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Thread: Inbetween Cycles dont know what to do

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Inbetween Cycles dont know what to do

    I recently finished my 2nd cycle which was test and dbol. my goal was to bulk during this cycle so I ate a high amount of calories and really focused on putting on as much weight as possible and I wasnt really concerned with my bodyfat level. I am currently at 215 pounds and my bf is higher than I would like to be, but I expected this since I was consuming so much food. I dont know the exact percentage but I would estimate 14-16% Basically I can see my abs if I flex them really hard but when I stand naturally they are not visible.

    I am already planning a 3rd cycle which I will be starting mid April or May and for this 3rd cycle I will be focusing on adding some more lean muscle and since summer will be around the corner I will be focusing on getting a lean and hard look.

    Now that you know a little bit of what I have done and what I am planning for the spring I need advice on what to do now. I have 4 months to go before I start my 3rd cycle. Like I mentioned before I am not happy with my current bf level so I will be focusing on cutting that down during my 3rd cycle but for the time being before I start that what do you think I should do? From what I know I have 3 options:

    1. Continue eating a calorie surplus and try to gain more lean mass naturally (more fat will probably be gained during this time due to the surplus of cals)

    2. Eat below my maintenance and start trying to cut some of the fat (I will probably loose some muscle as well which I dont want to do if I can help it)

    3. Body recomp? I have read its possible to eat and train and make your body slowly burn some fat but gain a little bit of muscle so my weight would stay the same but my muscle to fat ratio would change for the better. A) I dont know if this is true and B) I have no idea on how to go about doing this.

    What do you guys suggest?
    Last edited by Vargue; 12-07-2009 at 02:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I would continue eating a high calorie diet with several rules. I would strongly advise against strict cutting or even maintenance cals right now because you don't want to waste your gains; you're likely going to lose some regardless.

    I would continue to eat a high calorie diet but be very conscientious of carb intake and timing of carb meals. Separate your pro/fat meals and pro/carb meals. Eat complex carbs early in the day and PWO only. Later in the day, rely on pro/fat/fibrous veggie meals for nourishment. During the PCT phase and month following, I would continue to eat above your TDEE - very clean. In preparation for your next cycle after that and during, I would make it about cutting. During which, be careful to account for your gains and increase cals accordingly as the weeks go by. Just my $.02.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Do NOT plan on cutting down your body fat on your next cycle. You are unhappy with your current body fat and just finished cycle means your body fat was to high to begin with and you should NOT have cycled. Why, why, why do people keep doing this when it's preached over and over in the Q& A section DONT do a cycle until your BF is UNDER 15%, 12% is better.

    Get your body fat under control BEFORE you cycle again. Your diet is key before, during and after cycle. This is not a fad: do it for 6 weeks then stop for a few months then do it again. It's a lifestyle. You do it, stick with it and live it every day or dont bother.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts;49***71
    Do NOT plan on cutting down your body fat on your next cycle. You are unhappy with your current body fat and just finished cycle means your body fat was to high to begin with and you should NOT have cycled. Why, why, why do people keep doing this when it's preached over and over in the Q& A section DONT do a cycle until your BF is UNDER 15%, 12% is better.

    Get your body fat under control BEFORE you cycle again. Your diet is key before, during and after cycle. This is not a fad: do it for 6 weeks then stop for a few months then do it again. It's a lifestyle. You do it, stick with it and live it every day or dont bother.
    Did you even read my first post? My bf is around 14-16% now and thats because I know I gained fat on this cycle. Steroids or not while bulking its gonna happen. When I started I was UNDER 15%. So by your rules I was able to cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts;49***71
    Do NOT plan on cutting down your body fat on your next cycle. You are unhappy with your current body fat and just finished cycle means your body fat was to high to begin with and you should NOT have cycled. Why, why, why do people keep doing this when it's preached over and over in the Q& A section DONT do a cycle until your BF is UNDER 15%, 12% is better.

    Get your body fat under control BEFORE you cycle again. Your diet is key before, during and after cycle. This is not a fad: do it for 6 weeks then stop for a few months then do it again. It's a lifestyle. You do it, stick with it and live it every day or dont bother.
    I agree completely. I went through hours of daily cardio to get my bf% to where I wanted it to be before starting my cycle. However, someone who's already done 2 and actively planning a 3rd, isn't going to re-evaluate with that same logic. Based on the posed question, I answered directly. In a perfect world, I'd say continue to bulk clean during the next month or two and then do several months of eating clean below TDEE and get that bf% down to 12% or under before considering another cycle. At which point, I'd continue with that same diet, simply upping cals based on gains.

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