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I have reading this forum for a little while now and i feel that i have a pretty good diet right now but im sure you guys can tweek it a little haha.
I am ;
6 Foot
185 pounds
20 years old
11.9 % body fat.
M-F i go to class from 8am - 12 and lift from 12;30 - 1;30. After that i got to work (desk work) till about 8pm.
-I have just started doing cardio tuesday/thursday/Saturday mornings.
My goal is to cut my body fat to about 8% so i can have a ripped core. About 3 years ago i was about 50 pounds over weight but starting working out and dieting and lost all the weight. I now have thos 5 pounds of stubborn fat that i am going to get rid of. I am going to miami the last week in march and i am hoping to obtain my results by than. I have Clen and T/3 but im not sure if i am def. going to take it. I also have some test.
My diet consists of
8AM - 6 Egg whites
-Protein shake (2 scoops of protein (40Grams) 2tlb spoons Peanut butter 3 strawberries, 1 bannana, Water, Ice)
- Sometimes i replace my protein shake with 1 cup of instant oat meal W/ Water Cut the shake. It has too much simple sugar via the banana and regardless, shakes are for PWO unless in a bind. Have 1 cup of oats always, not the instant crap, steel cut. Sweeten with splenda or not at all.
11:00am Either a peanut butter sandwich with real fruit jelly (no sugar added) on whole weath bread or a small bowl of fruit (grapes, Strawberries, )
Yeah, this meal pretty much sucks balls. Lean meat protein source/complex carb. Wheat bread is a poor choice. You need to cut sugar to attain your goals in the set-time frame. No sugar added jelly is still terrible for your purposes.
12:30 - Pre Work out - Eat whichever i didn't eat at 11:00 (peanut butter sandwich or fruit bowl) Right, this is why you can't lose that last bit. Real meal. Lean meat/veg/complex carb. Power meal.
12:45- Weight train
1:45- Pre made protein shake (2 scoops of protein (40Grams) 2tlb spoons Peanut butter 3 strawberries, 1 bannana, Water, Ice)
OR - Protein bar from store. No protein bar. Those things do nothing and often have a lot of sugar. You need to take out the fruit from your shake. Keep the 2 tbspn. of natural PB.
4:30 Eat either a grilled chicken sandwich w/ lettuce on whole weat pita Stop eating carbs now. Burn fat like crazy from now until you wake up the next morning. That means eating fats as an energy source with your protein. For example, 4 oz. grilled chicken with 2 cups of brocolli and 1 oz. almonds.
7:30 Chicken and turkey with broccli Sure.
9:30 Peanut butter sandwich same as listed above No carbs before bed. You store them and fat loss is hindered. Have a casein shake w a serving of EFA's (healthy fat like natural PB, flax oil, etc) before bed.
Usually at night is when im craving the carbs the most.
Again any advice would greatly be appreciated