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Thread: is this diet okay ????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Exclamation is this diet okay ???? please comment

    at the moment i am having a lateish first meal as i am unemployed but i am having it as soon as i wake up. it varies from day to day but only slightly.
    meal 1: 10:30 5 wheatabix handfull of raisens and skimmed milk.
    meal 2: 12:30 2 small chicken breasts with 1 pitta and some cottage cheese.
    meal 3: 2:30 4 or 5 egg omelette or tin tune and red apple.
    meal 4: 4:30 heinz baked beans on 1 brown slice of toast
    meal 5: 6:30 homemade minestrone soup ( full of beans etc ) but evening meal vary from day to day
    workout 7:30
    meal 6: 9:15 after workout 2 scoups USN 100% whey protean (40g) and banana or apple
    back to bed roughly at 10:30
    to be honest this is a pretty good day eating wise for me, but generally is as above. i dont have the funds to eat more than that at the moment but is that sufficiant enought ?
    Last edited by benbean77; 03-03-2010 at 09:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Actually NO, it's not a good diet for BB. Go to the diet section and read up, ask admin or a vet to move this to the diet section

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