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I'm having a problem lately (well actually I always have) loss of energy when working out. I've recently joined kick boxing to get back into shape (i'm 6'0 with around 25% bf 30 years old 214 lbs) beofre this lalst year I joined a fitness comp for losing the most weight, the workouts were very hard 1 hour long sessions three times a week plus daily cardio. The problem i'm having is the lack of strength and energy to push through the workouts. I know everyone is going to say diet is everything but my diet seems to be good (and was being managed by a dietician). No junk foods, complex carbs, no fatty protiens (except from some nuts) eating 4 times a day usually(used to eat at least 6 times). In kick boxing I have lots of strength left I can lfeel it, but it seems like all of a sudden the strength is just zapped away, weakness kind of takes over. I was thinking this might be a oxygen issue because i do have asthma and may have slow circulation so I've started on a ginko suppliment to maybe help with the circulation anyways. I'm also sweating profusely, head is covered and dripping in sweat. There are some other guys in my class that are very over weight and are beating me in workouts and barely sweating! I just don't know whats going on, one thing is I can't eat to much before a workout or i'll get sick to my stomach so I tend ot only have a cup and ahalf of cottage cheese a hour before a workout. There have been times when i've taken a suppliment and I've felt amazing with tons of strength and energy put its only happened once, the suppliment never had the same effect again (was superpump) if I could only get that feeling again during a workout I know I could achieve SO much. I'm hoping someone might have some ideas on what I can do to help stop this weakness feeling I get. I'm out of ideas, i've tried everything. What can aperson maybe take/eat for better oxygen supply in the blood?