive in my entire life. I guess that is just where I hold my weight, so I am opting for another option if there is one.
    I am calling bullshit. nobody eats healthy and clean calories and gets from ridiculously skinny to fat and unattractive. I used to be very very skinny. now look at my avi, am I fat and unattractive? I eat clean and apparently have genetics like yours. eat well and the right things, sleep, and get a good training regimen. I am telling you the way. Do as you like but if I am wrong all you have to do is stop eating and BOOM back to be holocaust victim status. up to you bro.

    ps. if the other option you are opting for is gear don't bother, diet will do so much more you have no idea.

  8. #8
    Klimax's Avatar
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    I have to agree with twist.

  9. #9
    chaud is offline New Member
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    I never said I was fat, I said my GUT was huge, yes I did pick up a little weight on the rest of my body. But I was still skinny everywhere else.

    And by the way, I have remained fairly collected even through your gratuitous insulting. So please give me the same respect I have given you.

    What was your diet when you starting lifting? Training regiment? What can you actually bring to this thread to help me besides "you're a skinny jew and I am a big strong man."


  10. #10
    Twist's Avatar
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    Dude I was so skinny I looked like a serious meth head years after I started training. I am telling you for sure that if you put on weight you will be happy. a huge gut = fat btw.

    eat clean meals with protein at every meal and workout but most importantly DO NOT OVERTRAIN!! that is probably your biggest problem with working out. do only 3 exercises per body part until you gain some muscle and to not gain fat just cut carbs out toward the end of the day. I have to go to work now but I would be happy to make you a diet for critique, and a workout regimen to compliment.

  11. #11
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    Twist is 100% on top of it bro. Eat every two hours. Lots of complex carbs, lots of lean protein and fibrous carbs (green veggies), use EFA's in most or all meals and train well. Get yourself a good multivatim and pre-workout supp (optional, but it will help you get that initial boost to your training). Don't go for power-lifting type training; good form/negatives, between 8-12 reps for most upper body sets. Train your legs hard once a week, you'll notice proportional gains elsewhere at your size. You WILL gain lots of lean mass, there isn't going to be a spec of doubt about that from anyone who reads this thread.

  12. #12
    closegrip921 is offline New Member
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    Great point twist. being 6 foot tall and weighing 144, i've only heard of elite boxers who cut to that weight and are that tall. I myself am 5'10 and could barely walk trying to cut to 141 when i was competing. Now you seem like youre very ectomorphic, which is a great thing if you want to have the lean mean look. but from what i'm hearing you seem pretty drained which will give you a pretty frail look and is very unhealthy in the long run. It may be hard to grasp but the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn, not to mention youre bigger so your muscles show through your fat (which you probably have very very little of genetically) but take for instance a guy who weighs 220 with 15% bodyfat but with alot of muscle will look way more ripped that a guy who weighs the same with less muscle density and 10% bodyfat. You'll see it all the time in the gym and wont notice. so the best thing is to get on a solid weight lifting program utilizing compound lifts (bench, squat, deadlift ect.) and a high caloric diet, eating small high protein meals every 2-3 hours. Weight train hard but take at least a day or two to recover after every workout. After 4 weeks of this, i guarantee you, you'll see progress, and not to mention it will be a much healthier approach than trying to focus on cutting weight so much.

  13. #13
    Klimax's Avatar
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    but take for instance a guy who weighs 220 with 15% bodyfat but with alot of muscle will look way more ripped that a guy who weighs the same with less muscle density and 10% bodyfat.

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