First off let me say hello to you all out there. I have been reading this forum for years now and just recently decided to join. Little bit of information about myself I am 33 5"9 195 12.50% Body Fat have been training for about 7 years but 2 years real dedicated. I use your average supplements Creatine, Multi Vit's, Amino Acids, Zma, Ect.
I am ready to start My First Cycle. I am thinking of using D-bol 45mg a day split up and Test E 250 500mg a week. First four weeks i would run the d-bol and run the test for 12 weeks also runing Hcg three days a week at around 250ius a time starting the four week in to keep the testies from shutting down. Also i plan on Taking T3 after the four week at 25mcg a day This is optional and i might just use it in a cutting cycle later on down the line) Please let me know what you all think of this.
I plan on having clomid and noval on hand for post running 18 days after my cycle ends at a Clomid 100/50/50/50/50 & Nolva 40/20/20/20 I will be taking milk thistle throught to keep the liver safe as it could be. Please let me know what your thoughts are on the cycle and anyother info you could give me. I would like to post my diet also and would love any critisism or Help in any form From you all out there who have the experiance and a willing to lend a helpin hand. I Really want to get this right and do it a s Safe As Possible. Thanks GOD BLESS!
Meal 1
1 cup of dry oats mixed with water
1 cup of egg beaters
Meal 2
Meal replacement packet like Prolab's Lean Mass Complex mixed with water or a protein powder mixed with 40 grams of carbs from cream of rice, grits, or oatmeal.
Meal 3
1 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of oatmeal
2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable
6-8 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish
Meal 4
Same as Meal 2
Meal 5
1 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of oatmeal
2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable
6-8 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish
Meal 6
Same as Meal 2
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#2 Yesterday, 04:27 PM