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  1. #1
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    New and improved diet, what you think?

    I have reciently changed my diet up a bit to keep it a bit neater and gains cleaner. Taking in less whey, white rice and fats and increasing lean protien, lower GI carbs etc

    around 195 Lbs
    5' 7"
    around 15% BF

    Looking to clean Bulk

    07.15 - 7 whole eggs (Protien and Fat)

    08.15 - 50g Oats 30g whey (Protien and Carb)

    10.45 - 200g Lean Beef or chicken and 1.5 cups rice (90g Carbs) (Protien and Carbs)

    13.45 - 200g Lean Beef or chicken and 1.5 cups rice (90g Carbs) (Protien and Carbs)

    16.45 - 200g Lean Beef or chicken and 1.5 cups rice (90g Carbs) (Protien and Carbs)

    18.30 - 19.30 Train

    19.45 - PWO 100g Dextrose, 60g whey, water (Protien and Simple carbs)

    21.00 - 150g Lean Beef or chicken and 1 cups rice (60g Carbs) (Protien and Carbs)

    22.00 - 250g Low fat cottage cheese, 100ml Semi Skimmed milk

    What do u guys think

    Anything i can add/ improve on?

  2. #2
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I have reciently changed my diet up a bit to keep it a bit neater and gains cleaner. Taking in less whey, white rice and fats and increasing lean protien, lower GI carbs etc

    around 195 Lbs
    5' 7"
    around 15% BF

    Looking to clean Bulk

    07.15 - 7 whole eggs (Protien and Fat) Why no carbs here? Get your day started with a bang. Have grits or something. I'd have 4 whole eggs and 4-6 egg whites.

    08.15 - 50g Oats 30g whey (Protien and Carb) I like to mix my oats with whey too but you'd be better off with meat or fish. It's fine though - there's a good amount of high-quality pro in 50g of oats.

    10.45 - 200g Lean Beef or chicken and 1.5 cups rice (90g Carbs) (Protien and Carbs) Brown rice ideally.

    13.45 - 200g Lean Beef or chicken and 1.5 cups rice (90g Carbs) (Protien and Carbs) I'd just have a pro/fat meal here. Go for chicken and have a handful of almonds. Also, I still see no veggies. So make it pro/fat/fibrous veg - 2 cups of your preferred type.

    16.45 - 200g Lean Beef or chicken and 1.5 cups rice (90g Carbs) (Protien and Carbs) Make it beef for sure. Mix it up man, this diet is so lame! Have 2 sweet potatoes (about 70g carbs).

    18.30 - 19.30 Train

    19.45 - PWO 100g Dextrose, 60g whey, water (Protien and Simple carbs) Looks good.

    21.00 - 150g Lean Beef or chicken and 1 cups rice (60g Carbs) (Protien and Carbs) Clean bulk - no rice in this meal. 2 more cups of fibrous veg. and a fat here. Your diet is low on both EFA's and veggies as stated above. Avocados go great with lean beef but some natty PB or plain old nuts will get it done. Another option is 1.5 tbspns. of EVOO on said veggies.

    22.00 - 250g Low fat cottage cheese, 100ml Semi Skimmed milk

    What do u guys think

    Anything i can add/ improve on?
    Critique in bold.

    You need fat sources outside of dairy and beef. Also, I would just mix it up a lot in general. Remember, you don't always need to seperate pro/fat and pro/carb meals; it's more about a balanced diet IMO. If you like Salmon, it's a great fatty protein source. I also think that even for your goals, carb intake is high but as everyone here knows, I'm not big on high carb diets as I've been able to achieve serious lean gains with minimal carb intake. When you say rice, as touched on above - do you mean brown rice? Really, even on a hardcore bulking diet, you should not be taking in simple carbs with the exception of your PWO meal. I'd have some berries or something with your first 2 meals also - I can't imagine feeling very good eating what you have listed.

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Critique in bold.

    You need fat sources outside of dairy and beef. Also, I would just mix it up a lot in general. Remember, you don't always need to seperate pro/fat and pro/carb meals; it's more about a balanced diet IMO. If you like Salmon, it's a great fatty protein source. I also think that even for your goals, carb intake is high but as everyone here knows, I'm not big on high carb diets as I've been able to achieve serious lean gains with minimal carb intake. When you say rice, as touched on above - do you mean brown rice? Really, even on a hardcore bulking diet, you should not be taking in simple carbs with the exception of your PWO meal. I'd have some berries or something with your first 2 meals also - I can't imagine feeling very good eating what you have listed.
    Forgot to mention that all my rice is now brown rice, no white rice.

    Im going to add brocoli or other vege to the beef meals

    I dont have any carbs with meal one because i simply cannot fit them in me after eating all my eggs, so im eating them about a hr later when my eggs have gone down.

    Will look to add mor EFA's, maybe eat some fish PPWO and some nuts during the day.

    THX for ur input

  4. #4
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    I do not recommend a bulk at 15% bf because yo will gain and look fat. keep up the cut and I see no reason (in 99% of people) to go above 15% bf. you don't want to bulk and be fat then your cut is so much harder. all you have to do now is cut a little bf and you are good to go. then prime your bulk and eat lean and you will gain good weight.

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