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Thread: Calorie Count advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Calorie Count advice

    Last edited by dk_001; 02-25-2010 at 03:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by dk_001 View Post
    Hi there,

    Currently on a 10w/k cycle of Sust. 250 at 500mg per week. Dosing every Monday and Thursday.

    Did a calorie count today and currently taking in 2415 Cal per day.

    My diet is very lean - high protein, high carb, low fat. No supplements, all natural good old food.

    Is 2415 Cal per day enough for these stats?

    Weight: 94kg
    Height: 6ft 4
    Bf %: 12%
    Training: 3days per w/k. High intensity
    Goal: Put on lean mass over 10wks.
    Hell no it's not enough. I ate 3500 cals per day on my 12-week cycle (3900 weeks 8-12) - I am 6'1", a couple lbs. lighter and 8-10% bf - My goal was to maintain my current body fat while adding 15-20 lbs. of lean muscle. I also have a fairly average metabolism and am very capable of getting fat unlike some lucky f*cks. Granted, I am very active but the point is, unless you're trying to shed fat and aren't worried about LBM gains, you need to add 600-1000 clean calories depending on your your activity level.

    Post your diet with macros for each meal and when the meal is eaten. Example:

    Meal 1 - 8:00 AM: 2 whole eggs, 8 egg whites, 1 cup raw oats
    42/51/11/540 (Pro/carb/fat/cal)

    It will take 30 minutes or so but you'll waste your cycle if you don't get your diet in check. And frankly, if you missed the calorie mark by that much, I don't see it happening without some help. Said with all due respect.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by dk_001 View Post
    Hi there,

    Currently on a 10w/k cycle of Sust. 250 at 500mg per week. Dosing every Monday and Thursday.

    Did a calorie count today and currently taking in 2415 Cal per day.

    My diet is very lean - high protein, high carb, low fat. No supplements, all natural good old food.

    Is 2415 Cal per day enough for these stats?

    Weight: 94kg
    Height: 6ft 4
    Bf %: 12%
    Training: 3days per w/k. High intensity
    Goal: Put on lean mass over 10wks.
    Absolutely not.

  4. #4
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    Last edited by dk_001; 02-25-2010 at 03:18 AM.

  5. #5
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    Last edited by dk_001; 02-25-2010 at 03:18 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by dk_001 View Post
    Wow, thats a bit of a shock. I'm feeling really full and have definately stepped up my diet since my last cycle where I gained a solid 13lbs. Any help is really appreciated though and I respect everyones intake.

    Here is my diet. Sorry I do not have any macro counts as I cannot find my sheet with all these numbers written down.

    Meal 1 - 7:30am: 1 Cup raw oats, 250ml liquid egg white (9 egg whites.) Nice. If it were me, I'd have at least 1 whole egg but not necessary.

    Meal 2 - 10:30am: 250g Natural l/f yoghurt, 1 Banana, 1/2 cup mixed nuts.
    This meal is a disaster. It's not even a meal, more like what my 110 lb. girlfriend eats as a snack - meanwhile, you're a big dude on AAS! No fruit or yogurt. Back to the drawing board. Lean protein/complex carb. Example: 4 oz. grilled chicken, 1/2 cup brown rice, and 1 cup green beans or other green vegetable.

    Meal 3 - 1:00pm: 200g Canned Tuna, 1 Cup mixed green Salad
    I'd like to see you add a complex carb here. Right now you're carbs are coming from fruit (sugar) and that isn't gonna do you any good in terms of sustained energy in the gym. Example: 200g canned tuna on 2 slices of whole grain bread.

    Meal 4 - 3:30pm: 250g Natural l/f yoghurt, 1 Nectarine, 1 Kiwi fruit, 1 Peach, 1 Green apple.
    Another 110 lb. girl snack. Although it does sound delicious. Have a meal! Lean protein/complex carb. Example: 6 oz. Salmon Filet and 1 medium-sized sweet potato

    Meal 5 - 5:30pm: 250ml liquid egg white (9 egg whites)
    Have your 8:00 PM chicken/rice/veg meal here.

    Meal 6 - 8:00pm: 1 whole chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, 1 cup mixed frozen vegetables. I would not be eating 45g of carbs in your last meal. Have a pro/fat meal. Your fats are way low. Example: 6 oz. 95% lean ground beef, 1 cup brussel sprouts, and 1 oz. almonds/cashews

    Before bed - add another meal. I assume you're up till at least 10:00 PM. Either 6 oz. lean steak (14g fat) or ideally a 2-scoop casein shake with 2 tbspn. natural peanut butter

    I hope this is of any guidance.

    Please help Thank you.
    I've fixed your diet. Implement what I've done and use to calculate the macros (pro/carb/fat/cal) in each meal. Tally it all up and see where you're at. You'll still be short of the cals I'd like to see you on but we haven't accounted for your PWO shake. When you re-post your diet, please include your workout time.

    Now, here are some things that you may not know and should:

    1- You should be getting 1.5g of protein per lb. of lean body mass on cycle. That's 300g for you.

    2- Not all fat is bad. It's very important to have a minimum of 50g fat daily - 70 ideally. Most of which should be from poly/monounsaturated sources (nuts/nut-butter, flax oil, evoo, avocados, etc). Before I touched your diet, I'd estimate you only had 20g or so.

