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Thread: diet

  1. #1


    my goal right now is to consume around 250-300 g of protein a day

    i will eat 6 eggwhites in the morning w/ oatmeal and multi vit muaximum greens by gnc and bcaa's w/ water

    50g -protein shake handful of almonds

    turkey sandwhich on whole wheat bread

    50g-protein shake

    i will try to hit the gym around midday this can be anywhere from 12am-2pm when i get back from leave this will be late evening

    i drink NO Synthesize at the gym

    i will have a whey protein shake after the gym w/ a mix of bcaa's and casin protein alltoghether around 50 g i will also take fish oil for inflamation

    dinner chicken or steak on my mini hot plate w/ raw brocoli and a baked potato

    protein shake be 4 bed whey and casin 25 g of each

    my shedule has to change all the time im a marine and hard to make a set schedule was wondering whats a good post workout simple carb and just need some help my goal is to gain weight im
    thanks alot

  2. #2
    that protein in the mid day is whey

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nightmares of bad kids
    If your goal is to consume 300g of proteins (don't know if it's a good idea with your stats) you reached it.
    If you wanna gain some mass, i don't see considerable amount of carbs compares with those tons of proteins. I don't understand why people think they need so many proteins in bulking.

  4. #4
    i wana put on lean mass is 100g -150g of carbs too few to put it on??!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Lurking in the shadows
    You want 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of Lean Body Mass
    Find your BF% and figure that out. I used to think since I weighed 215 lbs I needed up to 430 grams of protein when really I only need like 300 to 350 grams.

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