02-12-2010, 05:01 PM #1
Trying to eventually be on stage someday
I am 20 years old, been lifting for a while now, got serious around 20 and now i want to get SERIOUS. I need to get prepared in the next 4 years to start using steroids (when im 24) i have a picture from when i was 18 till now and there is a huge differance. Here is my workout routine (changes every 6-10 weeks longer if im seeing crazy gains) I am here to get advise on my routine like what to eat. just anykind of anything will help. i was thinking a 40 40 20 diet u guys help me decide, but how can i get the ridiculous amount of calories needed (i have money for prot sups) and I already use protein and i have a preworkout but thats it should i be taking anything else at my age? thanks guys
just started this last week (shout to to twist for the routine) i have been overtraining before this hardcore.
cardio is 20-30 mins of slow bike after weights
Day 1
decline bench 5 sets, reps 4, 4, 6, 10, 16
incline db press 4 sets, reps 5, 5, 16, 16
military press 3 sets, reps 6, 6, 16
upright rows 3 sets, reps 10, 10, 10
dips (weighted) 5 sets, 4, 4, 6, 10, 16
Day 2
Day 3
Deadlift overhand grip, wide 5 sets 6, 6, 6, 10, 16
pull ups (weighted if needed to achieve reps) 6 sets reps 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
rows 4 sets reps 6, 6, 10, 16
pullover 2 sets reps 10, 10
Flat bar curl wide grip 2 sets reps 10, 10
flat bar curl inside grip 2 sets reps 10, 10
Day 4
Day 5
squat 4 sets reps 4, 4, 6, 16
lunge 4 sets reps 8, 8, 8, 8steps each foot
hack squat 3 sets 10, 10, 10
standing calf raise 4 sets 16, 16, 16, 16
seated calf raise 3 sets 16, 16, 16, 16
Day 6
day 7
Week 2
Day 1
incline flyes
tricep (pick 2-3 exercises of your choice)
Day 2
reverse pec deck
biceps (pick two exercises)
Day 3 rest
Day 4
whatever you want, stick to 3-4 exercises
Day 5
leg curl
same calf stuff as above
day 6
Day 7
here some pictures of before and afterLast edited by MurphDawgg485; 02-12-2010 at 09:28 PM.
02-12-2010, 09:36 PM #2
http://www.steroid.com/diet.php will be using this diet plan, but do is this the wrong diet if im not using steroids for another 4 years?
02-13-2010, 09:46 AM #3
Run screaming from this diet.... do some research on your own... and read this:
Then post a diet that you designed and have it critiqued...
02-13-2010, 11:35 PM #4
02-14-2010, 05:16 AM #5
instead of "LMAO X2" i would appreciate some advise because I said, im turning this into something big in my life and dont my work to be wasted with bad nutrition. If this diet is awful then what are some alternatives?
02-14-2010, 06:11 AM #6
What your asking for is a custom dietary design... not worth my time unless your paying me (I am a certified trainer and my services arent free)... However my diet is posted in this forum (granted i need more calories than you but the principals are the same).... I gave you a link to a thread that will tell you pretty much every you ever wanted to know about dieting... read some of these and formulate a diet from Morning to night including pre and post workout and there are more than a few people on this board that would be willing to give you their input, however they are probably not going to do the work for you either...
02-14-2010, 03:01 PM #7
nobody laughing at you bro,im laughing at the comment soulstealer made,i also agree with it,the best thing you can do is read the stickies,research,research,research,come back post up your stats with your goals and a diet to meet those goals,folks will be able to look at it and make suggestion to you.Whether you are stepping on stage 1 day or this is a hobby,diet will be the most important factor for your success. After you research and organize yourself a meal plan go back and look at that other diet.
02-14-2010, 03:36 PM #8
agreed!! most every on this forum takes weightlifting and their nutrition very serious and like you said "big in their life". Most people had to learn on their own after years of probably wasting money on crap supplements and bad nutrition. It took me 4 years to teach my self do a lot of research and figure it out on my own. that's what the "search" button is there for. don't be rude when people on here are giving you free advice not to go with that diet plan. Also everyone's body diff, what works for one may not work for you. I've learned that the hard way.
02-14-2010, 08:05 PM #9
i know that people had to do it the hard way. I am so i repeat so VERY excited and feel privaleged (sp) that i am able to get help and pointers from you pros while im still young. And yes i did act foolish in asking that much i apologize. I just have a huge oppurtunity to get ready during the next 4 years then start with proper use on enhancers after 24 to make it on the stages. Ty again for all the help and support and ill be here to keep you guys posted on progress. Fri i will post what i have eating and my calorie intake. thanks again
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