    3- 15 minutes after you finish training you'll obviously be having a PWO shake. At least, I should hope so. This shake should contain 25-40g of protein via fast-digesting whey and an energy source to increase protein synthesis and replenish glycogen, preferably 40g carbs via oats mixed right in. However, this will be used rapidly and no longer effective after 45 minutes or so. That said, you should be eating 1 of your 7 whole food meals upon getting back from the gym. As you can see, I really need to know when you're training to properly structure your diet.

    4- From a bodybuilding standpoint, your pre-critique diet is horrendous. No offense. Definitely not fit for using AAS. I believe you gained 13 lbs. on your first cycle but that's not saying much when you don't have a good base. When I first got back in the gym after a year off, all natural, taking only creatine, I gained 10 lbs. in a month. It's gonna be a lot harder with a shitty diet now since your body can no longer be shocked into rapid gains, if that makes sense.

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    Last edited by dk_001; 02-25-2010 at 03:18 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dk_001 View Post
    Okay here is my diet re-worked. What do you think Damienm05?

    I have added some foods and calculated macros. I think I would be intaking too much fat and too many carbs.

    Any help is appreciated.

    Meal 1 – Breakfast
    1 Cup of raw oats – 5/27/3/150
    250ml Liquid egg white – 26/0/0/120 That works.

    31pro / 27carb / 3fat / 270cal

    Meal 2 – Morning Tea
    250g Natural low fat yoghurt – 9.5/15/5/152
    1 Banana – 2.5/51/0.7/200
    250ml Liquid egg white – 26/0/0/120 Ok, you need to understand something. Fruit and yogurt are healthy but they are not good bodybuilding foods. Dairy reduces vascularity and increases bloat, especially on cycle. Fruit is just sugar and sugar is bad. You can't eat these foods in conjunction with a high-calorie bodybuilding diet. Have a 1/2 cup of oats with splenda to satiate your sweet tooth. No fruit. No yogurt.

    38pro / 66carb / 5.7fat / 472cal

    Meal 3 – Lunch
    185g Tuna – 40/0/5/220
    1 whole Egg – 5.5/0.3/4.3/63
    1 cup mixed baby greens – 6/12/0/45
    2 slices whole grain bread – 8/36/3/180 looks good to me

    59.5pro / 48.3carb / 12.3fat / 508cal

    Meal 4 – Afternoon Tea (pre workout)

    250g Natural low fat yoghurt – 9.5/15/5/152
    125ml Liquid egg white – 13/0/0/60
    1 slice whole grain bread – 4/18/1.5/90
    1 kiwi fruit – 2/24/1/100
    1 nectarine – 1/16/0.5/70
    1 peach – 1/11/0/40 OK, all this fruit sounds delicious but it's very bad. Especially pre-workout, you want complex carbs, not sugar. You also want a full-feed (40g of lean protein). Have more tuna/chicken/beef whatever with 40g of complex carbs. Example, 6 oz. lean ground beef and 1 cup brown rice. You need a real meal pre-workout, not a fruit plate. Also, egg whites are an incomplete protein source, so I'd limit them to the two meals above.

    30.5pro / 84carb / 8fat / 512cal

    Meal 5 – Post workout
    WPI pwo Shake (3 scoop) – 34.5/16.5/0.5/213
    ½ cup row oats – 2.5/13.5/1.5/75 Nice

    37pro / 30carb / 2fat / 288cal

    Meal 6 – Dinner
    1 cup chopped Chicken Breast – 42.8/2.4/12.8/307
    1 cup Brown Rice – 2/23/1/109
    1 cup Mixed Vegetables – 2.6/12/0/59
    ½ Mixed nuts – 14/17.5/35/407 way too many cals in this meal due to all these nuts. Just have 1 serving of fibrous nuts (almonds are best). Otherwise, it's good. If you're afraid of gaining body fat, I may cut the rice and just do protein/fat with veggies but I know some people just aren't willing to do that.

    61.4pro / 55carb / 49fat / 882cal

    Meal 7 – Later evening meal
    WPI Shake (3 scoop) – 34.5/16.5/0.5/213
    2 slices whole grain bread – 8/36/3/180 Ok, you should not be eating carbs within 3-hours of bedtime. This is mostly a sedentary period and you won't need them for energy. This is a mistake that gets people to high bf% quickly as they are stored as fat if not used. Add another serving of healthy fat instead. 18g or so. Now, as for your protein shake, this is a terrible pre-bed protein source. It will be gone in 45 minutes and you want something that will be in you all night. Buy some Casein!

    42.5pro / 52.5carb / 3.5fat / 393cal

    TOTALS: 300pro / 362.8carb / 83.5fat / 3325cal
    I could have changed more but I didn't wanna assume you had access to all the same foods I eat. If you make the above changes your diet will be pretty good. Shoot for 300 pro/300 carb/70 fat - that's like 3090 cals. Start there and if you're not gaining fat, up carbs back to 360ish for maximum gains at 3300 again. Always room to improve, keep reading threads and posting whenever you have questions. Please PM me or continue this thread if you have questions; I have done the bare-minimum, nothing I've suggested isn't necessary for someone considering aas. You have no idea what you can achieve if you stick to a diet like this.

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    Last edited by dk_001; 02-25-2010 at 03:19 AM.

  10. #10
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    You can lead a horse to water...

  11. #11
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    Nice posts Damien, just remember, not only the OP gets benefit from you taking your time writing good posts. Others are lurking, reading and hopefully learning from your posts, which are spot on in my opinion.

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