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Thread: Critique Bulking Diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    In A Cave

    Critique Bulking Diet

    Hey everyone Im currently cutting right now trying to lose a few pounds before i get home from Iraq and when I get home I wanna bulk up so I was wondering if this would work please any advice is helpful.
    Age : 20
    Weight : 210lbs
    BF% about 12 13%

    heres the diet
    Meal 1
    12 egg whites
    1 whole egg
    2 cup steamed broccoli
    2 tbsp peanut butter or 18 almonds
    99g blueberries

    49g protein 30g carbohydrates 20g fat

    Meal 2
    2.5 scoops muscle milk
    3 cup steamed broccoli
    2 tbsp peanut butter + 12 almonds

    49g protein 30g carbohydrates 20g fat

    Meal 3
    7oz grilled chicken breast
    3 cup steamed broccoli
    2 tbsp peanut butter + 12 almonds

    49g protein 30g carbohydrates 20g fat

    Meal 4
    2.5 scoops Muscle milk
    3 cup steamed broccoli
    2 tbsp peanut butter + 12 almonds

    49g protein 30g carbohydrates 20g fat

    Meal 5
    7 oz chicken breat
    1.5 cup steamed broccoli
    2 tbsp peanut butter + 12 almonds
    99g blueberrys

    49g protein 30g carbohydrates 20g fat

    Meal 6
    7 oz chicken breast
    3 cup steamed broccli
    2 oz avocado + 12 almonds

    49g protein 30g carbohydrates 20g fat

    Meal 7
    7 oz chicken breast
    3 cup steamed broccoli
    2 oz avocado + 12 almonds

    49g protein 30g carbohydrates 20g fat

    Meal 8
    2.5 scoops muscle milk
    3 cup steamed broccoli
    2 oz avocado + 2 almonds

    49g protein 30g carbohydrates 20g fat

    Total of:

    Protein 392g
    carbs 240
    fat 160
    Total Calories 3968

    I wanna bulk but keep it kinda lean.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Poopooing on your parade
    Complex Carbs - you'll be tired and won't be able to lift weights=gain weight if you're body is tired. Oats for breakfast, and swap brocoli for sweet potato or brown rice in your lunch meal, and last meal of the day

    Protein shakes - PWO/before cardio is really the only time you'd see a benefit. Or maybe before morning cardio. Eat as much real food as you can.

    Brocoli - in 8 meals? you'll either start puking when you see it or develop food allergies. Make sure you are changing up the food sources to keep you sane and get the stuff your body needs.

    Real meal before bed - this meal is going to sit for 8 hours, make it something that takes your body a long time to break down,(eggs, beef, complex carbs) not a protein shake.

    Try to keep fats/carbs in seperate meals - Eat oats and protein for breakfast. then next meal should be fats and protein(almonds and chicken, etc.)

    Start with one of the Bulking diets in the stickies and adjust as you see fit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    In A Cave
    Okay so if i add the brown rice into the meal instead of broccoli how much of it would i want like a cup or 2 cups? and for breakfast would i like go lets say 4 -5 eggs whites then a bowl of oatmeal?then just switch my last protein shake with the meal before

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Poopooing on your parade
    You need to figure out what works best for you. You need to be sure you are getting enough carbs to allow you to work out to your full potential and grow. That's the point of bulking. Better to have too much over too little. You can adjust as you go along.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Of course real food is always going to be much better, but it's hard to choke down beef right before hitting the sack - especially when you're ready to drop already.

    If you have to have a protein shake before bed (I do), at least go with Casein protein which is processed much more slowly than Whey, and for the record I think Muscle Milk products are $hit. ON (Optimum Nutrition) makes a DELICIOUS Casein protein powder, check it out.

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